Has Anyone HEard or Read Massad Ayoob Say this....?

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Jan 28, 2011
I was at my safety course for my pistol permit last night and my instructor (A Deputy Sheriff) asked if any of us read Massad Ayoob. I was the only person who proudly raised his hand, only to hear the instructor say "He's an idiot"all I could say was "really"?

He went say that Massad had said that it was legal to carry a pistol anywhere in the country so long as it was a Glock, the slide was separated from the frame, and it was unloaded. He went on to say that Massad suggested that if you see trouble, to drop to one knee and assemble your weapon and you'll be legally fine.

Let me say, that I don't believe any of this. This guy was a blowhard. I respect law enforcement officers and have over 30 officers who are good friends (I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with most and my brother in law is also an NYC cop) but this guy was just one of those people who seeks to impress you while he regales you with stories and wants desperately to "tell you how it is". With all that said, I want to know, have any of you read anything like this from Mr. Ayoob? If you have, it would fly in the face of most things he has said in his articles which I read dutifully. It just doesn't seem like something in line with his overall philosophies.
When faced with somone who is spoonfeeding me their BS and expecting me to simply swallow, I tend to balk a bit, get annoyed, and I simply call them out on their lies or misstatements. Someone making a claim that flew in the face of everything I know would be asked to prove it somehow. "I read it somewhere" isn't proof of anything in any way, without any sort opf documentation. If he doesn't have the documentation to back his statement, you've exposed him as the fraud he may be.

"Sir, I read a lot of Ayoob's articles, and this seems to run contrary to his typical advice. Before calling one of the disciplines experts an "idiot" I'd like to see the quote you are referring to." I almost guranteee the officer will be forced to eat his words (because that sounds like an asinine statement for ANYONE to make, let alone Ayoob), but will more than likley simply dismiss you outright, because "those" sorts of folks won't stand for being corrected, especially in a public setting. However, he WILL know (even if he doesn't publically announce it) that he can't simply say anything, and expect the entire class to buy it simply because he is the instructor. . Know it alls don't impress me much, especially when 2 minutes into the conversation its obvious my limited knowledge on a given subject is more accurate than the "experts" explaining to me how things are to be done. Nothing irritates me more than an expert who turns out to be anyhting but
Well, I'm in New York and I don't know what a snarky word to the Lt. would have done to my application. The sad part is that this guy had me nodding the whole time until this happened. He was VERY pro gun, said the NYS laws were retarded (I agree) said that he doesn't care how many guns we have, so long as he can have them to, ie everyone should be allowed to carry. It was great, he even said he spits on anything <deleted> Clinton says. I was loving this guy, but then the Ayyob comment opened the flood gates. He went on to say how he's done this, and done that, and how no one needs a gun all day like a cop does, how you "better kill me if you fight me" because he's like a rabbid dog blah blah blah, I needed a good pair of wading boots, and a shovel. If I would have said anything to this guy, it would have been "hey wipe your chin, because you're talking a lot of <deleted>".
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Mas is a well respected member of this forum, he doesn't post often, but when he does he is usually worth listening to. I suggest you PM him and see if you can get your answer straight from the source.
Unfortunately you'll find an occasional instructor that needs an attitude adjustment (during about four years in the military and 22 years in law enforcement I did run into one or two...). You're in a tough spot since you want to complete the instruction for certification. Get through it then make a point of talking to whoever hired the guy and recommend that they actually monitor what he (or she) is saying to their students.... If whoever's in charge isn't interested in how that instructor is performing then go public.... so others can look elsewhere for the class.
Welcome to The High Road!

I'd say that it's more likely that Sarah Palin makes a nude advertisement for PETA than for Mr. Ayoob to be so silly.

But I'm no expert.
Your instructor is an idiot, that is about all there is to it.

I agree with AKElroy - Armed Liberal for the win.
I'm not a huge fan of Ayoob but it sounds like your instructor is full of it. However, is it really worth it to get into a peeing match with the instructor of your pistol class over it? Probably not. Everybody has an opinion, some based on study, some based on experience, some they got from other people, others pulled from their posterior orifice. Smile and walk away.
Mas is an occasional member of this forum, and can speak for himself.

That being said, what I know of the man indicates that he's much smarter than the inane statement attributed to him.
The cop teaching my CCW class went on a tangent about the dangers of those evil Black Talon, teflon-coated cop killer bullets.
Idiot - I know Mas, taken LFI-1, seen him speak several times, read his stuff. Never heard that.

The gun world does produce a wide distribution of intellectual talents - now doesn't it?
I've taken Mas' MAG-40 class, and nothing like that was said there. And, everything in the 40 hour Ayoob class made sense to me and definitely passed the smell test. I think your instructor either has some bad information, misinterpreted something Mas said, or otherwise is mistaken about this.
I would like to add when an instructor or Internet expert wants to chest pound, they usually bash Glocks, Ayoob or 9 mm guns.

Blah, blah - I'm the holder of the secret gun knowledge. All fear me! :eek:
I seriously doubt he said anything to this effect. I've read his book on concealed carry and he mentions that carrying and ankle holster as a primary gun would be a bad idea due to the fact that you can't readily access it without kneeling down and should instead be used as a BUG. I can't imagine if he was opposed to using ankle holsters as primary carry, he would suggest such a thing.
I don't believe it for one second.

Ayoob is one of the few LEOs I trust to NOT make it up as he goes along.

Given his comments regarding the pros and cons of ankle holsters, the idea that he'd advocate carrying a DISASSEMBLED firearm for "protection" is laughable.

I periodically disagree with Ayoob. I've never thought he was stupid. If somebody did make the referenced suggestion (and I think it was just made up out of whole cloth), they're STUPID.

I buy "Combat Handguns" every month for two reasons: the "I Was There" feature, and Ayoob.
I've read a fair bit of Ayoob's books and articles, and one thing that I remember about him is that he has a flare for sarcasm on some subjects, those usually being the "wisdom? of the hour...." horsecrap that floats to the top of the sewage that many of us call "intra'net forums".
Your instructor (are you sure he wasn't there just to fill some time?) likely passed the class on taking everything literally with flying colors.
Oh, and Tact when speaking in public was probably one of his majors also.
Let him have his good time and file the nonsense where it belongs.
With LFI 1 and 2 under my belt and then co teaching an LFI 1 class a couple years later, I dont for one second believe this stuff.

Ayoob is a smart man and goes to great lengths to provide good materials that work.

First day of class in LFI 1 in Long Beach Cal fall of 1990
Opening few minutes of class, Ayoob askes the class if there are any questions.

I raised my hand and asked him (with a big grin) if there was any truth to the stuff his detractors print about him being an erogant egotistical @#$%^

He grinned, laughed and replied, yessssssssss

We became good friends over the time we spent together

At LFI 2 I had the oportunity to pair up with Mas during weapons retention training and get right into a struggle on the floor that left us both tired.

The process was a grand learning experience.

The cop you came into contact with was in my judgement just showing poor taste and a lot of jelousy of a man who has done very well for himself.

As a teacher I make it a practice to hand out praise in public and thats it.

I dont call smack on other instructors. If I am not impressed with someone, I will simply leave it alone and move on.

Degrading others, shows a total lack of professionalism, Period

Now this does not mean for one second that I/we can't choose to disagree. Example, I prefer to do it this way "Example given"

What goes around comes around.

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It may be that the instructor half-remembers something he half-read or half-heard years ago.

It sounds like some kind of mish-mash with FOPA thrown in there.

One response to an odd statement like that is to defuse it with something along the lines of, "That's interesting, and I'd like to know more without derailing this class. Can you give me the source on that after class?"
That isn't a challenge to the instructors veracity, and gives him an out if he needs it. It also lets him move on to the subject matter of the class. And if he does have the citation, you can decide for yourself.

For what it's worth, some people I like and respect very much do not like or respect each other. C'est le vie.
What a ding dong...

I sincerely doubt that Mr. Ayoob said anything like that. I have read everything by him I can get my hands on and I have never seen anything written by him that would even suggest such to that so-called "instructor".
Don't feel bad...I was in a secured class on explosives taught by an "expert" on car bombs when I heard him telling a police officer that the .40S&W round chrono'd at 15,000 fps. When I asked him about the propagation rate of an explosive he was INSTRUCTING on he told me he had never heard the term before. I got up, excused myself and gathered my gear and left.
Just 'cause they gots a sign around they neck sayin' "instructor" they ain't, neccessarily.
LFI I and II. Read a bunch of his stuff. He is knowledgable and helpful ... and friendly and arrogant. But he'd never have said anything this stupid. Sounds bogus to me.
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