I Hate To Ask But I Need Help!!!!

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"MarkK Does being prescribed painkillers really prohibit one from acquiring a CWP in Texas?"

I am on Methadone and a Morphine shots I need to take 4 times a day when they did the back round check the V.A. put them down on the paper work.

"What is your wife's attitude to guns: would she be willing to learn how to use one? "

yes she like guns and see knows how to use my mod 19

"Did he say this when he went in or recently?"

Mostly on his way in BUT he has said it last week when he got out, I found out thru a friend of mine who lives and works where he is at now.

"Do you have kids?"

yes but they do not live at home But i do have grandkids who come by a lot.

"If you can find a picture of the bad guy, could not hurt for her to at least have an idea of what the guy looks like."

I will get a picture as soon as I can.

"Maverick shotgun from Academy is only $179. About $50 more than what you picked but worth it I think, especially with the cheaper practice ammo."

I did not think they were that cheap I will be getting one around the 1st.

Thanks for the help I wish the V.A. never told them about the meds but they had to I have been on them for about 1 year.
I've asked some questions on this board about Home Defense, and have gotten some great answers. One thing that I was told was to think about getting a dog. It serves three purposes: 1) The barking will alert you and allow you to wake up BEFORE there's someone standing over your bed: 2) Lots of times a barking dog will keep someone out of the house, no matter what type of dog it is: 3) If the BG still comes inside the house, depending on the dog, it may fend off the intruder.

Also, have you thought about getting a security system? If that's too expensive, I've seen battery operated door alarms that sound the alarm if the door is opened before they are turned off. It's better than nothing.
I am on Methadone and a Morphine shots I need to take 4 times a day when they did the back round check the V.A. put them down on the paper work.
I wish the V.A. never told them about the meds but they had to I have been on them for about 1 year

What does the VA have to do with the background check for a CWP in Texas?
OK, I live in Texas and I'm confused.

If these are given to you as a prescription, I don't see how it enters into the picture vis a vis a CHL. Are you saying you tried to get one and the background check done by DPS turned up this prescription given to you by the VA?

And what the @#$@#$@#$ is the VA doing giving out your medical info? You have privacy rights. I guarantee you that the DPS never got into my medical file when I got my CHL. They should not have had access to yours either.

The **only*** possible issue here is that methadone is something that, if you ever get better, you will have to be weaned off, else you would go through withdrawal. ISTM that you're getting the short end of the stick because you went to the VA for your health care, and getting less privacy than anyone else would be entitled to.

Go to the Texas DPS website and read up on the requirements for CHL; I thinkyou should be okay. In the meantime, it is perfectly legal for you to carry a handgun concealed in you car.
How does the ex-con know where you live? Is your name and address listed? Can you move? Do you know where he lives?

If your name and address is listed, remove them.

If you can move, do so.
You may have a situation that can't be effectively expressed on-line. I suggest that if you think there is a good chance someone just out of prison will be coming for your family you should contact a lawyer somewhere around Lampasas, TX that has experience in matters of self defense, medication and/or disability. That legal counsel can help keep you on the right side of the law while you maximize your self-defense opportunities even if you have a complicated situation.

If something happens, you'll need a lawyer anyway. If it comes to that, there is a huge difference between "I need to speak to an attorney" and "I need to speak to my attorney".

Even in the legal field, forewarned is forearmed. I bet there's folks here that can recommend good lawyers in your area.
I have obtained three Mossberg shotguns from pawn shops for cheap!
500 w/ 24" slug and 26" shot barrels for $150
500 w 18" slug barrel for $100
Maverick pistol grip 18" slug barrel for $130
Just look around they are definatley out there.
Like FloppyToe says, check out the pawn shops in your area, I've found many pump shotguns under $100, they ain't the prettiest but will get the job done. Take care of your family and good luck.
Lots of good advice, here.

Let me repeat: Tell your wife. Y'all are a team. Be sure you're on the same page in the play book. Also, she may have an idea or have observed something she shrugged off as insignificant.

If you consider a dog, can y'all manage a larger beast? I ask because the larger breeds are harder to place, but have some fine dogs. For instance, the N Texas Great Dane rescue group ( http://www.danerescue.net/ ) has had some fine old dogs in the past that were great with my kids, were housetrained, obedient, etc. But, they were hard to place due to size & age. They even have a "Seniors for Seniors" that place older dogs with older folks.

The HD shotgun is a fine idea. If you need a resource for used, reasonably priced revolvers or semi-autos (lotsa police trade-ins), I get lotsa catalogs due to my C&R03FFL. I can mail them to you and you can figure out what used gun is good for you. You can arrange with a local FFL to buy one at wholesale or other arrangements can be made. IMO, since you don't yet have a CCL, keeping a HD shotgun and a handgun in every auto is a must.

Good luck & know I'm praying/pulling for you.
I don't think they are worried about him being an addict, I think they are worried about some drugs that may affect decision making. Kinda the same deal as having a gun while intoxicated.
primer said:
I don't think they are worried about him being an addict, I think they are worried about some drugs that may affect decision making. Kinda the same deal as having a gun while intoxicated.

But since when is your medical history part of the CHP?
You guys have to take your situation into account & weigh the consequences of all your potential actions (going $600 in debt on a credit card for a good gun & carry set up vs. getting shot in the face in front of your home, same for the wife vs. her meeting the same fate of this dude's first victim, etc...)

+1 Seriously, don't put a price on your life (or your wife's)! It's difficult to buy another one...

That's not to say you need to spend a lot on a weapon, but I would at least invest in a few moderately priced weapons and the gear that goes with them just to be ready for any conceivable circumstance! Maybe $150 for a Mossberg 500, $200 for a CZ-82 (for your wife), $200 for a Hi-Point 995 Carbine and another $150 to spend on extra mags, lights, ammo or whatever. It would be difficult to have too many weapons stashed around the house/car in your situation. I would go overboard if it were me...can't be too safe!
It may sound stupid to say "get a restraining order", but it could save you lots of legal trouble later. It he is on parole any violation would send him back pretty quick or if he did go after your wife or yourself while not at home, it would look much better to a DA or grand jury if you had to shoot.
Dude you gotta tell her. This freaks me out and I am not even involved! This might not be the THR answer, and I am not advocating illegal carry. But... I would make it a point for both of you to be armed 24/7 if you catch my drift. You gotta be able to defend your family. The biggest factor here in my opinion is to have a gun and know how to use it. Which gun to get is a moot point. Just have one that works and you can shoot well. Just make sure it goes bang and you can aim it well.

Also, do you know how he attacked his last victim? For example, did he kick in a door in the middle of the night, or grab someone off the street. It would be useful just to know the tactics he used the last time although you really have to be prepared for everything. People can try different things. I hope it helps. Good luck and hopefully he wont be a bother to you guys.
Your wife needs the permit more. See if she's willing to apply.

Prescription medication should not disqualify you. I have no idea why the VA would have anything to do with this. Are you saying you applied previously and got rejected? How did the VA have anything to do with your paperwork for the CHL?

Find out who is parole agent is and arrange a discreet meeting with him or her. Restraining orders are worthless pieces of paper, and often do serve to enrage those they're served on. Form a relationship with that parole agent and see if you can get some professional courtesy extended to you.
if you was involved with the capture of the bad guy, you can get a mugshot through open records. goto the police station with the case number, criminal's name, dob, etc. i have a mugshot of my bad guy in my cell phone. everyone has good advise. ever since i almost got mugged, i'm always looking up and around like a ptz camera.

good luck.
Don't get a restraining order, it will just get you on his mind. Chances are he won't come after you. Still be prepared.

You guys have to take your situation into account & weigh the consequences of all your potential actions (going $600 in debt on a credit card for a good gun & carry set up vs. getting shot in the face in front of your home, same for the wife vs. her meeting the same fate of this dude's first victim, etc...)

Yeah, as a sidenote the VA can't give out your medical records without your permission. No one will know what you are on if you don't tell them or give your doc permission to release. (I work at a doc's office doing med records and billing, if I was to release pt. info to someone other than the pt. I would be FIRED and SUED... quickly.. )
take the current mugshot of the BG, give a copy to every neighbor surrounding your house for a couple of streets (neighborhood watch). Ensure you have good locks on the house, and security cameras if possible (will help if he comes by casing your place). Tell your wife, help her mentally prepare if/when a situation occurs.
Tell your wife
Build a neighborhood/family team.
Develop key word drills and parking lot drills for the grocery store and other vulnerable moments.

Choosing the best home defense gun is way behind a lot of things that should come first.
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