Movies Where Guns Weren't Used Effectively

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Mar 22, 2008
I was just think about movies, mainly horror movies, where the victims had use of firearms but did not use them effectively.

For one, the movie "The Strangers" (warning: Spoilers below)

When the couple is first being attacked, they go to find his father's hunting shotgun (good move). Oh no! He doesn't know how to assemble it (I thought this was a good add in). After about a minute he finally figures out how to assemble + load it. Now the couple is locked up in a closet just waiting for one of the 'strangers' to peek in so they can kill one of them. Instead of being a stranger, the guys friend shows up and walks through the closet so the man shoots him. Now, instead of staying in a perfectly good place, he decides to move out of the house. Wouldn't this seem like bad strategy, seeing as he has a gun and his attackers don't?

Another one - "The Hills Have Eyes" (warning: spoilers below)

After the family has discovered what is going on, the boy runs out of the trailer (with a pistol his father gave him before dying) in search of vengance of his father's death. He finally encounters one and starts running back and shooting his assailant. He hits him twice (with what appears to be a 9mm). His strategy is to hide in the trailer instead of shooting his assailant instead of just shooting him.

I know there are more I just can't think of anymore as of now.

Please feel free to add on and give comments on this (i.e. what you would have done)

Admins feel free to close this if it is not firearms related enough. Sorry in advance.

The Batman Movie...

When Batman and Robin are all trussed up and the Riddler is going to cut them in two with a laser gun (hey, it's a gun), instead of just doing it, he talks to the two of them until Batman gets his hand free and is able to get to his utility belt. We all know what happens next...

Moral of the story, DON'T TALK---SHOOT! :)
Batman movies

Ya, Warty, but then again, the BatMobile screeches it's tires on acceleration even though it's jet powered.

P.S. Any movie where the gun runs out of ammo so he THROWS IT at the bad guy who's 100 yards away. Nothing like bill-boarding the fact that you're out of ammo!!
Starship Troopers

When 4 or 5 people have to empty the mag into one enemy to kill it you need bigger guns.
Jurassic Park - the guy goes into the bush after PACK HUNTERS.

No. You set up in a good fortified area. When the pack hunters want meat, you make them come to you in an area where their mobility is limited and they have no camouflaging foliage where they can sneak up on you!

"Clever girl..."

No. You went after a coordinated team of meat eaters ALL BY YOURSELF!
Jurassic Park - the guy goes into the bush after PACK HUNTERS.

If he hadn't bother to be so impressed at the raptor's slyness and simply pointed and shot the beastie, he might have lived longer.
I was thinking Jurassic Park too though, because of Sam Elliot's fumbling of the shotgun in the computor room after they got the power back up and the raptor was busting through the glass.
If movies had effective firearms usage, most of them would be over in the first ten minutes, especially the "psychological thriller" ones that require the protagonists to be helpless in order for the plot to work and for the audience to be scared.
what bout gun control?? pulp fiction when riding in the car, john turns around and is talking to dude in the back seat when... boom! he shoots him in the head... or hes waiting in the house to whack the boxer, is useing the bathroom, but leaves the uzi on the counter next to the toaster. NEVER LEAVE YOUR GUN!
The Invasion (spoilers below,)

The invasion is well underway, and the bodysnatchers are bent on converting mom and killing her son. The best way to curb this evil, apparently, is to use a weapon once and then discard it with shock and horror. Two handguns, a piece of pipe (or was it a claw hammer? Memory fails. . .) and a fire extinguisher all get this treatment. I wanted to crawl through the TV screen and slap her.
I just got off the phone with my girlfriend. She was telling me about a horror flick she saw recently.

"...but I found myself thinking as it went on, "If that was Matt and me, this movie would have been over half an hour ago."

In Crank, the main character's gun got wet so he tossed it in a trash can before he went after more bad guys... Even if the ammo was bad, why not just dry it off and reload it with new ammo?

Most movies involving guns drive me NUTS! People never have enough and just discard guns that run out. They rarely pick up extra guns of their enemies, and almost never pick up that extra AK47 magazine or those handy grenades or even search the bodies of enemies for useful tools or even cash...

I agree, most movies involving guns would be over much more quickly if people just used them sensibly.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Without going into spoilers, there's one chase scene in particular where the villain could have been pretty well put out of action by a single trigger pull.

Jurassic Park - the guy goes into the bush after PACK HUNTERS.
Whoa, whoa now...let's give the guy a break. He went as support for Ellie as she went to the back-up power station, which was located in the bush. He definitely should have shot the decoy raptor, but his duty was to put himself in danger so as to protect the mission, which he did. I'd lay the blame on the rich guy: a park full of dinosaurs and he only has one guy apparently trained to use a gun?
Bad Moon

Horror movie about a guy routinely turning into a werewolf. Sister-in-law finds him undergoing "the change" one evening, is rightly concerned for her safety and goes running back to her place. Said werewolf chases her back to her place, jumps in through the living room window.

So, right about this time I'm figuring this will turn into a standard "damsel in distress / damsel meets ugly end at hands of uglier monster" scenario. However, said damsel is shown getting up on stool, fumbles around above a cupboard and pulls down a Ruger GP 100 (NO mistaking what it was!).

Werewolf comes into kitchen damsel lights him up with 6 shots (you can see the monster shudder back under the hits) and he quicly decides has business elsewhere, jumping outside through the kitchen window,

Moral of the story: For maximum effectiveness, in Werewolf country, ALWAY keep your .357's loaded with proper .357 ammo (looked in the movie like she was firing .38's) like the ST. Likely prevent damage to your windows but could entail cleaning up a mess on your kitchen floor. :evil:
From what I saw, the three killers in The Strangers didn't even show up with any weapons at all (butcher knife was taken from the kitchen, axe was taken from the shed). So - three completely unarmed psychos sucessfully terrorise and murder a couple, one of whom is armed with a shotgun? That movie was chock-full of unbelievability and every horor movie cliche in the book, yet it still held a certain appeal to me. :confused: I think it was the randomness: Arwen - "Why are you doing this to us!?" Girl Killer - "Because you were home."
I know those strangers wouldn't last 20 min at my home. I'd get my 870 with the +2 extension and my 9mm, my brother has his .40 S&W as well as Moss 500, and my dad would take his Kahr .40. Yep like I said, they wouldn't last 20 min.
Any filmmakers or someone with a video camera? Make a "Short but realistic" "Self Defense against Horror/serial killers" series of films and post them on

It's easy to Parody classic horror movies where the victim uses a firearm to "stop the Horror" quickly in a few minutes. This usually makes for lousy cinema but good and funny parody. Remember Indy against the sword swinging goon in Raiders of the Lost Ark? :)

Movies like Scream and I Know What you Did Last Summer are good first targets. Of course you would have to show the "victim" talking to the police afterwards. That could take up the rest of the 2 hour movie in California or NYC.

Anyone working for the NRA who reads this, please use this idea of realistic self defense situations as short films to get the message across about Self Defense and Concealed carry. Though I would like some credit and a job. PM me NRA!
The Strangers was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I'm not just talking about how the couple were complete morons with their safety, either.

Yeah - it was completely derivative. Much of the dialog was taken directly from other movies ("Why are you doing this?" and "You can make them stop!" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre), many shots were stolen from other movies (the lighting change which reveals the male killer standing behind Arwen is from Halloween) and it just flies in the face of logic that Arwen's boyfriend didn't just immediatly punch out the male killer and walk away. The masks were creepy, though, as was the old C&W soundtrack. But spooky masks and music do not a disturbing movie make.
What I thought would be good strategy if you are in a position such as the victims in the Strangers, would be to start walking down the road. The Strangers do not have weapons of any sort, and you have a shotgun + knife. The woman could cover your back as you cover the front.
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