Jeff Cooper's Commentaries

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May 25, 2006
Johnston County, NC
I have been checking the usual websites faithfully since the Colonel's last issue (Wicked Weather) and cannot help but fear the worse as there have not been any new issues since April/May. As prolific as he has been with his commentaries I have to wonder how he is healthwise at the ripe age of 86 years. Does anyone on this board have any knowledge of how Col. Cooper is doing?

El Tejon, do you know something?

Your comment had me Googling for an hour or so, and I can find no news about the good Colonel that might be recent. Just speculation from earlier threads.

If you do, please share.
The earliest book of his that I have was published in 1958 !!! He's made great contributions to shooting and I have the highest respect for him. Some hate him because he 'doesn't suffer fools ' !! I don't pay attention to fools either .He will be missed when he leaves.
Really saddened to hear this. I enjoyed several exchanges of letters with him over the years, as did my wife. I regret never having been able to join the Gunsite Family, it just wasn't in the cards for me. But no matter what the outcome of the current situation, his legacy- and a proud one it is- will live on.

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He is a great man the Col. He will be missed and I'm shure thru his training an
many many lives have been saved. He is the last of ones of his era to pass and there will never be the likes of these fine men again.
Jeff Cooper is gravely ill. I've been reading and enjoying his articles for a whole lot of years. I may not have agreed with him on every little thing but overall he was one of the most knowledgable persons about firearms of most all kinds. Men like him seem to be few and far between in todays world.
I never got to meet the COL, but I got to spend a little time with his wife and the SOF convention in the late 90s. I had a wonderful consversation with her about the affairs of South Africa.
A letter from the 1911 Forum from his Daughter Lindy states he was hospitalized for a surgery of some type and while there suffered a heart attack. He is not doing well and is going home to be with his family and hospice workers are going to be with him as well. he is gravely Ill.
This is premature. The fat lady hasn't gone for the high note yet. But words from another great American spring to mind...

''It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.'' --Gen. George S. Patton
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