Lawdog on Security

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Dec 27, 2002
Portland, Oregon
I know that most here already know Lawdog from his humorous stories about law enforcement, but for those who might think of him as 'just another funny guy,' here is a recent offering about a very serious subject. He has generously allowed the reprint and subsequent distribution of his work so long as credit is given.


Anonymous said...

Having a war and a simple good/evil us/them worldview is apparently what's needed to get Americans all going in the same direction. Americans don't see shades of grey... Only black and white, and WE are allways wearing the white hat, no matter what.

What direction are we going, LawDog?

Here is part of the problem: everyone I talk to says a variation of the same thing: Americans don't see shades of gray.

Horse hockey.

All that we see these days is shades of gray -- and it's rendering us completely impotent.

Let me correct that: all that the Mainstream Media sees is shades of gray, and that's what they feed to American households with every news broadcast, and every written word.

Don't believe me?

Watch the evening news and then honestly answer -- Israel: Good guys, bad guys, or just not quite as bad as Hezbollah?

Watch the evening news. For the purpose of this we will postulate that Terrorism is black. Now ... America's use of secret prisons to hold high-level terror Bad Guys: Good idea (White), almost as bad as the terrorists (Gray) or just as bad as the terrorists (Black)?

Abu Gharib prison? Black, White or Gray?

WE are allways wearing the white hat, no matter what.

When was the last time the Media showed us wearing a white hat in this? When?

Was it during the screams for War Crime Trials after the gun camera footage of the AH-64 Apache killing a pack of insurgents burying rockets in a field and hiding under trucks?


Was it when the Media insisted on showing a photo of Iraqis executed by insurgents, but labeling them as the victims of American Marines?


The last time we wore the white hats, we deliberately created a firestorm in the city of Dresden and burned between 35,000 and 100,000 civilians into cinders. C'est la guerre.

Now, some backstreet Baghdad beggar child gets nicked by a ricocheting round fired by an American dogface, and the Media goes into heart palpitations.

The last time we wore white hats, we introduced not one, but two Japanese cities to the wonders of their own, personal plasma fireballs. Invasion would cost American lives, so we punted the Japanese half-way back to the Big Bang. C'est la guerre.

Now, gun camera footage of an F-16 dropping a 500 pound go-to-hell message on a pack of rioting insurgents rushing American positions causes the Media to just about wet their purty pink panties.

I don't know about you, cowboy, but anyone who thinks our own Media has been portraying America as wearing the white hat needs to wake up and smell the tabouleh.

Do I think we need to nuke some cities again? Hell, no. Do I think we need to create a firestorm in a populated area again? Hell, no.

What I do think is that we -- and by "we" I mean the Sheol-be-damned Media -- needs to grow a thick skin. We are in a war. Period. Full stop. End of debate. War.

War is hell. People who didn't deserve it are going to get injured in a war. Innocent folks are going to die during a war. This is a Bad Thing, but the time to feel sorry about it, the time to apologize for it, is AFTER the war is over.

I feel sorry for the kids who catch ricochets. Let America do all it can to amend for this -- as soon as the Bad Guys are dead. Not before, and not during.

I feel sorry for those folks whose houses get blown to kindling by American arty. We should help those people -- just as soon as the last terrorist in that area starts his dirt nap. Not before, and not during.

We're a kind and generous nation. We rebuilt Germany, we rebuilt Italy and we rebuilt Japan -- after we finished the war.

Same rules apply -- we will rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan, but that rebuilding should wait until after the war.

What direction are we going, LawDog?

I don't have a clue. I can tell you what direction I'm afraid that we're going:

The Media is going to continue to tell the American people that if we hurt anyone we're just as bad as the terrorists. They'll continue to tell the American people that we can't risk the lives of American military.

So, we'll pull up our skirts and leave Iraq and Afghanistan.

And -- with no handy place for budding jihadists to go die in -- they'll wind up in America.

Probably right over the southern border that the Media keeps telling us that it's racist and a violation of rights to enforce.

And they'll start dying here.

For those of you who don't believe me, see World Trade Centre, 26FEB1993 -- less well known as World Trade Centre Attack #1.

And, in retaliation, American will do the only retaliation that is Media-approved: We'll use Tomahawk cruise missiles. Probably on another godsdamned aspirin factory.

And the Media will tell us how surgical, and good, and enlightened, and caring we were in that attack.

And they'll hit us again. And we'll slam another 20 million dollar missile into another ten dollar [deleted] tent. And the Media will tell us again how righteous this response is.

And sooner or later, a stolen Russian nuke (or a donated Iranian nuke) will go off in a port city -- SanFran, San Diego, Houston, you name it.

And America will want to crush those who would dare -- but those who would dare won't be lining up in Iraq anymore. And those who would dare won't be dying in Afghanistan anymore.

They'll be in Quebec -- where we can't send troops. They'll be in Mexico City -- where we can't cluster bomb. They'll be in Madrid -- where the 4th ID can't patrol.

They'll hit us with big stuff at will. And because the Media has given them enough time to get entrenched in the cities of our allies, we won't be able to bomb their riots -- we'll have to arrest them. They'll ram our skyscrapers and kill thousands -- we'll shoot one of them while he's resisting arrest. They'll crack freighters loaded with poison gas in our port cities, kill and maim uncounted innocents -- we'll arrest three of them.

Since you asked: THAT is the direction that I'm afraid we're going.

I am concerned about all of the questions brought up.

And I am VERY AFRAID that LawDog is 110% spot-on.
What ever happened to the subtle dialectical continuum of nuance?

It dissociated when Lt. LaForge tinkered the tachyon generator to invert it's wave form, and went poof when it slammed into the wall of reality.

The American MSM and the political left got it's "mojo" by undermining America during the Vietnam war, it was their defining moment for a generation.

With Republicans in the White House, and both houses of Congress. And unfortunately for them, another Great Depression that opens the window to a whole raft of new socialist programs hasn't presented itself. They feel the need to get their "mojo" back, and undermining America during wartime is the only other way they know how.

Unfortunately for them, the rules have changed.

Talk Radio
Cable TV
The Internet

The MSM is/was key to their hegemony, and the MSM will soon be no more. It has already been severely blunted. Each election since '94 that the "resurgent" Democratic party fails to take the majority proves it. The party platform of "America is bad, weak, and stupid" dosen't work so well when the MSM no longer has the monopoly to blare it out ad-nauseum until it achieves a sense of baseline normalcy in the collective American conciousness.
They'll be in Quebec -- where we can't send troops. They'll be in Mexico City -- where we can't cluster bomb. They'll be in Madrid -- where the 4th ID can't patrol.

Why can't we send troops to Quebec? I know the answer, but the question highlights the problem with our being in Iraq: We aren't at war with Iraq, yet it's more acceptable to bomb a mid-east country than Spain or Mexico. If you can understand why Canadians would be upset with us for using their country as a terrorist trap, why can't you see the Iraqis might not be happy with the same treatment?
Im writing my thesis on negitivity in the media and ethics. Also I check lawdog's site every day man his stories crack me up
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