Is the Glock 17 superior than the 92FS

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Welcome. I own both the 92FS INOX and the Glock 26 & 19. I bought the Beretta becaues it is a beautiful gun. I bought the Glocks because IMHO they are the best 9mm made
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I know I'm gonna get flamed for being a grammar nazi, but the correct phrasing would be "superior to" rather than "superior than". I wouldn't take the time or make the effort if I thought you were a native English speaker, but since you are not and are maybe still learning, I thought I might make a point of offering a nickel's worth of unsolicited free advice.

Also, many native English speakers do not have a firm grasp on the proper use of the words 'then' and 'than'. They are not interchangable and have specific meanings and are to be used in particular ways. I know this is not 'high road' and fj, this isn't directed at you, but dad gummit, people, act like you know how to speak and have a firm grasp on the English language.

Ok, so to get back on topic, the U.S. government replaced the most succesfull handgun ever made (the 1911) with the 92 over, so just by matter of deductive reasoning, I have to go with the Glock.
1 GLOCK = 10,000.00 BOLÍVARES

I don´t fell free to make comments about my "goverment".

Thanks for the corrections in my english.

Thanks for your answers, you´re helping me a lot.
i would go with the 19, i prefer it to all other glocks. as far as the 92 as compared to the glocks, i hate da/sa, especially the berrettas, i love the draw and shoot concept and having the same trigger pull all the time, plus though the glck dosen't fit me that well, i shoot better with it than the 92
dad gummit, people, act like you know how to speak and have a firm grasp on the English language.
Ok, so to get back on topic, the U.S. government replaced the most succesfull handgun ever made (the 1911) with the 92 over
Back to class, professor. :D
Dude I thought I had it had it bad in Canda....$5000 for a Glock? Holy smokes...:eek:
1 GLOCK = 10,000.00 BOLÍVARES

Wow. Five Grand for a Glock, huh? As much as I like Glocks I don't think that I could justify such a stiff tariff for just one gun. On the other hand, if I really wanted it, I guess that I would have to find some way to afford it rather than go without it. Of course, my collection wouldn't be very large with prices like that either.

I don´t fell free to make comments about my "goverment".

Understood. I'll not approach the topic with you again. :)

Thanks for the information relating to the cost of purchasing a Glock in Venezuela, it was very interesting.

It's one thing to tack on an extra 'l' or to make a typographical error. it's an entirely different thing not to be able to distinguish between the proper uses of the words 'then' and 'than' or 'to', 'too' and 'two'.

I stand by the choice of the glock over the beretta. I've shot the beretta. It's a fine gun. I just wasn't sold.

I also can't spell the word 'necessary' with any consistency. It just never looks right. I guess it's just a mental block.

On government: Wow. Dunno what to say,really. It's a shame that all people don't enjoy the freedoms we take for granted here. Makes ya think.
I don't know anybody who has a really high round count on a Beretta, but from what I've heard coming out of the military regarding the M9 and my own experience with Glocks I'd expect the G17 to hold up better over the long haul. The polymer frame on the Glock can take a pounding that would crack the aluminum frame on the 92.

The Glock is the new gold standard for service-pistol reliability. A 92 would probably be as reliable as a Glock. Probably.

Fit is always a matter of personal preference, but I find the 92 one of the most uncomfortable full-size guns I've ever fired. That grip is short, fat, blocky, and straight-up-and-down. I've tried to picture the hand it was designed for, and I can't. Combine that with one of the worst DA/SA triggers going and the dumbest safety design I've ever seen (up is "off"? Huh?), and the Beretta 92 just doesn't make the cut for me.
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Join Date: 04-16-04
Location: Illinois
you should go with the Glock. Reason being, with the 92fs, whether it's loaded or unloaded, you can push the slide/barrel back which stops the gun from firing. This would be bad in a self defense situation if for some reason a bad guy has his hands on your gun or the gun is tight to his chest. Though I don't know if they changed this in any of the FS variants. [/QUOT
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What happens if you do the same thing to a Glock (push the slide/barrel back)?
Depends upon what you like.

I don't like conventional DA or DA only in an autopistol, so that rules the Beretta 92 out for me. In addition, I think it's over-sized for its caliber. It's just too big in the grip and too long in the trigger for me to like it.

If those things don't bother you, then it's probably a good gun for you.

I have two Glocks, a 22 and a 19. I don't have a 17, but the 22 is virtually the same gun in .40S&W. I've shot other people's 17s however. I find both the 17 and the 19 to be exceptionally easy to shoot, with mild recoil, accurate and reliable.

Only you can determine what's the right gun for you. Try the Glock to see if you like it better than the Beretta.
What happens if you do the same thing to a Glock (push the slide/barrel back)?

If you push any auto out of battery, it's not supposed to fire. One of the suggested causes for the Glock kaboom phenomenon is that some Glocks may fire out of battery.
I guess that's my point. How is a Glock different than a Beretta (or any other semi-auto pistol, for that matter)? buy guns, it seems, would have us believe that somehow the Glock pistol differs in this respect and I'm just wondering what his "insight" is on the scenario he posed.
I think what he's heard about the prison trick of grabbing a Beretta over the top of the slide, and pushing the takedown button as you pull the slide off. It's possible (assuming the officer is sleep walking and doesn't do anything about it), and prisoners have been observed practicing it.
reliability +5 for the Glock.
Durability +5 for the Glock
Pretty handgun +2 for the Beretta.
ergonimics (feel of the grip) +1 for Beretta
accuracy- Even, at best. In my limited shooting experiance (20,000 rounds at least)
I have owned both, I still own the G-17. I hope that tells you something.

the ratings are measured on the Stevereno scale, and have no bearing on anything, whatsoever.
This is disheartening. On top of t.v., gym and a law library, now I hear that prisoners are given Berettas to practice with! Where is the world going to? :D

In answer to your original question:
Is the Glock 17 superior than the 92FS


no :)

Seriously, it's a matter of what you like. Some people REALLY like glocks. Both are fine guns that would under normal circumstances last you a LONG time.
It's one thing to tack on an extra 'l' or to make a typographical error. it's an entirely different thing not to be able to distinguish between the proper uses of the words 'then' and 'than' or 'to', 'too' and 'two'.
I agree... and don't forget about the ever-popular "your" and "you're" or heaven forbid, "you'r." :D I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't coming across so high-and-mighty about your maddd English skillz. :)

I knew I was forgetting something.. I hate having grammar as a pet peeve. And I just knew I was going to do something stupid like misspell a word or misedit something. and I hate split infinitives and some people make a living splitting infinitives.

oh yeah, staying on topic.. those videos posted above pretty much sum it up.. glock: takes a lickin' and keeps on killin' muddy swamp banks..
At the price they should sell for everyone, 13 Glocks are worth about $5000.00. For that kind of money, I'd rather have nine Berettas.
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