Guns you almost sold or traded...

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Apr 26, 2007
Abbeville, LA
....but glad you didn't?

We alway see posts of sellers remorse about a gun or guns sold and latter regretted doing so. What about those guns you almost got rid of but glad you didn't? For me I have a S&W M66 2 1/2" barrel 357 I bought used in 1998. This model still has the firing pin on the hammer not in the frame. It was my very first gun. It took awhile to even convince my previous wife to let me have a gun in the home cause as she put it, you should not have guns in the house with children:eek:

I told her many gun owners have children. I told her I will buy a lockbox for it. She was relunctant but I went ahead anyways. Afterwards she was fine with it. Well a few years later got divorced and had more time and money to spend on this hobby. Bought a couple of more guns. Then deployed the first time and bought many guns along with a safe(RSC):D

Thought about selling that ol magnum because to tell you the truth I wanted one with a 4 inch tube on it. Came close to trading it in for credit. Then it hit me. It was my FIRST gun and while I wish it had a longer barrel I still liked the gun. Not to mention what I had to go through in the first place to get it.
I still own it and glad I kept it.

Any other stories?
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