Girls afraid of your guns

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Dec 1, 2006
Had a little get together last night at my apartment and I closed all the doors to the bedrooms and such. A girl I like came over with friends and for some reason they looked in my room and saw my guns lined up along my wall. They left in a hurry haha. Got a text saying something along the lines of "Those are freakin' sniper rifles, why do you have those???" which is funny because none of my guns are sniper rifles. Another girl at the party made me feel better though, she said she likes guns and those girls are b*tches :D I would've put them away had I known she was afraid of them.

Have you had any problems with girls and your guns?
I don't make my gun ownership a secret to my friends and acquaintances. But.... I don't just leave them against a wall either.

I, in general don't try to associate with people (regardless of gender) that would make a personal judgement about me based upon my gun collection. There's plenty not to like if your a lady to bring guns into it (hahahaha).

Only a couple of times have I had women freak out because of my guns. And, at that point I just quit associating with them.
HEY, this is great news. I always thought the girls ran from me because I scared them, nice to know it was the guns the whole time.....OH well, to late now.

Seriously though, around here no one is scared of a gun, unless it is pointed at them.:what:
I have never met an anti.....Love rural AL
I only leave them against my wall because I like looking at them :) They are never loaded so nobody can hurt themselves. It's funny that she would freak out especially after telling me how her dad hurts and blah blah blah the day before.
Inviting people you hardly know over to your house invites theft. People talk. Listeners sometimes listen. Word spreads. Guns gone.
^ damn. now I'm a little worried... although I'm moving out in 2 weeks :) guns will be in storage
Those guns are for naughty girls who go snooping around in my bedroom without my permission.

Did they look in your medicine cabinet and see you antibiotics? Just kidding.
And be a bit more discreet in the future. At least keeping the guns in a gun cabinet would make you look more normal,
Yup, Gary beat me to it. People will talk, and your guns are gonna get ripped off. Alternatively, you'll end up with some yahoo like me who just walks into your room and starts playing with 'em. Sorry about dropping the rifle with the really expensive scope on the floor, um.........
That was foolish to leave them where anyone could see them. Snooping occurs and so does theft when you don't know everyone well that comes into your house. That theft can occur at the time or it can occur later when they come back to steal from you or someone who they told does.

Lock your bedroom door if you're going to display your guns. Don't allow snoops into your home if you're not going to secure your valuables.

I make no secret of owning firearms. I don't make the type or number of them public knowledge. If someone has a concern I simply try to educate them since they're either ignorant (I went through a long "learning moment" with the mother of one of my daughter's friends the other evening at volleyball practice and she wants me to teach her and her daughter to shoot) or idiotic. The only way to sort the two out is to find out if they're teachable.
Yeah, unless you live in the country, you won't find many women that are gun savvy. You'll get lots of things like "are those sniper rifles" simply because they've seen someone use this rifle in this role in a movie. Generally the further from the great outdoors you are, the less firearm savvy the populace gets. Find a city where woods aren't even present for miles...and well, you know.

For fun, wait until you see someone call a Kentucky rifle a "shotgun"....for the record, that person was a male of highschool age, so he at least has an excuse (youth, heh).

First question to potential girlfreinds , is " How do you feeel about guns " ..

Girly answers :
Answer " Love them " = new WIFE .
Answer , " those scare me " = RUN !

I would be much more cautious about whom I invite over to my house if I were you .

I have never had the opportunity to meet a girl/woman from the south or mid west that was affraid of or disliked guns, nor have I met one from NH, VT or Maine that had a problem with guns. I guess I would call the women that I meet real women .
That was foolish to leave them where anyone could see them. Snooping occurs and so does theft when you don't know everyone well that comes into your house. That theft can occur at the time or it can occur later when they come back to steal from you or someone who they told does.

Lock your bedroom door if you're going to display your guns. Don't allow snoops into your home if you're not going to secure your valuables.

That pretty much echo's my feelings on the subject. You come into my house, you would not even know I own a single firearm unless you really snoop and know what to look for. Then you're really a snoop bordering on criminal intent.

I deal with a lot of drug types and theft is rampid with these people. No way would one of those people EVER come into my house invited.

If you have all sorts of people come into your home, I suggest you have a very good safe. It is not just guns that they might steal or tell people about and they will potentially break into your home.

Added: Many people are afraid of things they don't understand. That is especially true of girls who are taught by their non-firearm owning parents that guns are inherently evil.
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Yep...wosrt one would find if they snooped anywhere I live to suggest I have guns is a locked ammo can (full of ammo and cleaning supplies) sitting in my bedstand (the drawer is my gun locker, steel lined, and locked at multiple points holds up to 5 pistols when kept in rugs, currently holds three).

Eventually I'll have a gun locker (waiting to move to a new place first...I refuse to stay in this crime infested hellhole any longer than my lease binds me to it). The only firearms I would consider wall hanging are black powder. I just find rustic arms to have a more appealing presence when wall-hung than modern arms.
They are never loaded so nobody can hurt themselves.

Be careful with this thinking. Regardless of how much you try to protect them from hurting themselves with a gun, Joe and Jane will find a way. No substitute for education, training, safe habits. In lieu of these I'd be careful whom I allowed access to my guns.
Leaving you weapons lined up on the wall makes it easier for a scumbag to steal them...

Nothing intended, Just saying.......
If you have guests over who are not your shooting buddies, I'd stash the things. I made the dumbass mistake once of leaving my .380 out when a few people came over to hang out. This girl actually picked it up and pointed it at another girl as a joke. I told her some choice things and took the gun away but I was the idiot who left it out where the wrong people could get to it.

Because of this, I don't hide the fact that I'm a shooter but I don't allow any of my guns around people who aren't familiar with them unless they are directly under my control.

I had a girlfriend who knew I carried a pistol but nearly freaked out when she saw my mini-14 with the 20 rd. mag in. "What are you going to do with that thing?" I told her that I was pretty sure my enemies don't have friends but I had that just in case I was wrong. She probably thought I was a nut, but it didn't seem to affect the relationship.
Just remember that a number of possibilities with the opposite sex just ran out the door, as those "girls" will by now have blabbed to anyone who will listen about what a crazy maniac you are with your sniper rifles. Might want to get your valuables out now, and talk to potential friends of the opposite sex before your new rep get told to them.
zerosignal said:
If a girl is that uneducated, she's not worth your time.

Being uneducated is not a personality flaw. That can be fixed, if the person is willing to listen.

Being militantly ignorant, being afraid that new knowledge might change a core belief -- now that is a problem.
from my experience, the few women who have actually been excited about the fact i have a rifle or two are the ones who compute=
10 "A" has rifle
20 rifles cost 8-1200 at gander mountain
30 "A" has money to spend on me
40 i like "a" as long as he buys me things

other women have seemed to think that guns in a mans owndership as being signs of agression, and a free out of jail card when they commit a crime not to long ago a gal got out of long jail time for robbing a gas station because she said "boyfriend carries gun, he said hed kill me if i didnt do what he said".
I've had a few girlfriends who really didn't like my guns.... so I didn't seem to like them as much anymore and moved on. One girlfriend liked and shot guns as much as I did and one was a better shot than me.... I dumped her - only kidding.
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