London bomber may have been a recently released Gitmo detainee!

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The difference is the people at GITMO are not POW's. They are not fighting for any state, and the rules of war cannot apply to them. This means they're CIVILIANS and must be treated as such. They must be released unless charges can be brought and proven in a court of law against them.

They are non-uniformed combatants, i.e. spies, saboteurs, and are subject to execution. How many US citizens are in GITMO? One? Padilla? I agree he should be tried or released. The rest of the foreign turds in there should be flushed after being squeezed of information.
I do not want to be a smart hinney, but I must ask a simple question.

Why should we (meanin' Americans) care about what the citizens of other countries think about us? I specify citizens since there is often a divergence between statecraft and citizenry. I am curious as to the lines of thinking that leads one to think what citizens of other countries think of the US is important. :confused:
Are you against Islam?

I am against anyone who flies planes into buildings and kills innocent men, women and children for their beliefs. I am against anyone who has painted targets on the backs of my family, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens and desires to kill them for their beliefs. I am also sick and tired of the sugar-coated rhetoric I hear about tolerance and political correctness, and I do NOT blame the US and our lifestyle for being attacked on 9/11. I do NOT believe we have to "look inward" or ask ourselves "why" we were attacked on 9/11 like some of the more visible politicians and pundits have suggested. I also DO NOT believe that the religion of Islam was "hijacked" or "perverted" as many in our own government have stated. If that makes me anti-Islam, then so be it.
From TheGoodLife's post:

It should be obvious that we will never win the war on terrorism without winning the hearts and minds of the people, to use two clichés in one sentence.

I hereby submit that anyone who uses the phrase "hearts and minds" or who posts an article containing that phrase has officially lost the debate.
Why should we (meanin' Americans) care about what the citizens of other countries think about us?
When they'll automatically believe the worst of us, no matter how far-fetched? At the price of the lives of our fellow citizens?

Holding people without trial because you think they might do something is a hallmark of a tyrant state.

Ok, lets just forget that thes people were caught on the battlefield. If we can over look that, I agree with your statement.
Hell, if it's not Gitmo it will be something else the leftist whine about.

They cut off heads of Americans and video tape it for the world to see while one of our military women pointed at their pee pee. Bad Americans, Bad Americans. See, that's why the poor terrorist are doing what they do, can you blame them? Oh no, the French are pissed! The UN should be first! Don't do anything on your own! Gitmo gives us a bad image! Give me a frigging break. The only bad image it has is what the leftist spit out and left media promotes. Bush haters will find anything and everything, patriotism comes second, Bush hating first.

And, these are the same people that directly after 911 said, wow, even though I voted for Gore I'm damn glad we have Bush. But as time goes by and no terrorist attacks happen at home, people start feeling safe again and the leftist come back out but this time, worse than they were before. They talk about about rights being taken away? You have the right to be blown to bits at a shopping mall too, with your family! But, preventing that doesn't count. Bad Bush, Bad Bush! It's kind of tough to enjoy those rights you're afraid of being infringed on when your dead. My children have the RIGHT TO LIVE!

I'm sick of them. They do more harm to our country than this President has ever thought about. he's trying to protect it and they tear him down for it, for purely political reasons. You can bet your azz Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer and every other leftist pansy would be the first ones in line to complain about Bush's job of handling domestic terrorism and questioning where the intell was if they lost a child or partner in a bombing or act of terror. How soon they forget. Or do they forget? Maybe their hatred is so rampant they just can't help it?

I think the 2000 election just killed them. They did everything to win in 2004 and lost larger they they did in 2000. Now they're livid. They just can't accept the fact that America doesn't like their ideals and beliefs and have become totally incensed. I have never seen people more out of touch while actually believe everyone but them is wrong. So now lets do whatever it takes, cut down America and it's President at ever possible turn regardless of the consequences. I think some of their acts are actually treasonous.

So, as I said, Gitmo, sheeitmo. Tomorrow it will be something entirely different, Gitmo's a red herring.
Since there is no evidence whatsoever to substantiate the rumor that a former Gitmo detainee may have been involved in the London bombings (particularly since no arrests have been made, no names released, and no official response of any sort whatsoever as to the identity of the bomber), why the heck are we wasting time debating this subject anyway? Evidence, please - and unless and until there is evidence, don't let Internet rumors disturb your thinking. Sheesh! :fire:
Hi All-

Freshman fraternity and sorority pledges endure more "abuse" than the sissies at the Guantanamo Bay facility. Those maniacs are beheading people practically on a daily basis and lefties look to blame Americans for all the troubles in this world.

Michael Savage is right, Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder.

~ Blue Jays ~
Ok, lets just forget that thes people were caught on the battlefield. If we can over look that, I agree with your statement.

Not everyone in Gitmo was caught with an ak in their hand blazing away at soldiers. Plus the fact that the "battlefield" is an entire country or more specifically various cities it hurts the idea that anyone there is a badguy.

Unless I'm mistaken we've let over 200 people go from Gitmo. That should prove that the "they are all terrorists or badguys" mentality is deeply flawed.
Hackworth is a dick.

Take off the gloves when handling the Koran, stop blessing the food.

I wish all those who whine about Gitmo would make an effort to ACTUALLY DO SOME RESEARCH before believing the monomaniacal ramblings of (spit) Hackworth et al.

Guess that's too much to ask.

Call you a lefty? nah, just a gullible, hand-wringing incompetent.

So, as I said, Gitmo, sheeitmo. Tomorrow it will be something entirely different, Gitmo's a red herring.

+2 ...and I'm sure that the Republicans love the smoke screen it gives them on other stuff.

1. There is nothing wrong with Gitmo. Even liberal legislators who have visited admit that it is OK. The last poll I saw said 70% of Americans think the dirtbags are being treated as good or better than they deserve.
2. Prisoners taken on the field of battle can be and always have been kept without trial until hostilities are done. These guys got tribunals so they are ahead of the game.
3. Of the 200 released, 5% have been caught again causing trouble.

The left will keep throwing cr#p against the wall until something sticks. They are burning people out with mindless Bush hatred.

There are so many things that actually need a hard look at with this administration that the mind boggles. But as long as the left keeps harping on things like the Gitmo-of-the-week, the real things we should be looking at harder get ignored. Like immigration policy, wide open borders, insane SCOTUS rulings, a reasonable energy policy, social security, health care, erosion of personal rights, the patriot act, and on and on. You might not agree with all of these, but you can probably add a few of your own.

The Republicans can be taken to task on all of these, but instead the Dims hammer away on a subject that most people cede to the to fight a war.

Whoever is doing the strategic planning for the Democrat Party is an idiot?
Ok, lets just forget that thes people were caught on the battlefield.

"Battlefield?" How is that being defined, anyway? "Earth?" Or, perhaps, "countries we decide to overrun?"

It's certainly not as clear as "The Western Front", is it? :fire:

In any event, I think this whole thing [Internet rumor] stems from unsubstantiated stuff...
Without addressing the actual conditions, this argument
The last poll I saw said 70% of Americans think the dirtbags are being treated as good or better than they deserve
is faulty for a number of reasons. First, 70% of Americans only know what they see on TV, so they lack the information necessary to make an informed judgement.

Second, and more importantly, consider the following (slightly) edited versions:
"The last poll I saw said 70% of Civil War-era Americans think the blacks are being treated as good or better than they deserve."
"The last poll I saw said 70% of Americans think the gunowners are being given as many rights, if not more, than they deserve."

Just because the majority says so, doesn't make it true. Your argument on this point fails.

Point two has been addressed by Ezekiel.

Point three, you claim that, of 200 releases, 5% (10 people) have been caught reoffending. Are you proposing that we hold the innocent (95%, by your own numbers) to keep the guilty as well? Given the amount of well-deserved respect Ben Franklin gets around here, I believe his thoughts on the matter are probably relevant. His thoughts? Better to let a hundred guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent.

We're America, damnit. We're better than everybody else because of our system of rights, and defense of the innocent, and the rule of law, and so forth. If we abandon that, what the hell are we fighting for?
Flyboy, I think the vast majority of Americans think the A Holes at Gitmo are being treated much better than they deserve and at the very least as good as they deserve. Why the hell is it even an issue to begin with? Why all the concern for these people anyway? What about the children of the all the murdered people in World Trade centers? Why aren't we more concerned about how they are fairing after loosing their parents? If all the leftist idiots would think more of those kids and what they lost we wouldn't have all this Gitmo rights crap. Oh where oh where has our common sense and caring for our own gone? Shameful.
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"The last poll I saw said 70% of Civil War-era Americans think the blacks are being treated as good or better than they deserve."
"The last poll I saw said 70% of Americans think the gunowners are being given as many rights, if not more, than they deserve."

Do not put words in my mouth that I didn't speak. That is the methodology of frame the debate by mis-information and mis-direction. It is not worthy of an answer.

Point three, you claim that, of 200 releases, 5% (10 people) have been caught reoffending. Are you proposing that we hold the innocent (95%, by your own numbers) to keep the guilty as well?

See above...

And besides, anything I might propose for Gitmo would have a rope involved.

We're America, damnit. We're better than everybody else because of our system of rights, and defense of the innocent, and the rule of law, and so forth. If we abandon that, what the hell are we fighting for?

There is nothing wrong with rage after a barbarism like we just saw in London. If you don't feel rage immediately after something like that, there is something wrong with you. There is a reason for the phrase Cooler heads prevail. My America kicks the a$$ of the types of headhunters we have in dosen't weep crocodille tears over their lack of air conditioning.
bjbarron, are the people in "gitmo" guilty?


Oh, sorry, mayhaps I should use scare quotes also...


...and I am going to use my incredible powers of precognition and write your next response down and seal it in a mayonnaise jar.
bjbarron, We'll see if the magic jar knows the future! I notice though, like a clever prophet, that it does not proclaim its knowledge in advance.

If you don't mind me asking--who, do you believe, found them guilty?
As for the London bomber(s) being released from Gitmo... Sounds like propaganda until I see proof or at least a statement from an official with their name attached to it. Highly provocative statements with no name attached? Rumor at best, flat out lies at worst.

Hackworth is a dick.

Just an FYI, but Hackworth has passed away. Would it hurt to be slightly more respectful to the dead? A glance at the top of every page on this site might give you a hint.

And besides, anything I might propose for Gitmo would have a rope involved.

Hmm, I might be slightly not up to speed on my legal knowledge, but I'd think executing persons without a trial when one's life is not in immediate danger is considered murder.
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