How many mags, per gun, do you have?

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The absolute bare minimum anyone should have for an autoloader is two because if you only have one, and the mag goes bad, the gun is now useless.

After that, I think the more the better, but the upper limit depends on the person and the situation. For my defensive or training guns, I want to have at least 4 to 6 per gun. For my C&R "fun guns," such as my P-38, two mags is plenty.

The only drawback about having TOO many mags per gun is that now you have money tied up in mags that you could have spent on something else, like more guns.
Why the 1911 makers can't get it through their heads to include quality mags is beyond me.
Its probably crossed their minds, but since most ppl know use wilson or chip mags, i guess they though "why should we include a quality mag if the buyer is gonna use a wilson or chip anyway?"
6 is a good amount and 3 is bare minimum for me. But more is always better if you can afford it.
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