London terror continued

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If some contry with stones wants o stop this crap right now: A hellfire missle at all the mosques in the country preaching anti west rhetoric simultaenously some friday night!:evil:
i think too much

why go to all the trouble of blowing up a plane :confused: if you can blow up the entire airport instead :confused: there are so many softer targets out there what is so special about a plane :neener:
why go to all the trouble of blowing up a plane
Drama. Few things freak people out more than planes falling out of the sky and killing everyone onboard - and on the ground where it hits (WTC). Air travel is about the safest activity you can engage in, yet most people fear the odds of dying therein. It's just so ... dramatic.

The drama is multiplied by the attacks being done not only to scare us, but to play to an audience that (1) knows little of Western geography, and (2) tends to find airplanes more amazing than we do. Blasting a bunch of people at check-in somewhere in Wisconson is much less impressive than blowing planes up over the Atlantic, or crashing them into world-recognized landmarks.

"He who can destroy a thing controls a thing."
- Dune
If some contry with stones wants o stop this crap right now: A hellfire missle at all the mosques in the country preaching anti west rhetoric simultaenously some friday night!

Yes, because we all know that freedom of speech does not include the right to criticize the goobermint, and those bloody wogs should know their place! Besides, the best way to respond to a plot to kill innocent people is to kill a bunch of other innocent people first! (and besides, we might even get lucky and get a few guilty ones) HAHA! That'll quiet down the upstart fuzzy-wuzzys, eh what?
TATP was also the explosive that Joel Heinrichs blew himself up with while sitting outside a Oklahoma football game last year. There was a lot of speculation that he meant to detonate it at the game.

As far as allowing liquids on board, I've always wondered why anyone would allow a bottle of 151 rum. You could start a heck of a fire with that.
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