HD Shotgun vs AR

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"Reminds me of the old saw about "giving your life for your Country", rather than making the other bloke......"

I don't think he is saying he wants to go on a suicide mission. I think he is saying he is willing to take a risk of death in order to save his family.

Making the other guy die for his country surely is better than me dying for mine, but making the other guy die for his does entail risk on my part that I might die for mine instead.
I don't think he is saying he wants to go on a suicide mission. I think he is saying he is willing to take a risk of death in order to save his family.
Well, yeah, but isn't making a prudent decision on risk a function of the likelihood tat the strategy will succeed?

In this case, failure can cost the lives of the defender and of the family members home at the time.

Screen fiction often misleads us.

The sobering accounts in this book are about people who are duty bound to take risks, who are trained, and who usually work with partners. Many of hem die. For single untrained civilians without backup, their missions would be tantamount to suicide.


I am suggesting ways to mitigate the risk, rather than thinking "gun...gun...I'll get my gun" and stepping into harms way blind. To try another military analogy, we used to send piloted low level aircraft out to brave anti-aircraft systems and take pictures of great strategic importance.

We don't do that anymore.
If you use outside motion sensors for early warning and live in a rural area where there is wildlife, how do you avoid false alarms all night?

I use IR motion sensors that have “pet lenses” installed except around the chicken coop. They are made so one can set their alarm system and their dog or cat doesn’t set off the alarm while they are not home.

Around the chicken coop they are eliminated. I find it a lot easier to get the drop on things like coyotes if you engage them from the 2nd story. Even keep a tripod up there so I only have to crack the door open, if I and having a problem.


Not unlike those pigs from last night at our farm, no need to know they are down there from just a game camera perspective but they are in a trap. Like this sounder was awhile back. Hard to make out in the photo from last night but here you cans see the 8 foot wide gate up behind them as they are eating away.


Then I can call and drop the gates from home.


Then they wait on me to come take care of them.


The idea being, once it’s quiet at night, there is nothing out there I need to take care of.
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Well, yeah, but isn't making a prudent decision on risk a function of the likelihood tat the strategy will succeed?

In this case, failure can cost the lives of the defender and of the family members home at the time.

Screen fiction often misleads us.

The sobering accounts in this book are about people who are duty bound to take risks, who are trained, and who usually work with partners. Many of hem die. For single untrained civilians without backup, their missions would be tantamount to suicide.


I am suggesting ways to mitigate the risk, rather than thinking "gun...gun...I'll get my gun" and stepping into harms way blind. To try another military analogy, we used to send piloted low level aircraft out to brave anti-aircraft systems and take pictures of great strategic importance.

We don't do that anymore.

Agree that having more information is better than less, so surveillance cameras make since. But if you don't see anything on camera, which is possible if someone has already made it through and entrance by the time you wake up and get to a video monitor, then what do you do? You have still heard a suspicious noise, know that children are potentially in harms way, and kind of have to take action, right?
But if you don't see anything on camera, which is possible if someone has already made it through and entrance by the time you wake up and get to a video monitor, then what do you do?
I am speaking of cameras that show you who may be in the places in which one would have gone to look, in an earlier era.
I am speaking of cameras that show you who may be in the places in which one would have gone to look, in an earlier era.

OK. Didn't realize that you were talking about cameras inside the house.

Do you put them in all rooms?
I'm not going to get into the nit picking and piddly bickering on tactics. I will however share my view, no one needs to agree or disagree, but it is all based in reality - your reality may differ from my own.

#1 if an intruder has a tactical advantage on you (the resident), you have already begun to fail. There is no such thing as a fair fight, an outsider does not know what they're coming into. Your tactics and defense should not be shared with anyone who doesn't live there too.

#2 crooks are unpredictable, wouldn't be very good bad guys if they acted in a way that you could see coming. So trying to say you would or would not move about the living space is completely pointless, you don't know and can't know until the event occurs. Planning is one thing but a crooks objective is to throw you off your game and get you out of your comfort zone . plan to move, if you don't have to then that's best.

#3 you must assume the worst, if you don't need to confront the intruder you may be safer. But maybe not. If they burn your home down with your family inside, you would have been better off to engage them. You don't know and you never will. Me personally, I will hold a position of advantage as long as possible but have an escape route too. The moment you believe you have it all planned out, you have planned to fail. Reasonable security goes a long way but some murder squad from the KGB or something will get you either way. A tweaker looking for a stereo doesn't want to kill you, you shouldn't want to kill them. If you have family on the other end of the house you had best go get them and if you need to engage a target on the way, so be it.

I think it's hilarious all the armchair commandos figuring what will and won't happen. You don't even know what's going to happen when you make coffee in the morning, you could spill it on yourself and burn your crotch winding up in the hospital. Anything and everything will happen. Plan for the worst and plan to always have the upper hand, or do nothing. That is all.

ETA: for me, shotgun without a doubt. We got derailed a bit.
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Agree that having more information is better than less, so surveillance cameras make since. But if you don't see anything on camera, which is possible if someone has already made it through and entrance by the time you wake up and get to a video monitor, then what do you do? You have still heard a suspicious noise, know that children are potentially in harms way, and kind of have to take action, right?

I have often wondered about the mindset where a reaction is the best action.

If’s and but’s can drive you nuts, you can always have a better plan. Even the military has the best plan, until it fails and they need to come up with a better one.

We have to save the children, if it’s priority #1 why slack on it before its a critical situation, inside the home?

If you have a 6 year old girl now, you likely have a baby monitor around there somewhere. Sound is fairly instant as are radio transmissions, in our steel covered “A frame” cabin outside signals can be poor. Put the RX radio outside with the TX baby monitor, reception problem solved.


Inside the the RX monitor connected to an amplifier for the old guys and you can hear when any of the radios go off, not quite at the speed of light but we are old and can’t tell the difference.


Your radios are placed where you want them before hand vs seeing what happened after you wake up.


Add in one digital voice recorder and you can instantly send any location message to yourself you could want, from any number of locations. No need to drive miles to figure out where stuff is at.


You can also go one step further and have another radios
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