I was assualted today by a motorist

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Sep 22, 2003
Hi Guys, I need some advice.

Here's what happened:

My friend and I are headed back to work after lunch, and I pull over to let my friend drive my new car (he wanted to check it out). We are on a back access road (1 mile long) to where we work. About the time I get out of the car, this guy pulls up next to us in a early 90's Cougar or T-Bird. We just think he's asking if we need help, so I tell him everything is OK and wave him on. I'm standing about at the trunk area of my car.

He gets out of the car, and moves towards me somewhat rapidly, and starts mouthing how I almost just took his front bumper off (neither my friend or I remember seeing this guy or anyone we cut-off). So I say, "look man I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." This guy is about 6FT, 40 years old, and looks like he goes to the gym everyday. He says some more ????? and then just nails me hard in the jaw. I saw the punch coming so I backed up as he hit me, which lessened the blow. Then he starts coming towards me again like he's gonna go for another punch and he stops. Then he says he used to be a cop and he already called the cops. Then he gets in his car and drives off. Looks like I'm gonna have a big fat lip by tomorrow morning.

There was no way I could have gotten my gun in the glove box before he got to me. I was thinking about it but knew if I went for the gun, he would jump me, and then we'd be fighting to get control over a .40 cal Sig. I was standing at the trunk when he got out of his car. At that time, I thought he just wanted to help us. When I realized he was possibly going to attack me, he was 5 ft away and I was 5ft from a closed glove box with a pistol in a partially unzipped rug.

Also, A brawl rolling around on the pavement is just plain stupid. He did not knock me down, just a step backwards. If he had at come at me again, I would have done everything possible to take him out with my bare hands. You gotta remember, you just never know when someone like this will pull a knife or a gun from his pocket. I had no means of defense except my hands. It's better to defuse a situation rather than possibly get stabbed trying to be a tough guy.

As he drives away we get the plate number and call the cops. They send a cop, take a report and tell me a detective will call me and allow me to sign a assault warrant on him.

Here is my delima:

Do I take my time and go file a warrant, get jerked around by the legal system, then go to court and testify, only to have this guy on a revenge mission against me? Or do I just let my fat lip heal and forget about the whole thing. I have no loose/chipped teeth nor do I require medical attention. I only have a few cuts on my fat lip and a ruined shirt from blood stains. It's not that big of a deal. I was hit harder in junior-high in the fights I got in.

So...is it worth the aggravation in the court system and having a nut-case even more pizzed at me, to get some revenge? Opinions???
It'd be hard for me not to try and square it somehow. But your probably right, there's not much point. See what the cops do. Where i'm from it's not up to you to press charges, it's up to a prosecutor. So maybe your decisions made allready. He sucker-punched you, dont feel like you have anything to be ashamed of. he's the coward, not you. If you see him again, try capstun....while he's rollin around, you get to have some fun.:D
If it were me, I would file. No question about it. If he reacts like that to a harmless situation like that, imagine what he would do to others in a worse situation.
If he used to be a cop then he knows whats coming and should have known better. But its all up to you.
is it worth the aggravation in the court system and having a nut-case even more pizzed at me, to get some revenge?

Turning him over to the court system is called JUSTICE not revenge.

Yep, if you know who he is, I would turn him in. If he isnt dirt poor (and he may be considering he was driving a POS), you might even want to get a lawyer and sue him in civil court.

If you do either of these though, you may also be well advised to carry the gun on your person rather than in the glove box.
you may also be well advised to carry the gun on your person rather than in the glove box.

The biggest problem with off-body carry/car carry is that the gun is off your body. Doesn't do much good if you can't get to it.
You have a witness. File the assualt charge and press it. If you want to carry it further, sue the guy. He could really injure someone next time.
I agree that guy needs to go through the Criminal justice system before he kills someone over something stupid.
I agree to the body carry, but the problem is I work in a high-tech secure facility that does not allow weapons on the premises so I compromise. A situation like this just makes you realize that you need to have your weapon at all times to be safe. I stopped... and got out of the car to walk around to the passenger seat......and I was bascially ambushed. All I could think about was my weapon is 5 ft away and it's doing me no good.
File the charges - that is what the justice system is for. And sue him for assault. Document the injury, also.

The guy is a hothead and needs to be stopped before he really hurts someone. You are that means.

He is damned lucky to be alive let alone running around looking for his next victim.


You have the means to brand this guy for what he is, a violent perpetrator. If you get a conviction on him this time, even if it is a misdemeanor, the next time it will be a felony.

In addition, if this guy is an ex-cop, the liklihood is that he was a bad one who abused his authority under color of law; and he is still under the impression that he is immune from retribution for his abberant acts. This makes him an even greater danger to the community at large.

By reporting him, you may also be doing him (and possibly others) a favor. He obviously feels that he can assault others with impunity and with little risk to his own well being.

Next time, he may lose his life or health in a similar situation. He may also hurt someone else even worse than in this incident.

Your actions may slow him down or teach him a lesson that he truly needs to learn.

Paybacks? Maybe. But you'll be within your rights to respond appropriately next time.

I have to agree with most of the people who have responded. File charges. NOW! Ignoring the crime will reinforce in this guy that he can assault some innocent person withour fear of being held responsible for his actions.
You don't carry at work.
But is there any prohibition at work to keep you from wearing your holster?

If you can carry elsewhere, then just lock the gun up while at work and put the gun back in the holster as you leave work.

Don't know enough about the situation to comment re whether havin the gun on you would have been a good thing or not.

Remeber when honest men would have handled this kind of thing on their own, with no thought of calling in John Law?

This is what the nanny state has done.

Yeah, under the present circumstances, file. I regret not having done so a few years back. No telling who paid for my mistake.
You guys are right. I'm gonna see it thru on the assault charges and do my best to nail this guy. Thanks for the advice!

BTW, I'm in Austin as well.
File charges also get some documentation (photos, bloody shirt, medical report) of the injury done to your lip.

Go to a doctor and get an examination including x-rays. You may not have a problem today but down the road TMJ is a real possibility. You will then be faced with chronic pain and no way to be made whole.

Regarding the perp. He is probably and ex-cop for a reason.

I have a good friend who lives in Florida. A close family friend was murdered in front his friend's 4 year old daughter in a road rage incident. Seems the perp had a history of road rage and local LE considered the guy a wild dog. Sooner or later he would kill someone in a fit of rage.

Well, it happened.

Reporting a criminal act is not revenge it is merely common sense.
In this particular case, I would hope your friend would have helped you out! What did he do when you were struck? Did he rally to your side?

It sounds like there wasn't enough time for either of you to react, but I certainly hope that had this jerk tried a second blow, your friend would have stepped in.

If this exact scenario had happened to me and one of my buddies, this guy would have ended up with his face in the dirt and his arm twisted behind his back. I don't have any male friends who aren't capable of helping me performing this kind of takedown, especially with 2 to 1 odds. I only wish that I was as capable as a couple of them as far as doing it alone!
If this character would assault you over such a minor thing, imagine what he does to his wife, kid, significant other, neighbors, etc. No telling what he's capable of. File charges and do what you have to do to defend yourself.
My friend was in the drivers seat and did not think the guy was a nutcase. We both initially thought the guy wanted to help us because he thought we were broken down. My friend thought I had defused the situation. Then the guy punched me and got in his car and drove off. It happened really fast before either of us really knew what was going on. It's not like we were aware we had pizzed someone off and were running from them. We had no idea this guy was mad at us for something so we were not prepared. Total time from the time the guy got out of the car and back into his car was less than 40 seconds.
I will not let any creature, human or otherwise, attack me without some kind of retribution. If you hit me I will do my best to teach you a lesson. If you retreat, I will find out who you are and I will pursue the matter with the police. I don't attack someone without reason and don't expect others to exhibit this kind of behavior to me. If you hurt my family all the earlier "polite" rules are suspended. Me and mine just want to be left alone and in peace. Not trying to sound "Macho" with the above statement, just common sense about how to live a life...

Michael in Sandy, Oregon/Owner of IronWolf Industries
File the charges and convince your friend to be a witness as well, that's what good citizens do to keep punks like this in check. Perhaps the last guy let him slide, huh?
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