Had my 2nd Amendment Rights suspended today.

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You should go into marriage leading with your brain and not with your heart or "other part."

That said -- as a partner in a wonderful marriage -- I know that doing it right is well worth the risk.

I think the problem -- vis "heart or 'other part'" -- is that we're an adolescent society. A majority of Americans don't leave adolescence and become adults until their 30s. Adolescents -- who tend to forgo their brains on major life decisions -- shouldn't get married.
Prescribing meds for this has uniformly not cured a damned thing. Psychotropic drugs will make a person "quieter" and less overt, but do not effect actual change. This is hardly surprising, as the "experts" do not, themselves, truly understand the condition...The methods that can or will fix it are not available to you in the current context, so discussing them is pointless.

Not true. Some drugs that are used for certain disorders do just kind of act as sedatives (see some treatments for schizophrenia), but this idea that drugs don't do anyone any good is downright wrong. I look at psychotropic meds the same way I look at cold meds - they relieve symptoms, doing little for the actual problem -this is why they have great short-term efficacy but next to none in the long run when a person goes off them. The best use of them is to get the person at a functioning level while the delayed-onset effects of real treatment begin to set in. BUT, there are situations where they are the best and only option- due to society's animosity towards the mental health system, a lot of people refuse to go to psychotherapy, but they'll have no problem popping a pill in their mouth. In this case, is it better to let them go untreated completely, risking damage to themselves or others, or at least provide some measure of control to the situation?

Secondly, do you all remember that moment in the 2nd grade when your teacher said something like "don't use the words never and always, because there's usually something out there that can prove it wrong?" We could stand to drop the anti-marriage, anti-woman sentiment that's been evident for some in this thread. Lots of marriages turn out great for everyone involved. Lots of women tolerate/support/even LOVE guns.

And I find it interesting that when a woman chooses abusive man after abusive man and starts to hate men, someone will usually point out that maybe her taste in men is a little off. But when a man chooses unstable woman after unstable woman, it's completely acceptable for him to decide he's seen "the real side" of things.:scrutiny:
-again, potato judge's sane, rational, and growing-to-love-guns wife
Psych Meds

Prescribing meds for this has uniformly not cured a damned thing.

I acknowledge that a given pill might ameliorate a given symptom; the point is, that's not a cure.

I'll skip the field experience dealing with "nut cases" as that's a little much topic drift.

It's the idea that somehow magic chemistry can address the machinery of the mind and get it right that defies logic.

We ran into this more personally when the teachers at an elementary school came up against our daughter's hard-headedness. We had teachers (not a doctor in sight) wanting to prescribe ritalin to "handle" the problem.

I find it bizarre that anyone would look at a symptom, do no blood tests or other chemical analysis, and then prescribe mind-altering chemistry -- effectively guessing at the "chemical imbalance" -- and expect it all to turn out well.

Couple that with the fact that so many "nut cases" are nutty on purpose and the medication angle can be seen as a big-dollar red herring.

My message to Thumper is simply that he cannot expect any amount of medical intervention to fix the evidently destructive vector of her mindset.

Unplug. Eject, eject, eject.
I walk a fine line here as I work in the Mental health Field and am a confirmed 2nd ammendment supporter.
First and foremost, Psych meds do more than "ameliorate symtoms" some are actually treating the disease. 20 years ago most were nothing more than sedative to keep people quiete and peaceful. I am not a Doctor, and I do not recomend to anyone they change or otherwise stop taking prescribed meds nor do I advise anyone on the need for meds. Opinions of the Pschiatric Community aside That is the wheelhouse of Pychiatrists and Psychologists and there are a wide variety of legitimate reasons for them to prescribe.
Next, My Ex and her two sons had multiple meds for multiple disorders and I was always the odd man out in their dysfunctional dynamic. Always to blame for the problems and always the one to take resposability for the garbage they put me through. When we separated my wife played the I am afraid to let you have your guns card and they stayed locked up in her basement for almost a year before I got them back. She acted like a body part regarding this the entire time. ( By body part I mean the feminine sex organ) and or the one we all have that stinks.
My experience is that in due time your 2A rights will be reinstated. Get the Divorce over as quickly as possible, and do nothing until then to further threaten those rights. Then move on, as far as dating anyone with psych meds well "Never let a Camel put it's nose in your tent."
Unfortunately you chose to be her other half (bad bi-polar joke) and legaly are one and the same in some ways. If you have no child consider yourself lucky and cut your losses now. Being a nice human being and trying to comfort her or work things out is not supported by the law.

Anyone that attempts to reduce the amount of rights your entitled to through lies or deciet is your enemy. Regardless if you have loved, shared wonderful moments etc.. Your playing with fire and will only get burned.
It's the idea that somehow magic chemistry can address the machinery of the mind and get it right that defies logic.
There is "machinery of the mind". While there is plenty of mystery in its operation, some of it is understood at least well enough to provide a suitable fix for some malfunctions. Yes, it's a tragedy that too many guess at a cure, and don't measure the cause to compute a cure.

True bi-polar disorder does exist, and is indeed "merely" an imbalance of certain chemicals. Just as drug users (legit or not) introduce chemicals into their brains to induce certain consequences, some of what's already normally there can get out of whack and have tragic results. In my friend's case, things settled right down once properly diagnosed and proper levels of lithium were administered (with some side effects like shaking) and later replaced by other balancing medicines.

What confuses the issue is that a fairly straightforward chemical explanation manifests itself in the form of a major psychological screwup which snowballs rapidly into all kinds of mental, relationship and physical problems. Few people can rationally comprehend and act on the clinical facts of the problem - especially when suffering deep depression, paranoia, and other major symptoms.

If your computer's power source very gradually starts upping the voltage provided to the processor, the symptoms would be very bizzare indeed. Diagnosis and correction could be pretty simple ... but fixing hundreds of damaged files, if not the whole machine (after you threw it at the wall in sheer frustration), would be terribly difficult. Ditto bipolar disorder: the cure exists, once the problem is diagnosed and properly & consistently treated, but cleaning up the collateral damage is hard indeed.

All that said, there are plenty of people who simply don't understand it, and cannot differentiate between complex symptoms induced by simple causes vs. inconvenient but normal behavior vs. (shall we say) just being incurably messed up. Too many are quick to blame that mysterious "bipolar disorder" when it isn't, giving the disease and its cure a bad rap. I'm sure there are true cases of ADD which can be properly controlled by Ritalin; unfortunately, Ritalin also manages to pacify normal childhood enthusiasm & distraction into a mind-numbed "good little student" so it gets wildly over-prescribed by social pressure. It's all complex enough that most people just throw up their hands and declare the whole issue a bunch of BS - a pity, resulting in too many being mis-treated and subsequently screwed up for life.

Thumper, sorry to hear it came to this. I personally know how it can wreck an otherwise good relationship. A pity it can't be worked out; you can't make it work if she won't get treatment and clean up the social mess.
Sounds like we HAD the same wife.... I say HAD not because I divorced her but because we found medication that smoothers her out. PROZAC does wonders.

Well, 6 months later there is SOME resoloution:

Cost me $140K and 12% of my retirement to be rid of her.. She claimed permanaent and total disability, and the judge wanted to award her $1200/mo for life with a 50-50 asset split. She cried it was not enough, and ended up with $2000/mo for 12 months, and $1500/mo for 42 months. She got all the assets, minus the guns, my motorcycle, and my pickup. I got all the debt.

I have been transferred to Corpus Christi, and she decided to move back here and teach high school.. That permanent and total disablilty was not so much, once she had a signed divorce decree.

Only fear is that she is buying a $300K condo 1/2 mile from me, and she is going to start the BS DV crap again.. She has been causing a lot of grief for me, even though she gets about 1/2 my take home (what I pay her, plus the bills I got stuck with that were hers).
I am truly sorry for your troubles. I have had some problems with my "military" wife when I was in the AF. Dang woman thought as long as she had checks she had money, I spent more time in the CO's office than I did doing my job. Any way I left her and dang if she didn't drop HER son off at my barracks and then almost back over him. So I went back to protect him.

I finally got out of that crap when she found her a new boyfriend (caught them together so adios), last I heard she had been in jail for prostituting her daughter and once that time was served she was to get sent back to Canada with a "do not return to sender" sticker on her forehead.
Sounds like you learned one the hard way. I would move for an appeal with a better lawyer if she was given an award based on permanent total disability. Whatever you do, don't talk to her without an attorney present or a full audio and video recording.

Note in Texas you only need the persmission of one party to record a phone call, so you (and she) can do so without the other's knowledge.

How about restoration of gun rights? Hopefully you did not fall under Lautenburg or you are done.
I have seen this crap so many times it makes me sick to my stomach just hearing about it. I thank G-d every day for my wife. Marrying well has been shown time and again to be the number one determining factor for life fulfillment and happiness. Any way good luck.
Sue her for a change in Alimony/Disability, and make sure you have proof shes working...

Also site Fraud, there is no limit on punitive dmages that may wipe out her alimony paymnts in total. She did perpetrate a fraud on both you and the court. She's NOT permanently disabled.

I know one guy who was to support his wife for life or until she became remarried. Guess what? he found a guy who in 5 months swept her off her feet got married and as soon as his alimony payments stopped he annulled the Marriage.
I do have my guns back..

Just a tad concerned that she will start the BS again when she wants more money...

I.E.. Gimme more alimony or I'll have you charged with XYZ...
Sue her for a change in Alimony/Disability, and make sure you have proof shes working...
Leave it alone, you did not get it as bad as some think.

It may seem like a long time now
But in four years you are done with her
As long as you stay in you have a room and food, I know men who made what you make and were left almost destitute after the divorce
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