Florida SB 436 protested as "racist"

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I'm outraged at these protesters for not highlighting how sexist this law is; after all, virtually all of these alleged home invaders will be male! Why does Jeb feel the need to target men?

This is where the tortured dialogue on discrimination has brought us. The definition of discrimination has been moved beyond disparate treatment (treating different people in different ways) into the realm of disparate results (looking at whether there is a difference in results).

The standard in Equal rights cases heard by the EEOC has always been "Disparate Impact" that means the intent is not important only the results matter.

Lets face it Black males tend to be perpetrators of crimes in a disproportionately high number relative to their population, so most likely they will be shot more frequently as a percentage of their population. BUT if you break into a persons home or try to rob, or assault them you deserve to be shot.

This nonsense as always fails to address the real problem, which is that these folks see crime as a way of life, you and I are just prey, and thats why black males tend do get shot more often.

OF COURSE THE PART THESE NINNY's forget is that BLACK males tend to be shot most often by their fellow Black male crimminals with illegally owned guns in their own Hood. In fact about 95% of the shootings in my town are black on black violence related to the drug trade in some way. :barf: :fire:

These folks ought to be protesting the death of black males down in the hood where it happens, but of course thats not a real safe place or ideal for the TV cameras..
If that nice, liberal, socially conscious white lady would just break into a few houses late at night, she wouldn't have to ask rhetorically. She could find out first hand whether people would shoot her as many times as they'd shoot a black man. :rolleyes:

If I ever find a well-dressed white woman hurting my wife or kids, she's probably getting shot.

Kirk, Dorothy Tillman definitely needs more gun. So would I if I had a mouth like hers.
Similarly hysterical cries of "RACISM" were shouted when Louisiana passed their "Shoot A Burglar" law, oh, it must be a couple of decades ago by now. I saw a "debate" on TV between one of the bill's authors and a lady from, IIRC, the NAACP.

Black lady: "Black people will be killed in great numbers!"

White guy: "You've said black people are victims of crime more often than white people. This law protects them, too. You should support it."

Black lady: "But more blacks will be killed!"

White guy: "Are you saying blacks commit more crimes? That sounds pretty racist."

Black lady: "Well, what if a black man is driving through a white neighborhood at night, has car trouble, and knocks on a door for help? He'll be shot under this law!"

White guy: "It's the shoot a BURGLAR law - nobody can shoot someone under this law just for knocking on their door or ringing the doorbell, regardless of the hour!"

Black lady: "Well, suppose there's no answer, so to get to a phone he breaks a window and climbs in - the homeowner can shoot him then!"

White guy: "If there's no answer at the door and he breaks in rather than trying the next house, he IS a burglar then, isn't he?" :rolleyes:
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