If you had to choose one...

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Mar 25, 2010
North Carolina
The other day at the range my friend asked me, "If you had to choose one firearm, which one would it be?" I sat there for a minute and started to realize how my dad felt when I asked him which kid he would choose in one of those hypothetical situations that would never happen except in a B rated movie. I in turn asked him the same question and yelled, "DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!" while laughing.

I had to choose between a mossberg 500, ruger .40 carbine, or my sks. I just ordered an XCR so now I'd probably choose that one, but at the time it was a toss up between my ruger and sks.

So my question is, if you had to grab one for whatever reason and not look back, which rifle/shotgun/handgun/whatever would you choose?

Tried to add this in the posts but it got overlooked: What knife/machete/other would you grab too? Inspired by a magazine article I read the other day...
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Seeing as I only own three guns two of which are .22s and the third is a .40 S&W, I would have to go with my Smith and Wesson M&P 40.
Been asked/discussed, multiple times, here and on every other forum. The answer is a 12 guage pump shotgun with rifle sights and changeable chokes. Nothing else is as versatile.
Yep, its been asked about a bazillion times... but it still generates discussion.
And since this is the General Gun Discussion forum... we might as well talk about guns, right?

I think I'd take my 4" Ruger GP-100 .357 Magnum. I like the SP-101 better for carry but the bigger brother is more accurate in my hands. I can load it for anything from small game, cheap plinking, deer hunting, and defense against anything up to a medium sized black bear. I can defend my home with it, carry it somewhat concealed a lot of the time, and even hunt with it out to maybe 75 yards given enough practice. Out of what I own nothing else is as versatile as this revolver.
The answer is a 12 guage pump shotgun with rifle sights and changeable chokes. Nothing else is as versatile.

No, that is ONE answer. Folks that choose a 12 gauge generally do so because they are hunters, seldom shoot recreationally outside of maybe a round of skeet, or simply haven't really thought their answer thru.

My answer depends on the reason I have to select only one gun. Laws? Bugging out and only have time to grab one? Am I doing a Jeremiah Johnson and heading up to the mountains forever? Or do I have to sell everything to pay for a life-saving operation for a family member, but don't want to be totally defenseless?
I was thinking more disaster type situation. End of the world, zombie invasion (gotta love the silly scenario's), etc. No law changes or selling your collection. Just only have time/room/weight for one weapon.
In that case, I'd still take the .357. To me, it is about the best compromise of all the things I'd need a weapon to do in that scenario. I like the Ruger GP-100 because it is overbuilt. It will be heavier to carry and that sucks, but it is also likely to hold up to more abuse.
Shotguns are versatile and great for defense and hunting. When I take a shotgun out for small game I have always come back with meat - the same has not always been true with a rimfire. But carrying a long gun can be a PITA if you are doing other things. Ammo for shotguns is heavy (which means you carry less food, water, first aid stuff, or one less blanket) and not the most efficient when you consider that you're using an around ounce of lead for every squirrel or rabbit taken with a 12 or 20 gauge (and why would you choose any other gauge?). The range on a shotgun is limited. Yes, I've shot some that would do very well with slugs out to 100 yards and I guess with slug barrels they'll do some better than that, but are you going to stop and change to a slug barrel in the middle of a fight? If you can carry an extra barrel, why don't you just carry a handgun for close up and a rifle for farther away?

I think an excellent case could also be made for a good semi-auto .22 handgun, but it obviously also has limitations.
In general, I do like these threads. Sometimes people have some very different yet very valid points of view.
If I only had one? It'd have to be a rifle. When I was growing-up my Canadian "Uncle' and his brothers were shooting geese outa the sky with 303's. Now I don't know how they learned that skill; 22's on ducks? probably. It's not like they could make a transition in small steps, it's not like it was 22LR, 30-30 then 303 Brit. What would be the point?
Besides mil-surp must have been the cheapest ammo, even cheaper than 22LR after WW1.
Because I was not a TRUE Canadian my Canuck family was a bit hesitant to expose me to the realities of living in the bush, IE killing to live, killing alot, everyday. In the far north you eat protein, 90% protien and a bit of veggie material, kill somethig to eat or go hungry and the family goes hungry as well. As a hunter my uncle was shooting constantly, I mean constantly, always looking for a big kill, but never letting any animal, except a skunk or a wolverine, pass unkilled!
So for me it would be a 30 caliber rifle, repeater if possible.
Well since I started the thread I should give my opinion too. I would have to choose my XCR. Its a reliable and versatile weapon. It uses common ammo that would be easy to scavenge for and I could carry a spare barrel for possibly 6.8 for hunting if i so chose to do. I'm a hiker and know all about weight. I usually end up carrying someone else's gear as well because I like taking friends along (for some strange reason, or the gf) and it turns out that they can't handle the steep hills of the smoky's and a pack (even if it is a day pack). But despite that I'm not superman and only average build so I'd probably forget about the other barrel and stick with .223 because it is a common caliber all over the US and a lot of the world. Hopefully I could meet up with a friend and his m1a though.
I'd decide against my 12g because right now its a pistol grip only (plan on fixing that soon), I don't have any chokes, and its a stock all purpose barrel. It does its job of close up and slightly medium range destruction with a rifled slug. However, its friggin heavy and so is the ammo. I might cheat and have my dog grab it and throw it in the car or carry it on his back for me though (just kidding).
And for those who see this and either think or post "not one of these again" I believe this is a good exercise to practice. For either a HD or SHTF situation its good to know what you would grab to save time and focus on other more pressing possibly life threatening issues other than "hmmmm, which weapon to grab....ahhhh but I love them all so much....". Not everyone participated in past ones or others have gotten or lost their go to rifle since then.
Thats just my humble opinion though.

As others have said, this question has been asked many times in many forms. Sometimes the OP gives you a choice of two or three. Sometimes they give you a definitive purpose, such as hunting, SD/HD, etc, etc, etc. So many variables, so many guns. My answer Carter, is probably a lot like your dad's.

Hypothetically, this Hypothetical situation will never exist in my lifetime.
And the winner is?

With one exception all of my firearms are .357’s and at this stage of my life I don’t see that changing. So now all I have to do is select the right one for me, from the few I own.

M-66 2 ½” great gun but a snubby NO, Taurus 617 2” see aforementioned, M-27 6” big and heavy, yet these are the best revolvers made by man, (my deepest apologizes and respect to any Python fans out there). My M-66 4” not as good a weapon as the M-27 but IMHO, but one of the best comprise weapons ever built. So long story short my 4” M-66.
The only gun I really need is a sidearm for personal defense, so I would choose the best all-around one, as well as the one I've owned the longest. That would be my Glock 19.
Hello friends and neighbors // I used to think .22 rifle.

More and more I am shifting to Sunrays post#3 way of thinking.

Despite the weight a 12ga. is quite versatile, the shells can be loaded in multiple configurations. You have the option of different chokes or switching out barrels entirely.

Since I have multiple 870s, I also have multiple barrels.
30" VR double bead with chokes (usually keep the full choke on this one)
28" VR MOD with bead (no choke)
28" RB IMP with bead (no choke)
18 3/4" cylinder bore VR with bead (cut down from a 28" so no choke)
18 1/2" with Ghost ring sights, breacher choke (usually keep the MOD choke on this one)

If down to one barrel it would be the 18 1/2" GR with chokes.
A one gun fits all scenario. For me it would have to be a handgun; something that I could carry with me at all times, yet not be obtrusive or overt. With that in mind I would opt for a versatile platform, like a M1911 in .38 Super. Easily switched out for the ubiquitous 9mm. and also able to use any number of .22LR conversion units. Basically three guns in one.
We should narrow the choices down to only the guns that YOU own. Meaning, "If you could only choose one of the guns that you own, which would it be?"

For me, it would probably be my Glock 19 or Norinco Mak 90. The only extra I would need is a nice, big ammo reserve and a nice, sharp, strong knife.
The problem with a shotgun for a "disaster, end of the world" scenario is many fold:

1) Heavy

2) Ammo is heavy, bulky and not weatherproof. Can't carry much more than 50 rds comfortably accessible.

3) Range is relatively short. Slugs extend effective range, but not as much as a rifle does.

4) Capacity is low

5) Is slow to reload, especially from empty.

6) Requires 2 hands to hit anything reliably.

7) If a pump, requires 2 hands to operate quickly/reliably.

8) If a pump, difficult to operate from prone, especially if behind cover.

9) Kicks like hell. Wife and/or kids can't/won't shoot it.

10) Ammo selection may be confusing when it comes to loading it. Will birdshot come up when you needed a slug?

Now, a shotgun is a great arm to have if you're already where you need to be. That alone eliminates the weight/bulk of the ammo problem, but if you're going to have to carry everything that goes with the shotgun on your back, the weight/bulk issue makes itself readily apparent.
if it is any gun, i would probably pick a colt 1911 in .45acp. if it is any gun i own, i would take my witness compact in .45acp
Yes lets stay with guns we own. Part of the point for "which one would you grab".

Kind of surprised people are picki,g pistols, but then again they are light and can carry alot of ammo. Wont stop a bear though, but my end of the world spot is the smokys...if I can make it there.

Lets throw in another twist..what type of knife/sharp instrument would you take as well?
Now, here's a question: If the gun you choose as "The One" over all others, but it isn't one you currently own.........
why don't you ???
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