I hope you don't find this rude of me, but I have a personal question to ask...

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Can I get a passing grade now?? :D
I went and made things better.

The Custom Government Model Pistol -Layne Simpson
Up Country- Nelson DeMille
Winchester Ammunition Catalog
Easy Crossword Puzzle Book
Dummies for Fishing

I even topped off the oil lamp and dusted the Duxbax metal poster .

Just had to go look. 2003 Cabela's Fall Issue, 2003 GMC Sierra brochure, Guns and Ammo, Bon Appetit, Equus, Major Surplus and Survival, Burpie Seed Catalog, American Rifleman, Shooting Times, 2003 Sun Tracker Catalog (Pontoon Boats), Kansas City Bullsheet ( BBQ News). That's downstairs, upstairs theres not much to read except the shampoo bottle! :(
Sorry GeeGee, but a true "porcelain chair" reader doesnt let something "oversized" mess up their reading preferences. No, a true reader adapts his surroundings to accomodate his selections by UPGRADING. I dont use a silly basket for my bathroom magazines and books, I use a small table! That gives me quite a bit of stability and I can arrainge my reading material by size. A basket is what my grandmother keeps her sewing in. 'Nuff said! :D

:scrutiny: Nope, the bathrooms in my house don't have any reading material. Just take care of business & on to the next 'thing' :D
-A scuba Diving Magazine.

-Psycholgy of Adult aging and Devolpment (from last semester haven't gotten around to throwing it away..won't buy it back..bastards.)

-Not reading material but the most used item... one of those handheld electronic solitare games... (my fav. item)
Hansolo, what do I think of bodily functions? I accept them as a necessary part of life. The problem I have with reading in the loo is the thought of "smudged" pages if you know what I mean. I do realize that reading helps many people relax and there is nothing wrong with that. What ever works for you is cool, its just not my way of getting things done.
I think we are getting off topic here. :eek:
None of that. You will find a magazine of some description in the facilities but all the firearm magazines are with me. Business magazines bore me and computer magazines bore me. You might find a C.S. Lewis book in there or perhaps a Steven King paperback though.

Advanced Aerobatics
Explosives and Rock Blasting
The Onion's Our Dumb Century


Foreign Affairs
Car & Driver
Double Gun Journal
Small Arms Review


Last year's Brownell's
Last year's MSC Big Book (Machine tool supplier)
Older issue of Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords
DirecTV The Guide

I figure if I'm in there long enough to read there's already a cannon or bomb going off, don't need to read about any other form of firearm or weapon. :eek:
More or less permanent residents:
A couple of old Shotgun News
Turkey Call (NWTF magazine)
In Style (it's a co-ed bathroom :rolleyes: )
RV Journal
Backwoods Home
Reader's Digest
Outdoor Life
A couple of books on how different things work (lots of short articles that only take about 5 minutes to read :D )

Rotated out fairly frequently:
A sales flyer from the local grocery store
Century Arms/Aim/SOG sales flyers
Assorted clothing catalogs (see co-ed comment above)
Other strange catalogs that we have no idea how we got on the mailing list :uhoh: .

Nothing in the bathrooms, but there's plenty of reading material scattered around the homestead.

A quick glance around the den reveals:
- old issues of American Gunsmith, Home Shop Machinist, and American Rifleman
- Trader Vic's Book of Mexican Cooking
- Catalogs from Brownells and Natchez.
- The Blue Book of Gun Values (24th edition)
- Cryptonomicon (in a constant meta-state of re-reading)
- Three or four books on nuclear weapons technology (Richard Rhodes, etc.)
- A whole library of books on clandestine services, intelligence gathering, etc.
- Golf books (sigh...)
- A copy of Matt Burkett's Practical Shooting Manual - highly recommended!

Lots more scattered around - none in the bathrooms, though. A terrible oversight!

- Chris
Can I get a passing grade now??
Absolutely! Now you're cooking with gas. I mean, uh...yeah, you pass. :p
Sorry GeeGee, but a true "porcelain chair" reader doesnt let something "oversized" mess up their reading preferences. No, a true reader adapts his surroundings to accomodate his selections by UPGRADING. I dont use a silly basket for my bathroom magazines and books, I use a small table! That gives me quite a bit of stability and I can arrainge my reading material by size. A basket is what my grandmother keeps her sewing in. 'Nuff said!
Irrefutable logice from someone who won't bow to tradition. I salute you, Sir! :D
Foreign Affairs
Who'd have thought I could smoke out a member of the Council on Foreign Relations with this thread? :scrutiny: geegee
Just had a look.

Last month's "3D World" and this month's CGI Magazine.... copy of "Privateers" by Ben Bova (gh0d, it's falling apart! Gotta get a new copy), "The Animator's Survival Kit" and a pamphlet on OpenGL cards.

Hm. Guess what I do for a living! ;)
If you were to stop by and use my facilities, you'd be able to thumb thru issues of Car and Driver, MotorTrend, Road & Track, AutoCar, F1 magazine, SpeedGear, Small Arms Review, PC Gamer, and some well used Cabela Master catalogs ..

I also have a few late 80's/early-mid 90's World Market ( from places like Austria, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, OZ, and S. Africa for example ) Toyota Hilux & Landcruiser brochures in there as well..

Anytime you're in the area, feel free to stop by and use my bathroom, Hansolo..;) :D
Well, I don't have anything IN the bathroom but if you really needed some reading material I have a number of magazines I could offer you, including...

American Rifleman
PC Gamer
Popular Science
Wilson Combat 2002 Catologue

My house has 6 female occupants and me, the Dad.

We do NOT allow reading in the loo. We must enforce efficient use of the time in that room.
I hold my Benelli at low ready just in case anyone thinks they can take advantage of me being in the head....no reading material to put me in condition white, no sir.

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