I think I have crossed into "GUN NUT" territory

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you are a true gun-nut when you forego the safe, and build a gun vault, replete with fireproofing (5 hour rated) and a vault door... build racking for over 100 guns, and then end up wondering where the rest are gonna go...

(guilty as charged!)
I know what you are saying , this place just makes you want more.
I'm thinking I live the life of a gun poor man looking at some of these collections.
This place has made me jealous , mad , gratefull , thankfull , ect.......
Man I love it !!!!!!!
Hey PP don't feel bad I just got my first AR I haven't even shot it yet and I'm alrady planning on getting a varmint model. You're missing some kind of large magazine rifle a shot gun a bolt gun and a .22.
Glad to hear that you've been afflicted. :evil:

That safe is looking awful empty though! Get a C&R and it will fill up quick.

I could probably pack all my guns in my safe, but I like to have it neat and organized so I can take them out easily when I want to shoot them. I just try to keep the most expensive ones in there for now.

You need a good ammo hoard too!
Not only will you soon be buying a new safe, you will soon be bashing Bush because of his loony left wing views.

THAT is when you will know you have completed your journey.

I've gotta steal that one...with some edits for the way I hear it in my head (from the old classic "Kung Fu"):

"The gun nut can fit 28 guns in a 14 gun safe. It is said that looked for, his new gun purchase cannot be seen. Listened for, his shooting is loud.

Oh Grasshopper...you will soon buy a new safe. But when you start bashing George Bush because of his loony left wing views...you WILL have learned."

Relax, Penguin: like the "crazy cat person" threshold, the "gun nut threshold" or GNT can be expressed as:

GNT = n + 2

where n is equal to the number of guns you currently own.
You think your addiction is bad now...Wait until you have
the opportunity to fire a full auto weapon. Brother, you'll be
HAD then. Good luck EVER going back once you light off
a clip or belt..:eek: :) :D = :evil: :banghead:
bg said:
You think your addiction is bad now...Wait until you have
the opportunity to fire a full auto weapon. Brother, you'll be
HAD then. Good luck EVER going back once you light off
a clip or belt..:eek: :) :D = :evil: :banghead:
Oh, I have fired full auto many times before. Was in the military for 12 yrs total. They are a blast. I am not really sure how I feel about lifting restrictions on them though. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens. I am betting they would be mondo expensive.:)
CajunBass said:
If you give your wife a gun for Valentines day. And she gives you one back. Are you both gun nuts?

Guilty! I gave my lady a S&W Ladysmith 60 this year for Valentines Day. I also proposed to her so it was overshadowed but she does love the gun!:)
Word of advice

I think I would stop by the grocery store on payday before you go to the gunshop.

I know it sounds like I have my priorities mixed up, but its easier to hold on target if your not distracted by the growling in your stomach.
USMCRotrHed said:
I think I would stop by the grocery store on payday before you go to the gunshop.
Problem is, in my state, we have stores like BiMart that are both groceries AND gunshops.

OMG, what do I put in my basket first?! Cartridges or :uhoh: beans?

I know it sounds like I have my priorities mixed up, but its easier to hold on target if your not distracted by the growling in your stomach.
That's why we have the aphorism, "biting the bullet", right?

:D ;)

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