Revoking Latuenburg- Possible?

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And it is causing problems with me moving, and being able to transport my belongings to my new duty station.

Are you still able to turn your weapons into the company for storage in the arms room? If so, consider that. I assume it is an interstate PCS. Maybe have a friend turn them over to the movers, then let the movers take them to your new duty station, then let someone there take them directly to the arms room, until the 90 days expire.
Miltary movers no longer will move weapons, unfortunatley. I think OCONUS moves are the exemption.

Right now, all but 3 are in the possesion of another LT (she has the other 3).

It's just to get them back I have to either drive X-C to get them, or pay for FFL transfers, and pray this causes no NICS problems.
Still have appeal rights?
If not make a motion to modify the restraining order. Tell Judging Amy that you are moving, give her the date, show her PCS orders, and ask to modify the order. Be very, very well-mannered, no matter how much you hate your ex and the judge. Do it today because it will take some time.
I was under orders when it came down. Judge did not care.

Lawyer says he can fight it and win against most judges (we got probably the worst one, not 1 guy walked out of there without a judgement against them).

Unfortunatley, I do not have a free $1-2K hanging around, since I have to pay over $2K per month in spousal support per the USN.

Back to the subject of overturning latuenburg, should there not at least be some standards of evidence, be it credible witnesses or physical.

What kills me is that this was he said - she said. No evidence against me, (because I did not do anything) but I could not prove my innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt.. Even being OCONUS during the timeframe for one of her claims was not good enough.. ( I was training down in the Bahamas, AUTEC for those who know)
From the local JAG officer...

I need to write a letter, stating I am in the Navy but writing as a private citizen. Then it needs to run through my chain of command, at least to the O-6 level. Then the O-6 decides if he is OK with it going to the congressmen/senators from there, or if he wants to pass it to the Flag level (think Admiral) for approval..

One higher up does not like it, I have to change it.

Oh the irony of it all... this good man is expected to lay down his life in
defense of our Constitution but he has to get explicit approval from his
superior officers to excercise a right he may have to die for. Who thinks up this stuff. Did the writers from Monty Python get fired and found a job at the Department of Defense in the Silly Rules and Regulations office?:confused:
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