Liberal under fire

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Put down those totems of distilled violence. There is no need for them anymore. You say you want to do harm to a fellow person, instead love that person. Feel their needs as if they were your own. Find the compromise where that person is completed as a human, and you to will be completed.

Imagine if you did, happiness and love would follow. Free yourself form the fear of happiness. Free yourself from the fear of love. THe most powerful force in the universe is love and it will support you through the dark moments of fear.

Rage not against your fellow person, rage agains tthat persons lack of love. Feel the pain that drove the person to this time. Obliviate that pain with your love.

You can do no better thing in this world.

Visualize it and love that person.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Against my better judgment, I'll respond to a few of the highlights:

So, when a white person is denied a job or a position solely due to the fact his skin is not black, is that not discrimination based on race? Whether their intentions are good or not, the outcome is still based on the color of someone's skin. I think that is the point Doc is trying to make.
First of all, I had just finished telling you that I "don't agree" with affirmative action. That means I'm not going to defend it as if I did agree, of course.
Second, we're not discussing "outcomes" without regard to "whether or not their intentions are good." DrJones alleged that their intentions are not good, and I think that's a bit naive. In fact, he alleged that their intentions are so bad that they're worse than the average Klansman. I tried to be diplomatic about it, but to put it bluntly, that position is ludicrous and I can't imagine how it can be defended. Since everyone seems to have abandoned it and turned to straw men built out of "outcomes" and such, I guess I'm not alone in that assessment.

2. (Mike)
Shame on you, Dr. Jones.
Everyone knows that liberals simply can't be racist. Because they're liberal.
Only conservatives can be racist.
Yeah, Mike, 'cause that's more or less what I said, right?
Or at least, someone must have said it in this conversation.
Case in point...
Well, actually, no, it's not. The story about your friend's mother? Illustrative and enlightening as a study in hypocrisy, sure. But it has nothing to do with DrJones' point, which was that most liberals do not act like your friend's mother, but are still horrible racists as evidenced by their belief in affirmative action, which is "more racist" than cross burnings, church bombings, lynchings, and white power rallies.

KKK and Neo-Nazi types are nowhere near as dangerous (to society as a whole) as any liberal that I have ever met. Overt racists are fringe element freaks that are easily spotted and dismissed for the raving animals that they are.
That's debatable, but I'd say it's true for the present day. It is only true, however, because it became so prohibitive to be one of those "types" in polite society. It wasn't that long ago that it was no big deal. Who changed it?
For the most part, people who, at the time, were reviled and hissed at because they were "liberals." If the KKK and such are a small threat today, it is largely because the "liberals" won on that particular issue.

Besides, we've found another straw man. DrJones did not allege that liberals are more dangerous than the KKK. He said they were worse racists. I believe that street muggings are a greater danger to me than serial killers, but that doesn't mean that the average mugger is a worse person than Jeffrey Dahmer. If Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are more dangerous than the KKK, it's only because they have more popular support and more power. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, in fact, may be as racist as your average KKK member (or they may just be shakedown artists.) But then, they're not your average liberal, either.

4. St. Johns said it: "People are people." I can't stress this enough, people. Liberals disagree with us. They're not demons. They're not necessarily evil. They just don't agree as to the best course of action. If you don't believe that, what are you doing? Why debate at all?
One does not debate with monsters. You don't debate with a Hussein or a Hitler. If the average liberal is a slavering racist monster, there's no reason to try to engage or defeat Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi in the arena of ideas. Any sensible person would just shoot that kind of threat in the head. But of course, if you step back and really think about it, I think you'll agree that you don't really want to do that.
By the way, I can think of one other really good reason why the poster at DU "mentioned the KKK" even if you think the average liberal is more racist than they are:

The Klansmen were the ones who were actually threatening to KILL him. Since the post was about people threatening to kill him, he probably thought that was an important factor.
In the Jim Crow south

and even in the days of slavery, racism had two faces. One face was calm, even benevolent. It was not a matter of hatred of blacks, just a conviction that they were inferior. This face of racism is relatively gentle, and permits peaceful, even cordial relations between the races. This is the face that says 'mammy' and 'uncle', personified by the kindly slaveowner. Never a problem as long as the blacks "knew their place". Not very nasty, at least outwardly, but racist nonetheless.

The other face is blatantly hateful: the lynch mob, the sadistic plantation foreman, the KKK.

BUT they are just two sides of the same coin, and each is founded on the other, and each is part of the other.

So with liberalism: the "kindly" face is Affirmative Action, outwardly well-intentioned, but still racism. The other face is Jesse Jackson saying Hymietown, Julian Bond saying Repubs' idea of kindness is pardoning "war criminal Jefferson Davis" (the Dems did that, BTW), black rioters targeting Koreans and Jews, Hillary Clinton snarling "F****ing Jew bastards", and the typical ranter of Democratic Underground.

Just two faces of the same coin. Both founded on racism. The genteel kind just provides the medium in which the snarling kind lives. And, as we can see from Jesse, Hillary, and DU, the genteel kind turns quickly into the hateful kind when we peasants don't 'Know Our Place".
Besides, we've found another straw man. DrJones did not allege that liberals are more dangerous than the KKK. He said they were worse racists.
Saying it is a strawman argument, does not automatically make it so.

The KKK types never make any attempt to say that they "mean well". They never make any attempt to say that "good intentions" are the name of the game.

OTOH, liberals will tell you to your face that you must automatically assign a student an additional 20 entrance points to a black kid applying for college. In the same breath, they will take offense when someone suggests "How about giving Al Sharpton an automatic 20% of the Demoratic primary vote? He is black, c'mon, what do you say? Wouldn't that be fair? How about Carol Mosley Braun? Shouldn't she get 40% since she is black and a woman?"

Things like that are fun to say to liberals. Watching white liberals almost jump out of their shoes at the thought that their very own liberal BS might come back to bite them in the ??? is a hoot!

As for engaging Demorats, Watermelons, and other assorted liberals and defeating them in the arena of ideas? Puhlease!:rolleyes: If you want to tilt at windmills, that is your prerogative. I'm done engaging double-speaking weasles. I let liberals defeat themselves.

They just disagree. Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Not only do they disagree, but they also stand for everything that is abhorent to me. If they could, they would grab everything that I own in order to make manifest their "good intentions" by doling out my hard work as they see fit. To that I say MOLON LABE!!!!!! :fire: :cuss: :fire:
Duncan and Andrew have hit it exactly.

I still stand by my assesment that most liberals are, in my eyes, just as racist as the average klansman. They simply use different methods of expressing their hatred and racism. And let's not forget the virulent hatred of white males that many liberals posess.

Further, as said by others in this thread, it is wholly true that liberals have done FAR more to harm in many ways to minorities than the KKK ever has or ever could.
I thought I would restate this in the light of the ''booted off DU again thread''

That thread (the one that started all this) is rather weird and personally I get the feeling that those idiotic ''love the Klansman'' posts were a pathetic attempt to parody and thus discredit the point of view of those who support gun control and regard human nature as superior to that which is oft demonstrated by man.

In the light of that other thread, does anybody take my point?
Emotional Demagoguery: Modern day Liberalism

Thoughtfull Demagoguery: Modern day Conservatism

Delightfull Demagoguery: Somewhere Inbetween plinkin' at cans while tappin at the keyboard at THR.

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