I went to a friends house...

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let me phrase it this way.

It is illegal for a government or a business to ask someone to leave simply because of their skin tone, religion, and a lot of other reasons.

My moral code also says this is wrong.

However, it is your house, and you are totally within your rights to say 'no jews no mormons no catholics no coloreds'

If I am one of those things or my girlfriend is one of those things, I COULD choose to lie about it and go into your home anyways. Because you cannot see what a man conceals in his heart, it would be harder to detect than a concealed firearm.

Still, it would be wrong.

I should respect your rights and your wishes, even if they are morally repugnant. If your rules are morally repugnant, I can either not go to your house, or I can stop being your friend
I have few friends, but many associates. If a person is the type who wouldn't allow me to "Carry" in their home, for whatever reason, the relationship doesn't make it to the friend level. No problemo.
I don't have the time or inclination to try to convert anyone. Life is too short to suffer fools of any stripe.
To the OP:
I would of politely excused myself and departed, never to return. Why go where you're not wanted? If going to this persons environment unarmed makes you uncomfortable, don't go. No big deal.
I just don't trust him. Haven't since I found S&M porn on his computer and found out he was a cutter. Haven't gone shooting with him since either. He's not the same kid I remember.

Wow, how you came about finding porn on his computer asks more questions than answers, I'm afraid...

A cutter, eh? Has he cut you, or your family members?

Sounds more like you're punishing him for life choices you disagree with than this being a matter of trust.
My friends don't need to carry in my house. We're well equipped.:p

I couldn't resist, carry on guys!:D
His house, his rules.

Having said that, I would never return.

I've only had three people express to me their discomfort at my armed status:

1. My father, who's a paranoid individual on more than one psychotropic medications.

2. A former employee, who was taking stelazine (sp?) for years. Stelazine is Thorazine's little brother.

3. GF's felon brother.

I'm a package deal for those who know me well.

I associate pretty much exclusively with those who appreciate the benefits of firearm ownership. At the same time, concealed means concealed. If they don't know me well enough to know I'm a big-time civil rights activist, they probably don't know I'm armed and I don't advertise.

IMHO, the problem is that you should have had the discussion before showing up at his door in OC mode.

Now you have to try and undo the damage or make a hard decision.

Most of my frieds and acquaintances are pro-gun and several have their CHLs (as do I). I am a "don't ask, don't tell" type and am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Since OC is not (yet) legal here, I have not been faced with this issue.

Please let us know how the discussion goes, and what the final outcome is.
The bottom line here for me is:

My House, My Rules.

I've got plenty of pro-gun friends and family that I STILL do not want carrying a gun in MY house.

It seems that every few days we get a AD/ND thread on THR. I think *I* have the right to decide if one of those are going to happen in MY house.

There are exactly two people my father used to say he'd duck hunt in a boat with: The one that taught him gun safety (his father) and the one that he taught gun safety (his son, me.) Then he'd tell me of his life-threatening experience of going squirrel hunting once with his two brother-in-laws who owned a gun store. He said he'd never hunt with another person again outside of his father and his son.

Your rights be damned when you try to excercise them in MY house. Your rights end or are severly limited the instant you try to exert them in defiance to MY rights inside MY own home.

And I'd expect you to feel exactly the same way towards me in YOUR home.

That said, everyone has the right to carry. I OC quite regularly. I often go into my father's house OC'ing. He doesn't mind. If he did, I would respect that.

You see, everyone also has the right to not come in my house if I don't want them carrying.

I know people in my community that I'd have no problem with carrying inside my house. And there are others in my community that I don't want anywhere near me carrying a gun. Their histories often dictate my views.

A guy with bullet holes in his living room walls isn't going to be carrying in my house around my family. And yes... I know quite a few people who've put a round through the wall.

-- John
Some night...go to his house and sneak in and then take all his stuff! Then kidnap his wife. that should get the point across!!!

in serious...I would have talked before I went over and its his house and his rules. if you feel that unsafe dont go over anymore.
Your friend asks you not to carry a loaded weapon in his house. As a friend you should respect his property and his wishes while you are there....no different that if he asks you not to smoke in his house. Apparently he feels safer with you unarmed than armed. Maybe he has good reason, maybe not. If you truely consider him a friend you should respect his wishes. If he lives in such a drug and crime infested area that you do not feel comfortable going there unarmed....don't.

..........it ain't rocket science.
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