Here is a SF captain on Kerry:

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easy there Jay. You seem to be laboring under the impression that Bush is some how not a lying scumbag himself. Man to man, I'd take Kerry anyday over a spineless male cheerleader with a rap sheet who's a recovering boozebag , but that's just me, we won't even get into his crappie service record but I'll vote for neither on a ballot. We deserve better than either of them but we can't get it because no one worth their salt wants the job, so we get failed businessmen whose rich parents and their friends need to spray with money like it's coming out of a firehose just to get some to stick to the kid.

I don't see how Kerry bares the responislibity of creating the negative image of VN vets but then again I belive in personal responsibility. Projecting and blaming do nothing. But if it makes you fell better have at it man.
oh, I thought we were playing a game of stupid questions.

I've hated TK for years, mostly due to his blind support and subsidizing of commercial fisherman who have seriously damaged my favorite resource and pastime for personal monetary gain. More recently for his ignornace on RKBA issues as I'm fairly new to the shooting sports.
did you really think I was a Kennedy man?

when you think about it , there are lots of similarities between Teddy and GWB, rich drunken sots who partied till late in life and are now sucking on the public teat, now both allegedly in "recovery". Living off a family name and no particular accomplishments of their own. One cheated at Harvard, the other cheated the National Guard. Damn, the parallelles go on and on....

Well, well. This thread has certainly devolved, hasn't it.

Closed for veering off the high road.
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