MI: Possible Armed Standoff in the Making

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NAME: Rick Stanley
AGE: 48
MARITAL STATUS: Married to wife Pam for 13 years (she's a pretty good looker.
SEX: well, he has three children...
MILITARY BACKGROUND: U.S. Army - 1972-1975
RACE: Allegedly human
OCCUPATION: owner of Stanley Fasteners & Shop Supply - serving the fleet maintenance, plant maintenance, building maintenance, and construction industries for 27 years. Business web site: www.stanleyfasteners.com

See his bio here:

Rick Stanley---still a loser and leader of losers. Guy thinks he's a freakin' Field Marshall. I sure appreciate knowing he owns Stanley Fasteners, though. I'll make sure never to buy anything from there.
So? There are plenty of radicals on this board who probably harbor desires of shooting people they don't like and camoflage it under being "liberators". Lockstep is right. Lockstep with every other tyranny that started out trying to "liberate" the people.
Raally wanna help?

Instead of dying for this stupidity, why don't these 600 militia men go and help him actually build the additions that he was actually supposed to build. It would be helping this man in a peaceful manner and still showing support for him. Not to mention his place won't look like a mobile home park.:banghead: :banghead: There is a much better way to do things and still save face. Not to mention make gun owners look like a tight knit group without looking like a tight knit group of gun toting psycho's. Sheesh lets not give the left a reason to hate gun owners more!!! No more ammo for te left please!! Show them our peaceful and intelligent side. (steps down off the soap box)
Not working through the court system
Whoa! We don't work through the court system anymore? Anytime we have a gripe we just start shooting? Uh, this is called mob rule, facism, might-makes-right, whatever. Is there a chance we're not getting the whole story?

FWIW, I heard Rick Stanley speak at CounterAttack. A bigger egomaniac you won't find. He is headed for his martyrdom for sure. Anybody who follows him is a fool IMO.
Of course you realize, if enough of these whackjobs show up to make a full blown fiasco, they may single-handedly get the AWB reauthorized.
Think about it... :cuss:
To you and I, it may seem like a farce veering towards tradgedy, but if it goes south, to those who want to save the ban, it will be the opportunity of a lifetime.
I thought this was the high road

Why is are some of you attacking this guy on a personal level, his family tree, he works at Taco Bell and such. You dont even know the guy, I dont agree with his idealogy of an armed conflict over a building permit but I am not going to attack the guy personally and say he is some dumb backwards country bumpkin redneck. Hell, I fit that description to some people. Why is that everytime someone takes a stand all of a sudden he is a wacko, Randy Weaver was a wacko, Koresch, Wacko, Thomas Jefferson, Wacko anyone who thinks that the govt is doing them wrong, Wacko, anyone who thinks that Ashcroft is violating peoples civil rights, Wacko. I guess I must be one too because although I dont believe everything that the above people listed believe or believed, I am sure that in the heart they think that they were doing the right thing. I am sure all of you armchair generals would have ran to Ruby Ridge or Waco to stop the goings on there. We all know that the govt never does anything wrong or oversteps boundries or violates peoples rights. Things I want to say to you guys right now would get me kicked off this board, grow up and dont pass judgement based on something you read on the internet.:cuss:
I thought it was the high road too

Why is are some of you attacking this guy on a personal level

Thanks for saying it first Saint, but I'll second it, maybe it depends on post count?

Hell, I fit that description to some people

Same here.

Things I want to say to you guys right now would get me kicked off this board,

No need to do all that but I am a little peeved too.
This is just great. A classic case of He said, she said. Under ordinary circumstances, it's hilarious.

He said he filed the permit and they were granted. They said he did work that wasn't on the permits. He said, yes it was. They said you violated such and so. He asked for clarification so as to ammend the permits. They wouldn't answer...he says. Court says he violated building permits, remove the offending buildings. He says he didn't violate; he says they wouldn't clarify the violation for him to ammend. Court says, remove the buildings or face contempt. Court says, this is un-appealable. He says, "ptooey," right in their eyes. Court says, Sheriff, remove the buildings. He says, over my dead body.

Norm Olson, after taking a trashing from the militia community over the death of Scott Woodring back in July (remember him? Wrongly accused of soliciting minors. Had his home burned out, escaped and shot to death a few days later?), says they (MMCW) will come to Barkley's Rescue. Meanwhile, Barkley is also working with the Michigan Constitutional Militia so as to file some kind of papers in Court on Monday. Meanwhile, Rick Stanley, of Colorado, begins to assemble support troops from other various militia groups and lets it be known that they will disable the communities infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Sheriff makes a pronouncement that they will obey the court with whatever it takes. Meanwhile, Tom Ridge declares domestic terrorism and martials his troops in "support" of the sheriff and to counter Rick Stanleys attempts at sabotage (which Stanley backs off from, but too late. The designation sticks).

The Wolverines have stated that they will be encamped within the compound that Barkley (a vietnam vet, SP5, combat engineer) is building and will have up to 150 people inside. Rick Stanley has called an alert for something called the "Mutual Defense Pact 2nd American Revolution Militia," and advised that up to 670 members will surround the outside of the compound, encircling the State and Fed people.

And here you folks are laughing at all of this. I think I might have joined you had I not followed all the links available and got some sense of where this all might be headed. If this all collaspses before the 18th, then all well and good. But if neither side backs down.... If the Sheriff, indeed is backed up by Homeland Security.... If the militias are actually gathering (and indications are that there are already a score of people at Barkley's compound)....

You all can come to your own conclusions. I don't see this as a laughing matter.
Saint of Killers, it's SATIRE. Hell-lo! You want to talk "armchair generals"? Well, Stanley IS one. This is a guy who sends misled dupes out to die for the dumbest of reasons. This is Hitler, 1945, sending the Hitler Youth and Volksturm out to die in order to give him more time to steel his nerves to bite the cyanide capsule. Yes, he is a WACKO. What, we have to be POLITICALLY CORRECT like the liberals: "Oh, who are we to judge? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." It's all morally relative." "Don't call him a wacko, I suppose you'll say Idi Amin was a wacko next." Whine, whine...

SofK, this is a man who is seizing on this to make a name or himself. He is no different than someone else who wanted to make his name immortal by breaking the law: Charles Manson. Both want(ed) to set themselves up as some quasi-god, all the while claiming to be something, in their heart of hearts, they assuredly are NOT. Yes, I say the man is mentally unstable. Probably suffers from the same messianic megalomania coupled with paranoiac delusions that both Hitler and Stalin suffered from. Stanley would probably loves twenty foot high photos and 100 foot high statues of himself all over America, er, Stanleyica. Read your history, SofK, despots never die. They just get reborn. So, if you want to defend a despot who just doesn't have the means to shove all those he doesn't like into concentration camps right now, feel free. But I will not shirk from calling a spade a spade. Or, in politically-correct poker, can you call a spade a diamond if you need another diamond to fill your flush?:rolleyes:
SirGal, you keep comparing Stanley to Hitler. Now that is absolutely ridiculous. Is there a personal grudge? We all seem to believe in freedom, yet when someone acts upon their principles they are wackos. One may disagree with his ideas or his actions, but to pull the "hitler card"?

Barkley obviously took advantage of, or over stepped his zoning permit. He exhausted his legal avenues, or most likely is too obstinate to follow legal procedures.. Should the government call out the forces over a citizen not following a zoning ordinance? Should someone take up arms to protect their private property rights? In theory yes, but this case doesn’t quite fit the bill. It’s an escalation of force that might be better solved by a certified letter and not barricades and tear gas.

It’s cases like this that show peoples true colors.
Sri Galahad - I don't particularly like Stanley either, but let's be accurate here. He's not "sending" anyone out to do anything. Everyone planning to take part in this thing is doing so voluntarily, so far as I see. They may well be dupes, fools, or whatever, but their decisions are being made of their own free will.

Rock jock - As with Carl Drega, it sounds like the court system has been extensively used already.

Like Mr Norris, I don't think this should be taken as a joke. This thing could have some pretty serious aftereffects if shooting does break out, no matter how trivial the initial grievance is.
Should the government call out the forces over a citizen not following a zoning ordinance?

And where are these gov't forces? The only gov't involvement at this time is the Sheriff saying that he'll handle it.

It’s an escalation of force that might be better solved by a certified letter and not barricades and tear gas.

The only 'escalation of force' at this time does not involve the gov't. Barricades? Show me the news item where the Sheriff is building barricades. Tear gas? Did I miss something here?

Unless someone can show me any different, the only thing I see is a bunch of militia Chicken Littles scrambling about muttering dark tactical veiled threats about the imminent falling of the sky, and desperately pumping a molehill into a mountain in order to justify their heroic last-stand fantasies.


Sir Galahad,
I am not one who has ever been accused of being politically correct to say the least, as for your comment that its satire, call it what you will it is a personal attack against the man. As I said I dont quite agree with the man but since when is a man a wacko when he decides that the govt is doing something to him that he feels is unjust and unfair. I guess when the feds come and say -sorry saint we have to take your farm from you because in the far southeast corner of your property is an endangered spotted earthworm that no one knew existed until about 10 seconds ago- I should just say- yea go ahead and take everything I have worked so hard for and I will just accept whatever the nice man from the fed says for fear that if I speak out people will label me a frickin WACKO. At least the guy has the guts to fight for what he thinks is right, and yes their are people that believe as he does that the govt is overstepping their boundries. I guess when the nazis came for the Jews you would have sat there and did nothing for fear of being called a wacko. I am not really sure why I write and call my senators and congressman anymore, you have changed my mind I must be one of those gun wielding wackos. I just need to accept reasonable gun control and reasonable stealing of my property by the govt, afterall the rest of the sheeple have accepted it why shouldnt I.:rolleyes:
"We're going to have a standoff," said Lyle Barkley, 55.
"He is presently bulldozing fortifications around his property in preparation for the standoff he promises will come if officials attempt to remove the homes from his land."

“County Sheriff George T. Lasater said while he does not want any violence, the threat of it will not prevent him from carrying out the judge's order.â€

“Barkley has created an earthen berm on his property, and said he planned to create trenches as well, in preparation for a standoff.â€

“I DO NOT recommend that hundreds of patriots cluster on Mr. Barkley's
four acres. I do suspect that the latest weapons will be deployed against the militia and the Barkleys if any open hostilities erupt, including nerve agents, EMP devices, Sound weapons, and other crowd control disabling weapons.â€

Barkley, Stanley and company are bringing this upon themselves. This isn’t a full-fledged Waco yet, but that’s what it seems like they are aiming for. Lawdog you are correct, those things haven’t happened, yet. But speculating, it could easily go that way because of the actions of Barkley and his pals. They are asking for it. Will the gov’t (local, state, federal) oblige?

Barkley seems like a man who has had enough with the system, and has decided that he will defend his property and his home (err trailers) the best way that he knows how. Like how most everyone says they will defend their life, family and home. It doesn’t mean that he he’s right, but he's taking a stand.
I wonder if Barkley made sure to apply for a proper Permit for the Construction of Defensive Earthworks? :p
Why should a person who already got permits(which is wrong) to do something on their property(already done at their expense) have to turn around and remove said property(again at their expense) at the whim of some power hungry, low life public official who has a Hitler complex and changes his mind like a women buying shoes, have to hire a lawyer(and spend his money) to fight against a legal system that uses his own money(tax dollars) against him?

I'm not one for killing, but damn it, it has to stop some where.
We all know how fair the legal system is for the average person, NOT!
Most give up and comply or go away silently.

Someone has to take a stand sooner or later.
Well, Saint of Killers, let's review some things according to your view. Since we should all just pick up a gun when the law doesn't work the way we want it to:

1.) October Revolution: Well, what's wrong with that? The Bolsheviks just got tired of the Czar, that's all. Law? What's that? Oh, but they were communists, so they are disqualified from being the heroes they would have been had they been right-wingers.

2.) Symbionese Liberation Army shotout: Down with The MAN, man! We luv you Tania! Up the Revolution! The SLA got tired of just taking crap from the government they hated, so they TOOK A STAND WITH GUNS. Oh, but they're LEFTISTS!! So that makes them automatically wrong! Now, had they been some militia right-wing "waa-waa-I-hate-the-government" types, they would have been heroes.

I find it rather remarkable that YOU expect the government to work within the law, but YOU can just discard the law when it does not work the way you want to. And pick up a gun to make it so. So, you want to set that precedent? I don't like your frickin' cat howling at night and the law won't help me. So, I shoot your cat to help myself. To retaliate, you shoot my dog. To retaliate for that, I burn your car. So you burn my house. So I burn your house. This is how the Hatfield-McCoy type feuds get started. This is what makes Africa such a volatile place---using guns to solve problems. Your point is hypocritical and childlike. Children think that they can just take the ball and go home because the teacher said it's actually the school's ball and everyone gets to play with it. The law belongs to everyone, SofK, not just you. Picking up a gun when the law does something you don't like just leads to everyone else doing the same. And this is "responsible gun ownership" how? This kind of thinking is exactly why some states are leery of granting CCW. They are afraid of the vigilantism you are espousing here. If one person might decide, forget the law, I'll solve this myself with my gun, then so will many other people. People quick to run to a firearm to solve a problem are not only cowards hiding behind a gun, they lack the courage of their convictions to make a stand without a gun and by working within the system or even by peaceful resistance. You think the Freedom Riders with Martin Luther King Jr. (oh, why am I bringing him up, he's one o' them commeenests) had it easy going through the Jim Crow South doing what they did? No, they didn't. But they did NOT pick up guns to solve the inequality that the law itself posed. They changed the system peacefully, preserved the rule of fair law at the same time, and did not cause a tit-for-tat system of white-on-black-black-on-white violence. Gandhi brought change from one of the world's greatest empires without firing a shot. Yes, there are times when one must defend oneself. But we are NOT living in a tyranny and anyone who thinks we are slaps the face of hundreds of millions of people who perished at the hands of REAL tyrannies by trivializing that wrd until it has no real meaning anymore. No one is shoving you into gas chambers. You are not being arrested for "counter-revolutionary statements" because you said state-baked bread was lousy. You are not being put to death because you have a Bible.

I compare Stanley to Hitler because this is how despots start out. Read your history. They all take advantage of a situation to create unrest and then profit personally from the resulting unrest. Either monetarily, through power, or by ego. Yes, there are lots of micro-despots in this country. I compare Stanley TO Hitler, but I did not say he IS Hitler. That is the difference.

So the guy has the "guts" to fight for what is right? No. He has the cowardice and lack of conviction to hide behind a gun instead of standing in FRONT of a podium and using his FIRST AMENDMENT rights to make his case. People are throwing the Constitution into every argument to make their case that the 2ndA "gives" them this "right" to use the gun to defy laws they don't personally like. But not one has the courage to use the 1st Amendment to defend their rights except to use the net to try and draw more people into the grave wth them. That's the thing about cowards; they don't like dying alone. They need other people there to die with them, all the while maintaining some twisted credo of "rugged individualism". Well, the Constitution does not guaruntee you that life is fair. And it does not say that if you use the 1st Amendment to speak out, that you are automatically going to win. But that's the chance you take to live in this nation. Armed thugs lording their personal opinions over everyone else at gunpoint is not an answer no matter who's doing it. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. And I am going to quote some liberals here when I say that an eye for an eye leads to blindness.
feedthehogs already made my point for me before I even posted my last reply. Well, FTH, it's amazing. The Bolsheviks were saying the same thing in 1917 about the "average guys". Except they used the word "proletariat". It's funny. You can take Das Kapital or the Communist Manifesto, replace the word "capitalism" with "federal government" and you'll have practically a word-for-word manifesto of what every Far Right militia type is saying. There really is nothing new under the sun.
Not to derail this lively exchange too much, but wouldn't you think some of the cable news channels would have picked up on some of this situation by now, or has absolutely nothing about this situation made it's way from the local news stations? It seems that this would be just the type of sensationilism that they hunger for, yet it doesn't appear to being reported, or am I just missing something? :confused: geegee
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