Is talking about our guns a good idea with big surveillance govt?

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I don't preach or try to convert people to my values and point of view. I also do not hide the fact that I am a shooter. No one I know reacts negatively, a surprising number want to know more, and I have introduced a fair number of folks to recreational shooting.

Very few have taken the step to become shooters themselves, which is fine. At the very least, I have helped some of the people around me to have a better understanding of guns, gun safety, and the fact that guns are an implement/device to be be utilized responsibly, and not something evil, to be feared and despised.

I'm OK with talking about "our guns" in responsible and positive ways. I consider it my right to continue to do so.
To me the talk about guns should not be driven underground, by hiding from Big Brother. It's a legitimate constitutional right not to be ashamed or fearful for having.

The problem is the government abusing the 4TH Amendment. Which part of the Bill of Rights will they ignore next?
The new total is fourteen, all milsurp rifles. With mostly FTF purchases, the "govt." has no actual record what they consist of.
Our govt. has "much bigger fish to fry". Very few people with at least dozens(+) of entries on THR etc have No gun. It's kinda obvious, ain't it?

Nobody-with multiple guns, or zero-is required to register on a gun website, whether they expect the US Congress to soon pass guns laws similar to those in Australia and the UK, or not.

Solo: Yes, r**** and 'yersenia pestis' etc quickly grab attention.
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No my Tin Foil hat protects me 24/7 esp. considering I am a gun owner who travels to the middle east every month, and makes calls to my family back home. :banghead:
I guess I am a prime candidate. :what:
Phone? Not much there.

Email? Yeah decent amount.

Web stuff? Sure bust me.

US POST? WHOLLY POOP WAGON. Treasure trove. A regular hoarder. Arsenal!!:evil::what:

I get just about every piece of gun literature, every 2nd Amendment group, every publication - in fact I can't remember a day when I got zero gun related stuff in the mail. Some people even want my slightly used Shotgun News. So need for electronic surveillance on the OilyPablo
Personally I've found myself being more vocal and seen as of late. I used to hide under a rock with my guns but realized that's the worst thing I could do. The less guns are seen in a positive light the easier it is t do away with them. Now days I OC, went back to hanging a rifle in the back window of my truck, started wearing firearms "swag" and openly discuss the subject in public with anyone who shows an interest in the gun on my hip. They are not always "nice to me" but they'll never be able to say anything about me except "he was nothing but nice and very informative regardless of how I felt about his gun".... Besides showing off my "gun porn" is one of my favorite past times! I got some cool stuff ya know :) I hope whoever happens to be watching sees us all and gets the picture that we do enjoy our liberties and freedoms and take them seriously.
I think we all should be as vocal and assertive of our rights than ever before, just remember that this new ability to gather info allows the ultimate enemy's list to be made.
Who ever stands as a public figure will have a huge bulls eye on their back if they run for office or lead an organization like the NRA. They will have to be above reproach of they will be destroyed.
My brother and I always substitute the word "nugs" whenever we talk about guns on the phone. I'm sure it has to have some .gov eavesdroppers scratching their collective heads somewhere any time their listening in.
Fear is the climate in which tyranny (the natural goal of all governments, as those who founded this country knew well) thrives best--if we're too afraid to exercise one of our rights in support of our other rights, then our way of life is lost. The federal government already knows everything they need to know about us, so we have to make sure that the point at which confiscation takes place is never reached, and we can't do that without freely exercising our First Amendment rights. Remember what Ben Franklin said: "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

The power all this info potentially brings to the holder of the knowledge is quite chilling to me.

It's just as chilling as an armed citizenry is to them--they'll do everything they can to change this situation, so we must do everything we can (that is legal and ethical) to maintain it, and backing down because we're afraid of something that we're working to prevent is not a valid strategy.

This. Let's start NOW and in 2014 we could just begin our march away from "1984".

Speaking of which, I've read that sales of 1984 (more properly Nineteen Eighty-Four) are way up. :cool:
Well, there it is; fear that not only our second amendment rights are in danger, but also our first and fourth amendment rights. What's next?
If anything, people letting the government know they are armed, sends a message.

Yes it does and they are now aware of how many of us there are and that we are much more united than we were in 1994!;)
What's next? To me it is seeing what results from this leak and invasion of privacy.
If we (Americans) allow the surveillance and info gathering to continue or terminate the program will determine the direction of our country.
There is already a pattern developing in which this whistle blower is being made the news rather than what he is reporting.
If the program continues all the pillars of or Republic are at great risk.
Rather than sit in a corner out of view of the Telescreen writing "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in my journal, I am tempted to stand in in front of the Telescreen and put on a puppet show for the Thought Police on where Big Brother can go and what he can do when he gets there.

I like this! :)

I'm not going to live in fear of what might happen but will continue to stand up for my rights.
I appreciate that there are millions of fellow Americans that share my opinion.

Thanks to all of you who believe in liberty and freedom!

(Didja get that NSA?) :D
I'm just thinking, with all the recent gun legislature that was passed around, the idea of universal background checks, registration, our surveillance society, the government taking our phone and Internet records etc.... Is it really a good idea, to be posting pictures of our sweet new tactical firearms on these forums? It seems like it just gives big brother more ammo to use against us if they actually start going in a confiscation direction.
Do you intend to cede your First Amendment Rights to them out of fear of.... what, exactly?

If they begin "confiscation", that will merely be the opening of the next (un)Civil War.

Not that we shouldn't be vigilent, but if you start giving up things before the government even tries to take them away.... they've already won. Hell. NO.
There is already a pattern developing in which this whistle blower is being made the news rather than what he is reporting.
Even worse; I have seen more stories on the whistle-blower's pole dancing girlfriend, than on the actual surveillance story.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....look, here is a pole dancer for you!

POLE DANCER!!!:eek::eek:
I have so far ignored the girlfriend angle but it will be hard to overlook the pole dancer.:D
I'm old and I just don't care that much (on a personal level). Yeah, it really annoys me ... what a morass my country has fallen into, decade after decade until we have come to this new low. However ... I can only do what I can do and beyond that ... well, it's out of my hands!
Fear is the climate in which tyranny (the natural goal of all governments, as those who founded this country knew well) thrives best--if we're too afraid to exercise one of our rights in support of our other rights, then our way of life is lost. The federal government already knows everything they need to know about us, so we have to make sure that the point at which confiscation takes place is never reached, and we can't do that without freely exercising our First Amendment rights. Remember what Ben Franklin said: "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

It's just as chilling as an armed citizenry is to them--they'll do everything they can to change this situation, so we must do everything we can (that is legal and ethical) to maintain it, and backing down because we're afraid of something that we're working to prevent is not a valid strategy.

Speaking of which, I've read that sales of 1984 (more properly Nineteen Eighty-Four) are way up. :cool:
Yeah well sales of Atlas Shrugged were WAY up around the 2008 election and look where we are now.

Beyond the OMG headlines, the news cycle moves on and normal people go back to worrying about Dancing with the Stars and Survivor (or whatever they watch nowadays).
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My brother and I always substitute the word "nugs" whenever we talk about guns on the phone. I'm sure it has to have some .gov eavesdroppers scratching their collective heads somewhere any time their listening in.
FYI "Nugs" is slang for marijuana. If you are really worried about people listening, you just gave them a reason to pay more attention. Google Nugs and see what comes up.

Personally I believe if you think they are listening you should talk more and talk louder.
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