Latest youth violence unnerves France

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Standing Wolf said:
Perhaps it's a thugocracy.

Hehe, Preacherman won't beat that one! :D

Seriously, though, it's really saddening that this happened in France. The French have come to the point where they expect "mommy government" to save them. 600 people, and they can't subdue some young mob violence themselves? That is really disappointing.
I can't understand why they did not at least RUN!!!!!!!! After all, they did not know that this guys next act might be to eliminate all witnesses, or take hostages, or what. Instead they stood there, waiting for whatever the robber had in mind for them, seemingly unable to react in any way.
Understandable prey reaction. Sit quiet, don't attract attention to one's self.

Seriously, though, it's really saddening that this happened in France. The French have come to the point where they expect "mommy government" to save them. 600 people, and they can't subdue some young mob violence themselves? That is really disappointing.

The people terrorized had something to lose, wanted to live--unlike the punks. Of course that gives the thugs the edge, even if outnumbered. People who want annihilation should be given their wish.
I'm left wondering what I would do if on that train.

First of all, look for a weapon. Bare fists don't go too far against multiple assailants. I think maybe a handrail could be pried off, a fire extinguisher, some electrical wiring (garrotte), the food car might have a broomstick and a steakknife to sharpen it, heck I could take out at least one dirtbag with a rolling food cart.

I'm no Steven Segal, but I wouldn't just sit there with a pannicked look on my face.

Tactics would be key so you did not get overpowered or surrounded. Maybe use steath and ambush? (Now I'm sounding like hardin or whatever his name is..)

Then would it be worth it try to rally a few others to take back the train with me, or would the other passengers feel more threatend by my courage and report me as the aggressor....? This is France afterall...
This is not a tactical CQB issue, this is a cultural, political, and police power issue. Theoretical scenarios of whether you're going to hurl fire extinguishers or smother thugs with street cushions or break windows and use glass shards for daggers seem, to me, to miss the point. Want to stop it? Go to where these savages live and punish creatively.
I don't know guys.

Yeah the French do need a good spanking.

But the fact is that the vast majority of people in any country would behave in a similar way if placed in the same situation. Cower and look the other way. Hope the wolves don’t pick you out of the crowd (herd).

There are two types of people in this world; Weasels and Weasel Slappers. Which are you?
Young, strong, highly aggressive thugs, probably fueled by "stimulants," are always going to be able to intimidate the good citizen, even if outnumbered. No surprise there. This is, at that level, a RKBA issue. We on this forum, of all people, should understand the importance of The Equalizer--thank you, Sam Colt!--and realize the moral here: without firearms available to the citizen at large the bad guys are going to have a serious advantage. If we're going to bash the French, let's bash them for their gun laws, not for being wimps.
+1 longeyes

with the caveat that there is a correlation between excessive gun laws and the wimpery of the general populace, and therefore the French, and all other eurosocialists, need some spanking on both issues. A gun with a non-existent will to use it is about as an ineffectual combination as the will to use a non-existent gun.
Well, to me, without the RKBA, the problem becomes 'what do you use to fight with instead of a gun?'

I'm in much the same predicament as those poor French bastrds. I dont have a CA CCW permit, and sometimes ride the public transit lightrail. Believe me there are thugs full of drugs on there too. If I saw some gal getting molested I'd have to step up. I don't like my chances though.

If the topic boils down to 'they need RKBA' well then no kidding. What you do NOW when threatened seems as important as long term planning to restore your rights.

If given a choice, I'd prefer to just carry my newly customized 1911 and call it good.
France should be an illuminating picture of what things could be here, and what we could face, if the lefties ever manage to take away our ability to defend ourselves.

A few armed people on that train would have ended that problem very quickly.
They need to expedite the cure for violent agression by about 1200fps.
One thing I find interesting about THR is that not a day goes by without some degree of France-bashing ... or Britain-bashing ... or Canada-bashing ...

How many of you have actually spent any time in France?

I have; I've also taken the train between Marseille and Nice a few times ... I find, as a general rule, people behave far worse on public transportation in this country than anywhere else I've been (well, there is a lot of groping goin' on in the trains in Japan) ...

TheEgg's statements:
Don't feel too smug.
andI think we have a very large number of sheep in this country that would have reacted in exactly the same passive manner as the French people did on that train.
were right on target. France doesn't have the monopoly on "sheeple" just as the U.S. doesn't have the monopoly on bystanders who will courageously get involved if bad behavior or criminal acts begin ...
I guess I see this as more of a SHTF type thread than an RKBA thread or a bash France thread.

These types of things happen and there just might not be a citizen with a CCW there to step up. It would be hard to take on the hooligans by yourself without some sort of serious gumption, training, or forethought.
Run and scream in a bank robbery? They're after money, not lives. Odds strongly favor no shot being fired. The odds of a person being shot are even more remote. Check the stats.

The mere sight of a gun doesn't cause me to run and scream either. I'll take action if I perceive danger but that doesn't include getting shot in the back running and screaming.

In a Harlan, Kentuky bank robbery last month two customers held the bankrobber at gunpoint until police arrived. They must have been "black sheep"? :D
Old Dog said:
How many of you have actually spent any time in France?

Do we also have to have spent time living in Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia, Imperial Japan, Communist China, or Khmer Cambodia before we open up on them too?

While some criticisms are over the top, the French have a lot to answer for, not the least being setting the tone for our homegrown leftists and thereby endangering our own freedoms.
Sindawe said:
Yea, but then we'd have to liberate France again. And while taking Pointe-Du-Hoc is great fun on the PC, its not something I'd want to do in real life. My thoughts exactly.
Since these are thugs not soldiers, I suspect they'd wet their pants and run away.
sturmruger said:
I read about this over on Drudge.

I kind of wonder what would have happened on a US train. I like to think they would have gotten the crap beat out of them, but taking on 30 punks is a big job.
I don't think you have to take on all 30. All it takes is a prevailing attitude that beligerence will not be tolerated.

The French people are entirely unwilling to stand up to these thugs. The thugs (and the average citizens) all know it.
Run and scream in a bank robbery? They're after money, not lives. Odds strongly favor no shot being fired. The odds of a person being shot are even more remote. Check the stats.

The mere sight of a gun doesn't cause me to run and scream either. I'll take action if I perceive danger but that doesn't include getting shot in the back running and screaming.

In a Harlan, Kentuky bank robbery last month two customers held the bankrobber at gunpoint until police arrived. They must have been "black sheep"?

I guess I did not make my point clear -- I was stunned that they did NOTHING, just stood there slack jawed with drool running down their chin. I am sure that they were contemplating the statistics about shots fired in bank robberies, just as you apparently would.:rolleyes:
I don't have to contemplate things I already know and I know that in general there is "NOTHING" an unarmed person should do in that situation unless they want to be the victim of the first shot. There are exceptions but standing in the middle of a big open room it's hard for me to imagine one. Maybe hide behind another person?

I agree with you that they were sheep ripe for shearing simply because because they were unarmed but they were not totally without protection. The badguy would do life in prison or get the death penalty if he killed them (if caught and convicted). Most people believe that is protection enough to gamble their lives on, unlike us.
France doesn't have the monopoly on "sheeple" just as the U.S. doesn't have the monopoly on bystanders who will courageously get involved if bad behavior or criminal acts begin ...
40 passengers on Flight 93 and 600 French citizens do little to support that theory
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