"Gangsta"! firearm buysers/shooters

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I usually "profile" more by behavior than anything else. I've seen clean-cut types make total (and sometimes, dangerous) idiots out of themselves, and I've seen some "banger" types who I'd definitely want on my side when the excrement hits the rotating blades

Excellent point!
gangsta shooter

seen one of those about 4 or 5 years ago at my local range. he was side shooting a 9mm. don't know what kind because after his 4th or 5th shot i was laughing too hard to notice. he was popping them off pretty quick when one of the empties bounced off the ceiling and hit him square in the right eye. unfortunately he had a bro with him who picked up his gun after he started crying and dropped it. he hasn't been back since.
i hope you guys arent calling people gang bangers because they are black and wear baggy clothes (which just happens to be the popular attire among young blacks).

doing that would make you sound awefully similiar to the kind of people who talk about gun owners like they are all white trash rednecks.
i hope you guys arent calling people gang bangers because they are black and wear baggy clothes (which just happens to be the popular attire among young blacks).

doing that would make you sound awefully similiar to the kind of people who talk about gun owners like they are all white trash rednecks.

I don't think the guys here are calling people gang bangers because they are young black guys who wear baggy clothes.

I wear baggy clothes and I'm not white. I'm not a gang banger.
well, when they pull in driving a lowered boom car listening to rap and dressed like bangers it doesn't matter what race they are. if they act,dress,talk and shoot like a banger what do you expect people to think?
buy guns said:
i hope you guys arent calling people gang bangers because they are black and wear baggy clothes (which just happens to be the popular attire among young blacks).

doing that would make you sound awefully similiar to the kind of people who talk about gun owners like they are all white trash rednecks.

I'm sure they're talking about folks who hold handguns sideways, scream obscenities and grab their crotches in public to acknowledge one another regardless of their surroundings (resturaunts, movies, banks) and wear obnoxiously impractical clothing, to the point of being impared of movement (I've seen people have to hike their pants up and hold them with both hands at chest level just to jog).

I see nothing wrong with the black community, but there are bad apples in every orchard. Black people aren't exempt because they're black. You can't force yourself NOT to form an opinion about someone based on the color of their skin, that would be as equally racist as outward racism. "That guy's black, so I won't say anything about him screaming at his homeys in this resturaunt."

I've got no problem with anyone's skin color, clothing type or preference for firearms. But I do have a problem with very bad manners, be it at the range or elsewhere.
We had one guy walk into the store with his seedy buddies. All the usual attire. He picked out a Romanian AK-type rifle. First he wanted his mom to buy it but we "persuaded" him that that wasnt going to happen. He paid for it with wadded up 10s and 20s. As we were keying in the NICS check we all looked at each other with a "this will be hold for LEO for sure." Darn if he didnt get an instant approval. He started to walk out with the gun under his long coat. We told him "buddy, this is a gun store. Everyone knows what you're doing here." I didnt hear that the gun was later used to commit a crime but it sure wouldnt surprise me.
A couple of weeks ago Alduro and I were at Ray's Hardware in Dallas perusing the pretties when a couple of young gentlemen- maybe no older than 24 or so- with a cute child of maybe two years of age came in. The taller of the two gentlemen produced a new stainless S&W self-loader from the back pocket of his sweatpants and inquired of the counterman regarding the possibility of purchasing 'a clip' for it. Seems 'he'd lost his' and needed a replacement.

Now I don't know S&W pistols well enough to ID them by model number on sight, but this was obviously a SA/DA stainless model and appeared to be chambered in .45ACP. I know this because the muzzle was swept in our direction several times. The counterman produced a new in the wrapper factory magazine and stated the price to the inquirer, who balked at paying the $30 price quoted.

Alduro and I put a little more distance between the parties and ourselves upon hearing him protest so vehemently over the price of a magazine for what appeared to be a pistol that would retail for perhaps $750. The two gentlemen left before we did, without purchasing a magazine for the Smith, but not before checking out the Glocks and nickled 1911's. No sale on those, either.

Swallow a camel but choke on a gnat. Maybe it's just me, but if I have a pistol that needs magazines and has none, I buy multiples when I find them to make it somewhat more functional than a hammer.

Now, in a semi-unrelated story, I was on the light rail heading to work one morning and a young gentleman wearing oversized athletic fleece apparel stood up for his stop and promptly gave everyone in the car a demonstration of gravity when his bottoms slid off and the nickeled .25 in his pocket flopped onto the floor and into the stairwell as the door opened. As soon as the door closed behind him and he'd regained his composure, gat, and trousers the 3 or 4 riders around me who noticed split a rib laughing all the way to the next stop.

Darn if he didnt get an instant approval. He started to walk out with the gun under his long coat. We told him "buddy, this is a gun store. Everyone knows what you're doing here." I didnt hear that the gun was later used to commit a crime but it sure wouldnt surprise me.

Call me stupid (just kidding here, ok?) but if he got an instant approval (barring identity theft) then he was obviously ok, right? I figure, if you've got a clean enough record to get an instant approval then what's the big deal? :confused:
Funny you should say that.

OTOH, my plumber, a decent guy in his 30s with his own business,wife, and kids, was denied because of a stunt he pulled when he was 17 (trespassing in an abandoned house). there is no justice.

Of course if the guy did use the gun in a crime then of course it is the dealer's fault for selling it to him. Hey. the dealer shoulda known what he wanted to do with it!
a young gentleman wearing oversized athletic fleece apparel stood up for his stop and promptly gave everyone in the car a demonstration of gravity when his bottoms slid off and the nickeled .25 in his pocket flopped onto the floor and into the stairwell as the door opened. As soon as the door closed behind him and he'd regained his composure, gat, and trousers the 3 or 4 riders around me who noticed split a rib laughing all the way to the next stop.

I'd split a rib too! I mean, jeez, what's he gonna do with a ".25"?!! :neener:
Kony, not only that, but him stooping to pick up his trousers, stumbling, kicked the pistol off the step through the door and tripping over his pants and untied atheletic shoes was probably what topped the whole thing.

Besides, is a Raven gonna be any less functional after you drop it?

After being surprised walking in, I was even more surprised when I noticed he had quite a few of the "full auto replacement kits" you see in shady catalouges and even MORE surprised when I saw his prices.

I've seen these before and wondered if they were actually legit, or just a scam....
Besides, is a Raven gonna be any less functional after you drop it?

Go ahead and make of fun of it. Here a Nashville cop got into a shootout with a guy armed with a Raven .25 with Cor-bons. the officer shot about 4 or 5 times, hitting the guy every time. The BG shot back with his Raven. The bullet entered just under the guy's vest, went between his ribs, pierced his heart and lodged in a lung. Officer died at the scene. BG limped away and holed up in a hotel room for several days before his family got concerned and called PD to take him to the hospital.
I wish I could get an instant aproval..gesh..oh well. I think that all this stuff about profiling and race is crazy. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck. First impresions are all we usually have when sizing up an individual. That being said I have a good friend of mine from high school that is involved with that life style. I take him with me to the range sometimes and it's a lot of fun to watch him shoot. Holds the pistol sideways and even adds a lil thrust every time he pulls the trigger. Holds his crotch the whole time he's shooting too. LOL This guy wouldn't hurt a fly. He looks real intimidating though. He wears all the clothes that would indicate he was a gangsta and even has a mouth full of gold teeth. He works hard and is building a nice little family. I tell him that by adopting these styles he is severly limiting himself socally but he doesn't care. It's the norm in his neck of the woods anyway. To each his own I say.
Go ahead and make of fun of it. Here a Nashville cop got into a shootout with a guy armed with a Raven .25 with Cor-bons. the officer shot about 4 or 5 times, hitting the guy every time. The BG shot back with his Raven. The bullet entered just under the guy's vest, went between his ribs, pierced his heart and lodged in a lung. Officer died at the scene. BG limped away and holed up in a hotel room for several days before his family got concerned and called PD to take him to the hospital.

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day".
I was at a gunshow a couple weeks ago and was looking at a s&w m10 snubnose, just lifting it slightly because it was tied together with everything else on the proprietors table. Everything was going well till all of a sudden the m10 flew out of my hands and everything else on the guys table jumped up as this guy (who fits the description of this thread) picks up a desert eagle without thinking.

"Wow, check this out a deagle!", "Yeah, too bad it isn't gold."

The guy behind the table was trying to be nice and tell him that the guns are tied, but there was 5 of them and they all did the same thing. The poor dealer asked them to put it down and when they did they nicked up a really nice high standard 22 in the proccess.

I had to hand it to the guy that he had some patience, and chose the high road, especially with these guys. Even after they asked him to sell his glock 19 for $100 bucks because so and so's grandmother bought one for that much down the street. :D
As a side note - about a year later we found out that this place was closed down by the police after two of his weapons had been found in the commison of a muder.

Um, this guy didn't happen to say anything about a "gimp" while you were in this nightmarish store, did he?... :uhoh:

Some of my very best customers are banger types.
They wear the clothes, can talk the talk and are quite knowledgable of firearms, more so than many of my redneck customers.
These banger types also own their own business, pay their taxes on time, and can pass a drug test, blood or urine.
These guys buy Glocks, 1911s, and AR15s, not Jennings, Tec9s, and Brycos.
Don't judga a book by de cover.
Their money is just as green as everybody elses.
i was at a gun range outside of Austin, TX, with a buddy of mine. three gang bangers were a few lanes over taking turns shooting a Jennings .22 and a Hi-Point 9mm. they were shooting gangsta style (tilted)

my friend let loose on a MP5K-N and they just about pooped themselves :what:

i was laughing at how funny their faces were when they figured out that their little guns weren't so mean after all. they politely smiled, and left a few minutes afterwards. i don't know if it was due to them already planning on leaving, running out of ammo, etc., but it was kind of funny.

the Sheriff's SWAT Team was also there training, so the gangbangers didn't try anything like, "Hey Vato can I shoot that?"
When I worked as an RSO at an indoor range, we used to get all kinds. Groups would come in, with waves of marijuana smoke pouring out of them.
"Heeeey, can I, like rent a gun?"
" No, leave now."
Gangbangers would walk in, and try to imress thier girlfriends by shoving their cheap POS at the target while firing, and extra FPS maybe? They were invariably the worst shots I ever saw.
One idiot asked me if we did firearms repair, and when I said yes, he produced a Tec 9 with a broken frame! Snapped clean behind the magwell all the way across. I had to tell him the gun was a total loss, and he thought we could GLUE it back together!
I would not judge people by skin color or race, but when they dress/talk/act/smell the "steretype", then it's not my fault for making an obvious connection! Remember the old "walks like a duck, quacks like a duck" theory?
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