Kilts in school?

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Did you by any chance notice the (clearly intentional) double negative in the post you quoted?
It makes no difference when somebody else is footing the bill.

I don't know about the dance in question, but at my high school the students had to pay for admission to social functions, which was how the school funded them. Sports events, dances, etc - for us, it was the students paying the bill, or at least part of it.
Possibly rhetorical question here:

For those who wish to argue that a kilt is not "formal" attire, have you ever attended a funeral for a police officer? Most times, they have a bagpiper ... wearing a kilt. I can't think of anything much more serious or formal than that. If it's good enough for burying the fallen, it dang well ought to be good enough for a high school prom.

ESPECIALLY if the vice principal okayed it in advance.
Since the Scottish cultural renaissance, it has been a matter of tradition for (highland derived) Scots to break out the family tartan and strap on the pleats for formal events. Go to any clan wedding and you'll see what I mean.
Well, the Norwegians brought over lutefisk on the ship in 1850, but I'm not stupid enough to eat it. ;)
yonderway said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this young man gets a wee escort to his prom. An entourage of pipers and well wishers from all the clans. You can't begin to imagine the support he's been getting from the Scottish community (both in and out of Scotland... including even the Scottish parliament!)
Lots of important stuff going on in Scotland?
Apparently the lad now has a contingent of kilted gentry, pipe bands, etc. willing to drive several hours from home in his support. The mother has asked for them to hold off, though, as the lawyers are still trying to resolve this through a public school board meeting (he was offered a closed meeting and declined it).
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