local media item about M-4 5.56mm rifles

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Apr 27, 2006

A local TV news station ran an item several days ago about misfires/jams with US Army M-4 rifles in OIF/OEF. A young US Army veteran read an email about how an M-4 that did not work cost the life of a US Army SGT in combat.

I never shot an M-4/5.56mm but I did serve in the US Army. We were trained/issued the M-16a1 5.56mm and I know mine had many problems.

I would hope the US military/DoD will work to correct the problems related to the small arms used by our troops overseas. One thing I'd suggest is more coatings or plate jobs to prevent rust/dirt/sand etc from preventing misfires.

The US Armed Forces are in harm's way and deserve the best weapons, ammo and equipment to get the job done.

Rusty S
Problems with m4's/m16s are usually related to either mag faliures or being over used and under (re)conditioned by the armor. Worn out springs, broken firing pins... this happens after 10,000 rounds have been put though a firearm and it just keeps getting reissued with out a proper recondition job done.
Your link doesn't point to a story; just the general home page of the station. Also, I was unable to find the story you are referring to at that link.

I'd be willing to bet that 95% of the problems most troops experience with any modern M16-series weapon are magazine and ammo related rather than weapon related.
I've heard the sand in Iraq is pretty fine dust and gets everywhere. Could be an extra factor, acceleration malfunctionings.
"problems" or "malfunctions" are general terms that are not very useful when asking for a weapon change.

Is it the same malf/problem?

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