Friend got mugged, but entrenches his sheeple thinking..

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He went outside with them?? Does anyone here NOT know you NEVER willingly go to "crime scene two"? The fight startsright here and NOW.
Hey twoblink...........

not to be disrespectful to you and yours, but your girlfriend's friend sounds like he's gay.

If this is indeed the case, then he's an anti-gun liberal and a homosexual. What response did you think he would have??????
What did this fellow think he was getting into when he stepped outside with two abusive strangers to meet, what I sure hope he realized was a third potential BG?
99% of the people in the world seem to be very NON-Confrontational and passive to the extreme.
What's the lesson to be learned here? Certainly not picking on some guy that twoblink's GF knows, but...

If you or I are sitting in said internet cafe, sipping a latte or hot tea with no CCW, Condition White to the extreme and two yahoos come up and give you that..."my girlfriend... step outside"... stuff, what types of implements (other than your Glock/Kahr/Benchmade etc, which for the moment, say you... left at home) do you have at hand to dissuade such antics on hooligan's part?
Chop Sticks?
Ballpoint Pen?
Butter knife?
Hot Coffee or tea?
Customer sitting next to you?
Your head or hands or feet?
Whats YOUR mindset?

Hmmmm... To go without protest or to go like a Berserker Tazmaniac?

What WAS that saying Mr. Beamer said on 9-11-01?
"Lets Roll"?

A Line from a couple of my favorite movies... may be appropriate here
"Never Give Up. Never Surrender."
"Are you talking to me?"

But thats just me. YMMV (But, I'd bet 99% of the people registered here would agree... and would probably have something a little more formidable about them)
2 guys walk in and say "Hey, my friend outside says you are the one that's been dating his girlfriend, he'd like to talk to you.." and they rough him up around the collar until he walks out with them..

well clearly the guy is an idiot. he went outside with them. i would have had the fella come inside
Senior Member

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1458
I feel you should have the right to defend yourself but in this case and a great many others, since the enemy had the "drop" on you a gun or a battleship would not have changed a thing except maybe he and a few others would be dead. A CCW doesn't do much good if you are laying on the ground with a knife to your throat. Many cops are killed with their own weapons, life is so unfair.

No, no, and no.

Of the cops killed with a firearm (about 50 a year, usually less) less than 1/5 of them (17%, for an exact percentage ) are killed with their own weapon.

Considering what cops do, I am suprised the number is so low. It is no reason to change my own actions.

I'll provide a reference for the number of Law Enforcement Officers killed by Wednesday, unless somebody else does first. If that somebody else manages to post the cite before me, $10 goes to their favorite pro gun organization :) .

*edited to add, should be "about 60 a year, usually less"

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I just have to add this - ClubSi is for morons. I own an Acura and that place turned me off in a big way. The people there are often unlikely to know much about cars, let alone self-defense or other pertinent issues. I think they even allow porn to be posted there. Not exactly a high-brow audience.

They are probably worried about you "bustin a cap" into a 15 year-old because many folks there ARE 15 year-old internet "THugZ" and "GanGstaZ, y0!"

Might I suggest Honda-Tech as a more enlightened (if by degree) place to share Honda and car-related info?
I completely agree bill. I post in Si vs. All on clubsi, which is pretty much a separate group of people from the rest of the site. The people there, for the most part, know what they're talking about and laugh at the idiocy spread around the rest of the site. I only look in Out There for the occasional laugh [/end threadjack]:)
Some here are saying he should have fought the two men when they laid hands on him. Welll. . . . . maybe. 2 on 1 is not a good idea, but did you pay close attention? Where did the cleavers come from?
That's right, they each had one. Those two goons had a cleaver apiece when they first accosted him. If he'd fought and lost, maybe he wouldn't have seen them for a few minutes, but if he'd begun to get the upper hand. . . . 2 on 1, 2 meat cleavers vs. 1 empty set of hands! :what: Bad idea.

Better to have that pistol just in case.
I'm getting close to a cite on those statistics!

An oft-repeated concern is that hijackers will take the guns and use them against the passengers. Opponents in the U.S. note that police are sometimes killed with their own guns. Yet, in 2000 in the U.S., where police always carry guns, 33 out of nearly 700,000 police full-time officers were killed with a handgun, and only one of these firearm deaths involved the police officer's own gun. Statistics from 1996 to 2000 show that only 8/1,000ths of 1% (that's 0.008%) of assaults on police resulted in them being killed with their own weapon.
c_yeager, reread the original post. The conflict started with 2 guys approaching the victim not 1. He was at a decided disadvantage from the beginning. He most likely wouldn't have fared very well by fist fighting.

Going outside with them didnt work out all that well either. Personally i'll go out fighting before I'll die in a dark alley at the hands of these idiots. And if they DID decide to suddenly produce their clevers then how does the saying go? "dont bring a knife to a gun fight". Yeah that about covers it. You may not "win" but personally id rather be in charge of my own life than let it be run by people like this.
I once new an anti that had to be robbed 4 times before his eyes opened.
One of my most difficult conversions to date. He's got carry permit now, and packs his model 65. Converted his first anti a couple of weeks ago. Like putting a big block caddy into a CRX!

Twoblink's additional conversation:

TB: "Errr.. Why on God's green earth did you walk outside??"
DF (Dumb Friend): "Because they told me to.."
TB: "You know there are cameras INSIDE the internet cafe and not outside right?"
DF: Yes
TB: So if I were you, I would have sat right there, and if they wanted to, they couldn't have tried to drag me out, and then I would have started screaming bloody murder while inside..
DF: Yeah, but they could have been waiting for me outside if I didn't go out
TB: So walking out into your own (near) death was better?
DF: What choices did I have?
TB: Errr... not going outside sounds good, calling the cops sounds good. Telling the management sounds good..
DF: You make it sound so easy..
TB: You make it sound so hard...


I'll betcha he gets mugged again... So sad..

Actually, I am very glad this guy is walking around unarmed and unconvinced. As long as there is easy prey like that, the probabilities are that the predators are going to pass over me in favor of something much easier like him.

Knew a fellow once that died of suffocation while sniffing glue with a plastic bag over his head. Another friend went to the funeral home, discovered he was the only person to sign the book. Went to the coffin, and the only think he could think of to say was "Better you than me, you dumb son of a b----!"

By the way, 15 years old or 95 years old, everybody has to live with the reality that the robbing business is high risk. You go to robbing people, you have to understand you are going to either die in the street or get f.....d half to death in the joint. Your choice, your consequences. Right or wrong, just or unjust doesn't enter into it.

God bless and y'all be carfeful out there.:cool:
DF (Dumb Friend): "Because they told me to.."

Just no getting through to this guy. It really sounds as though he didn't want to fight back, even for his own life.

You cannot talk someone into having a self-preservation instinct if they truely lack it.

Belive me, I've tried.

Evolution will catch up with those types, sad but true. Just make sure you're not around to also get killed when it happens.
a 15yr old in FL stabbed a young dad to death

a few yrs ago,the young dad caught him stealing from his garage and gave chase,the 15yr old punk stabbed him.
hell yeah shoot the punk!
oh yeah,a quick google search found this,in MD's "gun free" paradise,0,5129134.story?coll=bal-local-headlines
Three city teens charged in killing
Man, 52, was stabbed near Pimlico Race Course
By A Sun Staff Writer
Originally published January 5, 2004
Three Northwest Baltimore teen-agers - two of them pupils at city middle schools - were arrested during the weekend and charged with murder in the stabbing of a 52-year-old man Friday evening near Pimlico Race Course, police said.
The victim, Joseph A. Harvey of the 5100 block of Chalgrove Ave., was walking in the 5200 block of Park Heights Ave., a few blocks from his home, about 5:30 p.m. when he was attacked by four youths and stabbed in the back with a hunting knife during an attempted robbery, said Detective Frank Miller. Harvey died a short time later at Sinai Hospital.
Police identified the arrested teen-agers as
Cory Barnes, 15
of the 2600 block of Quantico Ave., a Garrison Middle School pupil
Bryant Giles, 14 and
Christopher Wallace, 15
You know what is shameful?

During the conversation, I told him to fight back.. he said what could he do? I said my gf would have fought back harder than that..

He then asked my gf "What would you have done??"
GF: "I would have stabbed him in the throat before he got a knife up to mine!!"
DF: "With what?"
GF (Pulls out a 3" knife..) This..
DF: :what: Where did you get that? And do you carry it on you all the time??
GF: [Twoblink] gave it to me FOR SELF PROTECTION. :cool: Yep, always on me..

Twoblink's GF = practical tactical

My gf refers to him as "Mugger Fodder". Cool huh?? :evil:

"A man is not properly dressed if he leaves his domicile without a folding knife and a multi-tool."

He's not only not properly dressed, he's also dumber than a flat rock.

God bless and y'all be careful out there.:cool:

not to be disrespectful to you and yours, but your girlfriend's friend sounds like he's gay.

What does the Moron's sexual preferance have to do with anything? I know several Homosexuals, here in small town KY, that are pro gun and CCW. Is "Mugger Bait" stupid...probably, is he liberal...most likely, is he Gay...Who Cares?
The gays are armed today. I think they have a club/website named Pink Pistols or something to that effect.
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