If you can't get a gun......

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The zombie description is no worse than the evil attributes which are banned here is several states, i.e., black plastic, pistol grips, threaded barrels, metal hand guards, etc.

Somehow these things, I guess including toxic green in GB, escalate the potency of the item, making them much more dangerous as opposed to the same system without the evil attributes.

Nice to know politicians share the same idiocy worldwide. lol
Here is a link to a very good movie that addresses illegal knife use, illegal gun use, violence in London, and what happens when the people are disarmed. Stars Micheal Caine. it's a bit slow in some places but otherwise, very interesting.



I read an article a year or two ago about the knife problem in Brittan. Officials were [encouraging] people to break the tips off of all their knifes, including regular kitchen knives, to make them less lethal to curtail violet attacks.

I had to laugh at the zombie knife article. Those things are available at the swap meet every weekend for any wear from $5 to $15 depending on size.
Arent you allowed to carry pepper sprays in the UK?
You live in Washington State. How are you going to get your pepper spray to London? And no, pepper spray is illegal in the UK. (You can, however, carry "criminal identifier" which will allow the police to easily identify your murderer after the fact.)
It seems young people are starting to pack a knife, rather than an unobtainable gun, to protect themselves from others with knives. These are not gang members, just ordinary youth in a dangerous situation.

Being a baby boomer, I saw knives being carried by young people for as long as I can remember. The infamous "switchblade" was a weapon of choice for gangs backs in the sixties and were illegal in many parts of the country for that same reason. I started to carry a pocketknife, like every other boy in the small rural town I grew up in, about the time I entered elementary school. No body thought anything of it. While the primary reason was not protection from two-legged predators, it had it's purpose and was considered being "unprepared" if one did not have one. Over half a century later, I still carry one every day. Up until 2011, when CWC became legal here, it was the only legal way, besides OC for SD outside of your home. My mom carried a small kitchen knife in a homemade scabbard in her purse whenever she went to "town" for all long as I could remember. I still have it. It's not a new thing, even in England. Ever heard of Jack the Ripper?
"...Guns are attributed in the US media..." Endlessly too. Despite the fact that a firearm is an inanimate object and cannot commit an act of violence. And shooters have been telling the media twits for eons criminals would just use a club or knife.
Movies are far too scary for most people. Make 'em buy a licence.
I especially loath the part that warns one not to bring it(a knife)so it won't be used. Because if you have a weapon you are a criminal. What is hard for myself to understand is that they (common Englishmen) are completely fine with this. They look at their culture as superior to our own. But I see them similarly as livestock. Grey. Beat. What it must be like to live where you must ask permission to do only approved activities. Where it's right, only if some authority told you so and provided appropriate documentation. So long have they been serfs? Thank God I dont need to be carrying a cardboard box to have 'a good reason' to carry a knife.

It is saddening to see a Lion without teeth, for it is no Lion. What is a man that has no way to ensure he is alive three minutes from now?

This question is the main factor between determining Citizen or subject.
The tool of choice isn't the real issue. It's the lack of morals. Skin heads in England have been wearing steel toed boots and some often work out to improve their physical conditioning to gain an advantage in street violence. When do we outlaw that?

The perspective imposed by the leftists is what is wrong. Good people forced into oppression use violence to free themselves, the idea that violence in and of itself is always evil and imposed by those who sponsor evil is wrong.

Stop looking at violence as what others do to you and look to your own applications. We do violence every day, we just choose to ignore our own. Is this not a gun forum? Then what we practice and hold up as a primary human right is the application of force to defend our own being and rights. It makes no difference what tool we use. WE EMBRACE THE USE OF VIOLENCE - The 2 Amendment is all about "keeping and bearing arms." Arms defined are tools of violence.

We don't have to impose violence on others daily, or even engage in acts of violence in our lifetime - cops carry guns but most even in this day may never pull it out and fire it in self defense their entire career. Same for soldiers - plenty never fire a shot, I would even suggest the larger majority mobilized in the last 15 years didn't discharge their weapons anywhere except a target range. We deliberately schedule actual armed conflict to a select few individuals which are less than 10% of the overall force structure.

Nonetheless we prepare and practice for violence. We teach proper safe gun handling, yes. We also teach being aware, choosing where and when to go out into risky areas, how to respond to threats, and when push comes to shove, where to aim and how many times to pull the trigger.

Supporting the 2 Amendment is about supporting the legal and correct use of violence to stop and otherwise deter those who would do the same to us. Thinking that is somehow a new or horrible thing denies the fact it's been going on for most of the time humans have existed. Why would we even have a 2 Amendment if not for the fact that humans 400 years ago were violent and we needed to meet violence with violence.

What Britain is doing with their regulations and legislation is attempting to deny their entire history. If there were no Magna Carta we well may have turned out to simply be a very large and subservient "Canada" sending our taxes to the Crown.

Any law that imposes disarmament on the people is a law meant to take away our inalienable human right to self defense and is suspect at it's core. What's next, taking away canes from old men?
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