Had my 2nd Amendment Rights suspended today.

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For the record and to avoid confusion, when we got married I was a FL resident stationed in FL, she was a TX resident.

Then we both lived in FL for 4 years before the divorce. Divorce was in FL, and we both lived there when it was filed.

I was transferred back to TX when the divorce was in progress.
As to how to make sure this does not happen again, I have no good ideas.

The courts would rather issue 100 bogus DV RO's than let one that should have been issued slip through. And from what I have seen, the judges don't really care how that affects or destroys men's lives.

Overturning Lautenburg would be a good start, but any Politician that tried would be burned at the stake by women's groups. Bleeding hears and gun grabbers would also love to throw gas on that fire due to it being a VERY effective way of banning guns without banning guns.

The military specific stuff, I think higher ranking officers need to grow a pair stand up to spouses abusing regs to just further get money from the service members. My CO granted the MPO (Military Protective Order) that my ex used as her "key to the city" without even talking to me. Just from the "Fleet & Family Support Center" calling and recommending he give one without even hearing my side of the situation.

The FFSC is a bunch of (in my dealings) bleeding heart social counselors that like to wield their power. They will take what a spouse says and accept it as gospel, and make recommendations to COs without even talking to the other side.

Also, the courts seem to think that MPOs are restraining orders issued by the Military. My ex was able to wave her copy in court and go "HIS CO THINKS HE'S GUILTY YOUR HONOR" and get a lot of things.

A lot of this pain could have been lessened if my CO would have had the balls to not just rubber stamp the FFSC's wants. He does not have to. Given my wife's past history (suicide attempt on HIS PORCH, and general lunacy) I still cant believe that excuse for a man did that, without even asking me what the hell was going on. If he had only talked to me, and still issued it, I would be less pissed.

He was 3 months from turning over the command, and just wanted to make problems go away. Did not care how it affected anyone else. He did similar moves to 2 other pilots.
In dealing with crazy ex'es, and from many stories similar to this, the greatest thing I take away...

...NEVER get involved long term with anyone with ANY inkling of a mental health history.

Ever been on an antidepressant or antipsychotic? See ya.
Ever had a panic attack? See ya.
Have TMJ (or other psychosomatic symptoms/illness)? See ya.
Ever needed to use a sedative to function? See ya.
Ever been told they have histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder? See ya.

Ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

That and ALWAYS have a pre-nup.

It may seem superficial or callous, but with what men have at stake, and how easy it can all be taken away, it is only prudent in today's absurdly biased judicial climate.
Thumper. I am so sorry that you have had to endure this injustice, and the despair of a relationship with a woman that undoubtedly has mental issues. And I sincerely hope that you are able to move on from this. Maybe as others have suggested, getting a good lawyer might help.

That being said, I have read and reread this thread numerous times to ensure that I’m not reading into things. I have to say that the more I read it, the more I am offended!:mad: As I woman I find many of the comments very objectionable. While it is a travesty that Thumper has had this issue, it is extremely unfair for some of you gentlemen – and I use the term loosely – to make some of the comments that you have made, and classify all woman as crazy, and not worthy of you!

“While dating, give the woman as little information about yourself as possible.”

“Wait, you know women that aren't nuts? I thought they are all born that way.”

“Every woman I've ever dated has been.”

“And women wonder why men are afraid of commitment.”

These are precisely the type of comments that woman are tired of hearing. If that is the attitude you are putting into your relationships, it’s no wonder that you are receiving the worst of what the woman has to offer. Perhaps your mothers did not teach you how to treat a woman, or what being a gentleman is all about.

Take a look at yourselves, gentlemen. You are far from being perfect. The average American man is no prize either. You only get from life what you are prepared to put in, so maybe you ought to consider that it might be you that is attracting the worst, and that us woman of grace and quality would not give you a second glance……

Oh btw. I have been happily married to the same man for over 20 years, and would not change him for the world. He knows how to treat a woman!
While I can see offense to line 2 and 3 in your quote, I can see line one being a viable and prudent thing to do, especially while you are still getting to know a person.

Also, after being 100% faithful and committed to that woman, and the hell I have gone through, and the relative standard of living I enjoy compared to her (she lives in a new $300K condo on the beach she just bought, I believe she is renting out our old house that I pay for, while I live in an RV.), no kidding I am scared to death of commitment.

I have lost a lot of friends over this, as their wives refused to let them talk to me outside of work, probably due to the things my ex told their wives. People that know me won't talk to me. With the things she said under oath, I can only imagine what she told the little gossip circle that is the squadron wives club.

Heck the only reason I have internet access is because I need it for work.
“While dating, give the woman as little information about yourself as possible.”

That is all fair and well if you are expecting the same! But then how can you determine if she's "crazy" or not, if you don't get to know her. Or does the no information part only apply to men?

I'm genuinely sorry for what you've gone through, really I am. I think it was an injustice, and I have been on the receiving end of inequity so I know how it feels. However, that does not make all woman nuts, and men saints. Remember, there are always two sides to a story!

I think the point is simply that in divorce court, the odds are so heavily stacked against a guy that getting married in the first place is mostly likely a costly mistake just waiting to happen.

I know this, I'm on my second marriage. If this one fails (no imminent danger signs present), I'll be swearing off women for good.
ojibweindian: Your recommendation of the above website proves my point!

And believe me, the same can be said about men. I'm also on my second, and if anything should ever happen to my husband, I would never want another man in my life for the very reason that is evident in this thread! A man can only expect out of a relationship what he is prepared to put in, and the average American man expects adulation without any of the work that goes with it. Just earning paycheck does not a gentleman make...........
After seeing this bull, and hearing about the many frivelous lawsuits that are allowed to be filed; men suing for "equality under the law" because they're treated differently at women specific events like ladies day and ladies night with reduced prices, and actually winning their suits, this scares me too.

This domestic violence thing could easily swing both ways and a wife who beats up her husband could lose her gun rights because her husband is a little whining B****! It's enough to make me swear off of marriage.
Sorry SheB61,
I went through much the same thing Thumper is going through. My ex took suggestions from her girlfriends on how to systematically destroy my reputation and career in order to beef up her case and maximize asset grabbing. Fleet Family Support Center (we referred to them as headhunters) was a great help to her, and made some suggestions of their own. It was divorce by 'spaghetti attack' - throw all sorts of charges and complaints, and see what sticks. I was extremely lucky in the circumstances, when my ex alleged physical abuse and swore an arrest warrant, I happened to be talking to a police officer. He found it difficult to believe that I could be attacking her (911 call) and chatting with him 10 miles away at the same time. Also luckily for me, she never paid much attention to my duty schedule - she swore out several warrants for days I happened to be on duty, inside a locked compound.

It was a hard 3 years for me, but I got through it, recovered my rights and career, and eventually triumphed in the courtroom - although she never obeyed a court order to return assets. All in the name of advocacy for various causes, women have largely destroyed the institute of marriage. It is, in large part, simply a means of 'early retirement' for many women. For men, it is a crapshoot with a very high penalty.
At the same time, many of the same women who are in favor of the way the divorce industry works these days are complaining about not being able to find a husband. Thats called having it and eating it too...
Yes, I'm married again - my second, and last. I could not in good conscience recommend marriage to any man. The institution has become a support industry for women who want independence, but don't want to pay for it.
You are absolutely correct, by the way - earning a paycheck does NOT a gentleman make. This is apparently a startling surprise to the many, many women who married 'the paycheck' but don't want the man.
Bitter? Cynical? You bet! Burn me once....
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. . . relationship with a woman that undoubtedly has mental issues . . .
The woman is a sociopath. This is well out past what I would normally term "mental issues" in a medical context. She's a criminal.

The trick, gentlemen, is to learn to recognize the signs of the criminal/sociopath.

The signs are there. If you're a horse trainer or a dog trainer, there are things you look for in any animal whose training you undertake. This doesn't mean you love the horse/dog any less, but you still check.

In my experience, most men are in such need of admiration (love, if you prefer), that once they start hearing/seeing the vibe, they quit checking.

Ironically, they will watch for the signs in women dating their friends, but not in the ones they're dating themselves.

The signs are there.

You don't get them for free; you have to look. Sorry if that seems unromantic. Men pay a heavy price for that failure. Women pay a similar (and sometimes harsher) price for similar failures.

Quite aside from being competent at assessing what kind of person you're dating, there is the little matter of "the system" and how it's biased. Sadly, it's badly biased. Very badly biased. Biased to the point where you pretty much have to write your own contract to offset the system's tilt. Even when both people honestly go into the relationship with all the best intentions, when it goes sour there will be overt influences from friends, relatives, and one's attorney to "take what's yours" and "get as much as you can" from the breakup. The only way to buffer that is to write your own contract.

"Well, doesn't the contract mean you don't really love him/her?"

Not at all. It means that love, done rationally, can protect both parties from the tilt and vagaries of the system.

From HER point of view: what if hubby unexpectedly becomes rich and can afford the bestest attorney out there and can wrest custody of kids and property even though he's become this heartless bastard?

From HIS point of view: what if wifey's mother or sister brainwashes her into a premeditated torpedo attack on the marriage, using the system bias to abscond with all the valuables and kids?

What a couple mutually understands about the relationship is what becomes the contract.

Not having the contract is like dying without a will: in its absence "the rules" take over, and the rules are really badly written, solving problems that don't exist and making assumptions that aren't true.

Choose your companionship wisely.

Document the understandings.

Deny the lawyers any part of the action; keep the tilted system from ruining the lives of either party.

By the way: psychology is actually pretty useless/hopeless in assessing the person you're dating. It's full of contradictions and broken assumptions. This is a non-trivial subject in its own right, and won't be addressed here.

My two hundredths of a dollar.
The only point I was trying to make, is that it is offensive to lump all woman in with the "sociopath/crazy/psyco b!tch that you are all doing. Not all of us woman are like that, just as all you men are not beer-swilling, a$$-scratching, burping, farting, foul-mouthed uncouth pigs!!! Or are you?!?!?............. ;)
I have my own famous quote that I like to use in these circumstances.
"The more true something is, the more it offends." - Me
SheB61, would you encourage a friend to bet on a lottery in which, if they lose, there is a 65% chance that they lose everything they own, a substantial percentage of their future earnings, and basic rights?
I'd bet you know at least one woman who has taken a guy for everything she could grab. Maybe a lousy mother who kept custody so she could draw the child support. Do you treat her as a pariah who has done something to destroy the foundations of our society, or do you still chat?
I didn't say you were a sociopath. I am simply stating that with the odds and the legal system the way they are, the risk may be too high to bet otherwise when it comes to marriage.
Why can't we just be friends?

I have a lot of respect for women who know who they are and are comfortable in their own skin. I'm of the old fashioned type and I'm only 30. I believe in equality for everyone.

You want equal pay? Great! Do equal the work. Where I work, women make the same money but rarely ever get put in the heavy lifting areas that the men do and get paid the same. I was a welder for over 6 years. Most of the women couldn't change wire on their welders. 60 pound spools or 550 pound drums. It took a man to help her do it. I never got help when I had to change my wire. She got paid the same as me. On the flipside, if that same woman could out weld and outproduce me, she deserved to be paid more than me.

Another area that I have a beef with when it comes to equality. What would happen if a law were passed today that required all women to sign up for the draft? Women demand equality in the military but wouldn't stand for being forced into service like men can be. I served in the Infantry and we did a field exercise as a task force that involved many support units. We had a male NCO come to our First Sergeant and ask that we provide a convoy for his females to go to the rear and get showers. It was train up for Bosnia and the rules were that you had to have 4 or more vehicles to leave the camp. There is an "unwritten" rule that women are to get showers every 72 hours while in the field and was pretty well enforced. Fortunately my first sergeant had enough gonads to tell him no. In the infantry, if you are only in the field for a week, it usually isn't even worth changing your underwear and t shirt. Equal is equal. If you suggest that biological differences require more frequent showers for women in the field, then they are different and not equal. You can't have it both ways.

All dating should be dutch. Don't expect the man to pay your way. Besides, if you are getting equal pay, what are you doing with all your money?

Yes, there are many great women out there but the majority wants equality except for when it doesn't benefit them. If you aren't one of the majority of women that I speak of, my hats off to you and you have my respect.

BTW, I think that a woman who can shoot, turn a wrench, wire a house, weld, etc is sexy. They just can't look like Rosie O.
Just because a question is not on the form does nto mean they do not keep track of it for you.
If you can honestly fill out 4473 with the answers they want you can buy the gun

I have had restraining order against me in the past
Not only can I legally buy a gun I was given an 03FFL since then
a$$-scratching, burping, farting

I don't know about the rest, but I've never met a person who didn't do these on occasion, albeit discreetly. Seriously, among the people here on THR there is wide diversity... good ol' boys, outdoorsmen, hunters, military, police, and the occasional over-educated "ivory tower" intellectual (that's me). We even have registered Democrats on this board! :eek:

And we're all human, whether we eat pork and beans and wear camo, or bagels and button-down shirts. (Yes, even the Democrats.)

I expect those who eat pork and beans fart more, though. :p

As for the topic at hand... thumper723's story is a real tale of woe, and the court system does not appear to dispense justice in an even-handed way in divorce cases. That said, the best advice is to avoid partners who have mental or emotional problems. I learned that one the hard way a few years back. :eek: Luckily the (rather high) cost was emotional, not financial.

And now, I'm about to marry a woman who is reliable and stable - and she isn't controlling or manipulative. There are good ones out there. :D:D:D
“I'd bet you know at least one woman who has taken a guy for everything she could grab.”

Actually, I don’t! But I do know a woman who’s husband cheated on her then hid all their assets, and “gave” them to family members and his mistress, so that he’d not have to declare that he owned anything in court. She earned slightly more than him, so she had to pay him alimony, all the while he’s a lot better off than her. Injustice is injustice – I don’t care who you are.

You want equal pay? Great! Do equal the work. Where I work, women make the same money but rarely ever get put in the heavy lifting areas that the men do and get paid the same. I was a welder for over 6 years. Most of the women couldn't change wire on their welders. 60 pound spools or 550 pound drums. It took a man to help her do it. I never got help when I had to change my wire. She got paid the same as me. On the flipside, if that same woman could out weld and outproduce me, she deserved to be paid more than me.

I agree with you.

Another area that I have a beef with when it comes to equality. What would happen if a law were passed today that required all women to sign up for the draft? Women demand equality in the military but wouldn't stand for being forced into service like men can be. I served in the Infantry and we did a field exercise as a task force that involved many support units. We had a male NCO come to our First Sergeant and ask that we provide a convoy for his females to go to the rear and get showers. It was train up for Bosnia and the rules were that you had to have 4 or more vehicles to leave the camp. There is an "unwritten" rule that women are to get showers every 72 hours while in the field and was pretty well enforced. Fortunately my first sergeant had enough gonads to tell him no. In the infantry, if you are only in the field for a week, it usually isn't even worth changing your underwear and t shirt. Equal is equal. If you suggest that biological differences require more frequent showers for women in the field, then they are different and not equal. You can't have it both ways.

Again…. I agree

All dating should be dutch. Don't expect the man to pay your way. Besides, if you are getting equal pay, what are you doing with all your money?

Absolutely! I wouldn’t expect anything else……

Yes, there are many great women out there but the majority wants equality except for when it doesn't benefit them. If you aren't one of the majority of women that I speak of, my hats off to you and you have my respect.

I don’t expect equality in everything! As you have pointed out above, I do no have the strength of a man, nor do I have the ability to do the things that men can do. That was not my point. My point was that men should refrain from categorizing all woman as crazy, money-grabbing, man-hating b!tches. There are many of us out there that love men. I think you guys are wonderful. I enjoy the company of men and I enjoy a lot of pursuits that are considered “man territory”. I love fast cars, guns, and I’m not afraid to get down and dirty (if you know what I mean!!!!) :evil: I’m one of the good ones, and there are a lot of us out there, but if you guys walk around with a bad attitude about woman, you’re only going to attract the nutjobs! Chill out – most of us are really cool…….

BTW, I think that a woman who can shoot, turn a wrench, wire a house, weld, etc is sexy. They just can't look like Rosie O.

I don’t! ;)

…… and I’m friends with everybody! Just remember that I’m a sweetie, not the crazy-type y’all so afraid of!
Marshall, there's a pretty clear difference between a little baggage and serious emotional problems. If the person is on drugs (illegal, prescribed antidepressants, anti-psychotics, etc.), unstable, manipulative, controlling, or otherwise taking advantage, then you should run, not walk, away. Compulsive habits -- for example, habitual shopping and spending beyond their means -- can be another warning sign.

Everyone knows to avoid people who talk to "voices," and bathe once a month. But some manic-depressive or psychotic behavior can be subtle.
Hey, She, I'm willing to believe you aren't crazy. :D I know that not all women are willing to lie in order to raise their standard of living, and lie again in order to keep that standard of living without the attendant duties and responsibilities of a marriage.

But if recognizing the facts is considered to be having a bad attitude, then maybe that should light up a big neon clue-bulb.

The fact is, the legal system allowed a sociopath to take Thumper for everything. The system allows her to continue to do so. He has no recourse, no right of appeal. While he has not been convicted of a crime, he can be stripped of his civil rights.
The fact is, any woman who takes a notion (ah, the no-fault divorce) can become a hand grenade for the man who marries her.
The fact is, any woman who chooses to deny the father of his parental rights out of spite can not only get away with it, but get paid for it.
The fact is, the system being the way it is, marriage is a bad bet for men.

I don't like the facts. Apparently you don't either. I call it a systemic fault (allowing women to abrogate their side of the marriage contract without cause, and still collect the material benefits). You call it a bad attitude.
How about we try to find ways to change the system? A good start would be getting rid of no-fault divorce. Another good step would be killing lautenberg (the law, not the esteemed ratfink from new jersey). How about tying child support to parental rights? How about adjusting alimony so that the woman maintains the standard of living she had before the marriage?
Now what organizations do you suppose would come out screaming and fighting against these proposals?

Without a doubt, Lautenberg is destructive to 2A rights, and it was designed that way. It isn't just a bad idea, its' potentially hazardous to women who are in a dangerous situation. While it can be spitefully used by a woman to deny her soon-to-be-ex his enjoyment of the shooting sports, it could be used by a psycho male to deny his wife the ability to defend herself against him. It is universally recognized as a protective measure for women in bad marriages, though - much like protective orders, and we all know how well those work. No man who complains about it will be listened to, but if enough of you sweetheart, non-psycho ladies complain, there is a chance it could be reversed.
I feel like I need to reply to this thread. For once, I can speak with totally first-hand knowledge - my wife is bi-polar. We've been married for 28 years. Her disease literally came our of nowhere 15 years ago. In the first year and a half, she was hospitalized 5 times. I had to take her in myself and have her "committed." I can tell you that it is a truly horrible thing to have to do to someone you love and to stand there helpless while they are being put into restraints.

Severe mental illness is in many ways worse than cancer. People have an almost primal fear of it because it represents a complete loss of control. The result is that you lose most of your friends. People rally around cancer victims, they shun the mentally ill. 97% of marriages involving a spouse with bi-polar disorder are destined to fail. When I called for help this was the answer I got. And, as in the case of the OP, the legal community is as completely ignorant as the rest of the general population, and you, sir have my sympathy. It seems that the only time people other than health care professionals actually attempt to educate themselves about mental illness, it's when they are directly affected by it through a stricken loved one, as in my case.

People are incredibly insensitive about mental illness and I've sensed some of that attitude in this thread. I didn't marry a "crazy" person, nor did I intend to. This is one of the cards that any of us can be dealt in this life at any time. Please remember that.

Fortunately, my wife's condition has been "stabilized" and managed through medication. The disease remains, however, and she must deal with it on a daily basis to the tune of almost 2 dozen various pills that if I didn't have health insurance would cost us over $1,500 per month.

My sympathy goes out to the OP as well as his wife. I hope that she gets the care she needs and that he is able to carry on his life as well.

I apologize for the rambling post, but this topic is very emotional for me.
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