Good southern state for a gunowner?

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OEF_Vet is right-perhaps you could say you were from Southern Pa.-and also say ya'll every once in awhile. Seriously-Tennnessee is now officially the state with the lowest taxes in the country-bar none. And we have NO state income tax. The crime rate is low, we have 4 true seasons, the cost of living is low, property is not expensive, and it's a "right to work" state. The political climate is very good as well. You really should come check it out. That being said, you are welcome to come visit til you only have enough money left for bus fare. Then you need to get back on the bus and go home. :neener:
We REAL Missourians have defeated the the CCW law here. Finally the voice of real Missouri was heard. Proof that a Republic is still better than a democracy. I know you wanted this thread to include Southern states so I will offer our state. We have the liberals on the run in our state. Our past governor has the honor of being the most vetoed governor in over 100 years.

Some people may claim that Missouri isn't a Southern state but the truth is we have kudzu, armadillos, a country music town second only to Nashville and a star on the Dixie flag. And General Sterling Price.
Here in the central part of PA, we say "yeunes" in place of y'all.
"Well, we'll see "yeunes" later."
Here in NC we say yeunes and y'all. I say y'all, it seems to be more popular among people my age, yeunes seems to be more popular with older folks.
Goon, you said:

" If anything, I wish to adapt your culture and make it my own."

You got the right attitude from the get-go. Good sign. The "conversion" of a Yankee can be done with some study and practice. Case in point, my brother in law. Former college-boy-knowitall (Phd.) , dope smokin', talkin' a-100 mph, rock band playin' 60's hippie from Jersey. Now he talks as slow as normal folk, loves to shoot, has got a "Vote for W" sign in his yard, lives for having a bass on business end of a fishing pole and can pronounce "sumbitch" with the best of us.
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