Gang will target Minuteman vigil on Mexico border

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Well, God bless them (MMP) especially now. It likely will take an ugly scene or possiblt a bloodbath to bring attention to this horrible mess on our borders. Bless the ones that are willing to brave a potentially violent storm for all of our benefit. Dead US citizens shot from armed Mexican gangs, possibly over the border, is not something that GWB (who I have been a staunch supporter of other than his moronic border policies) can ignore.

You gonna blame US citizens for being shot across the river by armed Mexican gangs? That won't even sell in the liberal burbs.
Hard to say what GWB will react to... There have been over 30 american citizens kidnapped in Mexico on the border in the last 6 months....

Have not heard a word about it from DC.
What would MS-13 have to gain by potting members of the MMP? :confused:

If MS-13, the scary bogeymen of the border, are involved in smuggling, why draw attention to their activities via murder, assault, intimidation?

This sounds like a threat MMP would want to happen in order to bring more attention to their cause.
What would MS-13 have to gain by potting members of the MMP?
What would they have to gain by threatening the cops as they have here in the DC area? I think they'll get "respect" from their peers if nothing else. Maybe that's all they need. Whether or not CHL's assessment of MS-13 in Va is correct, they do seem to be the wrong bunch to halfheartedly screw with in general.

You gonna blame US citizens for being shot across the river by armed Mexican gangs? That won't even sell in the liberal burbs.

I wish you were right, but based on a lot of the people in my area, I don't think you are.
I hope to God that when shots start getting fired, the gov't sends in backup for these people. This seems like it is reverting back to the old days, i.e. Declaration of Indepence days. I am glad to see that people are willing to do what is necessary since GWB doesn't want to do anything about it. I love the man to death, but this is rediculous.

I also think (hope) that the rifle ban is to protect the image of the group to the media, and will not be enforced what so ever. Kinda like that babysitter everyone had that said "No, you can't stay up past your bed time, but I will be down stairs and am not going to check on you again. ;) "
Darwinism, yes. But for whom?

The MM are prohibited from using rifles. There are no such restrictions on the gang members.

I wish the MM the best.

That was my first thought. There is no way I would roll through the desert like that without at least a rifle in the trunk. I hope it doesn't happen, but I will say that I'm not going to be surprised if a shootout takes place and a couple of the good guys get the short end of the stick in it, so to speak.

I sent an email to the MMP commenting on the rifle policy. I doubt they'll think much of it, but it's better than sitting here doing nothing but whining :p
Imagine the reaction if an American Citizen is killed by a gang member who illegally crossed the border to do so.

Sure - Bush and his buddy Fox would come on TV for a joint news conference and denounce the vigalantes on the border. There would be no mention of suspected gang activity. I would expect to see it presented as a case of "friendly fire" - one vigalante shooting another.
Dead US citizens shot from armed Mexican gangs, possibly over the border, is not something that GWB (who I have been a staunch supporter of other than his moronic border policies) can ignore.
Wanna bet...

I'd bet the first thing out of Washington and the administration would be words like vigilante, shouldn't have been there, let the border patrol do their jobs etc.

In fact in regards to the MMP Tammy Bruce on the radio today played back GW saying that the MMP were vigilantes and that we have a border patrol to take care of any problems down there.

GW's stance on the southern border is IMO no less than a failure to uphold his oath of office. It borders on being an impeachable offense.
I agree with NHBB. The MMP volunteers should all be armed with rifles. Why put yourself into a dangerous situation without proper equipment for self defense?
Why did Ghandi fill a pan full of ocean water, and let it dry, without a tommy gun? It's PR; They're not there to wage a war with Mexico, they're there to produce headlines that will make failing to fight back in a war that's already going on, political poison.

If they're smart, they'll set up those camp fires, with dummies around them, and dig in somewhere nearby with a camera with light amplification. Get some really juicy footage of Mexicans shooting "Americans" unprovoked.
I agree with Rebar--it would put an even bigger spotlight on the issue if some of the Minutemen got hurt. However, enough liberal press and even the President has put enough negative spin on those guys to make you wonder if it wouldn't be portrayed as "vigilantes get what's coming to them" on page 2.
If they're smart, they'll set up those camp fires, with dummies around them, and dig in somewhere nearby with a camera with light amplification. Get some really juicy footage of Mexicans shooting "Americans" unprovoked.

Bing bing bing bing, Ve hav a vinner, some one give that man a prize.
I find myself hoping that some other group does create an "hourman" project. Not be part of the MMP but have some sniper-type guys back in the hills overlooking the MMP camps, just lying doggo with a long range rifle and being prepared to lay down supressing fire if the MMP camp is attacked.

Wear old boots with no tread, police up the brass after the skirmish, and disappear before the BP arrives to take statements.

What camo works best in the AZ desert? "Desert" camo, or traditional woodland camo?
It isn't going to matter if the Minutemen are wrongly slaughtered by thugs. To the people who run America they are nuisances standing in the way of personal enrichment. Mr. Bush knows who his friends are and who they aren't. The fix is in.
hawkmoon wrote:

"I find myself hoping that some other group does create an "hourman" project. Not be part of the MMP but have some sniper-type guys back in the hills overlooking the MMP camps, just lying doggo with a long range rifle and being prepared to lay down supressing fire if the MMP camp is attacked.

Wear old boots with no tread, police up the brass after the skirmish, and disappear before the BP arrives to take statements."

isn't that the definition of being a "vigilante?" and why would you leave before the authorities arrive? unless you have something to hide. law abiding Americans don't have to hide from the authorities. if this really did happen, the snipers wouldn't fire on a bad guy unless the bad guy does something to provoke it.

in addition, wouldn't that cause some confusion? a sniper starts taking shots at people, be it bad guys or good guys, and that will spook damn near everyone in the area, including MMP volunteers who wouldn't know who's sniping at who?

great tactics. :rolleyes:
News Flash

US GOVEMENT supplys ms 13 gang with lastest milltary hardware for use aganst minuteman project.
The flow of cheap labor is needed to protect big bussnise from leagal citizens who don't want to live 5 families in a single house hold
George Bush is the chief law enforcement officer in this country. Any blood spilled as a result of his negligence in enforcing immigration law should result in his indictment, arrest, and trial.
I am laying odds that this blows up. People are going to get shot. I am not sure who yet, and I am not sure of the result but I have $20 on gunfire being exchanged. Any takers?

I would not go anywhere near the border. And if I did I would want my PTR-91 and 30 mags at least. :what:

I have a good friend who spent a couple summer along the border. She basically worked for a quaker group whose purpose was to:
1. prevent coyotes from killing the illegals
2. prevent the BP from beating the illegals

Brave person. Very interesting stories. I don't think Bush, the MM or anyone who has not been on the front line really understands it.
Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo will be there is support of the Minutemen, as will "Gunny Bob" Newman (talk radio host for KOA 850 AM). I think that will make it difficult for the government to paint this event with a broad brush.

My hat's off to my fellow Coloradan Tom Tancredo. His being there will in no way make it the least bit difficult for the federal government to take cheap pot shots at the Minutemen. Bush has already fired off his mouth, and doubtless will do so again.
Things can get touchy quickly. If the Minutemen kill anyone without mountains and mountains of evidence saying it was self-defense... It's not going to be pretty. Same time, I wouldn't want to be near the border without a good rifle. Like a freakin Barrett.

Best case is for the Minutemen organizers to 'ban' rifles, and not do any checking, which seems to be the case. Desert warfare isn't urban warfare. Accuracy is more important than automatic weapons over long distance. I'd sure as heck have a rotating sleep schedule.
One technical point about "camera with light amplification"- all the cameras you see today with "night vision" are basically just gen1 night vision- a near-band spotlight with a CCD that picks up that bandwidth of light. If the hostiles are better funded and have gen 3 or 4 night vision gear, they will not only see you, but the IR illuminator on the camera will look like a blazing spotlight.
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