My Convo with a European Anti

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Nov 23, 2006
Austin/Houston, Texas
Was at a party, met a cute chick that was half French/half German.

Somehow got to talking about hunting/firearms. Chick started talking to me.

The general "Guns are evil, they were invented to kill."

Further down i asked a key question: "If an armed man had your mom at gunpoint, and you had a gun, would you shoot the man if you knew for a fact she was about to be killed?"

Her answer: "OH NOOO OF COURSE NOT. My mom would have died happy knowing i didnt kill anyone."

I puked a little in my mouth. she continues on to say things like: "People can get over rape, ive had many friends raped, they got over it."

I politely said "I guess youve got some opinions" and promptly left.

Stuff like that disgusts me, if someone wouldnt kill to save a loved one theres no talking sense to them.:cuss::banghead:

I politely avoided her the rest of the party, no matter how cute she was.
I like my Basque neighbor, "That .223?, I've shot that in a FAMAS before..."

Her father is ex-military, and she used to shoot with the troops, kept her out of trouble I guess... things are different in the colonies...
I've found that most antis are victims of "trained helplessness". They never seem to be able to "do the math" of logic.

Criminals do not obey laws, that's why they are criminals.

Meat doesn't come from a store, it comes from an animal. If you think hunting is cruel, don't use animal products.

Police are there to investigate and solve crimes, not prevent them. They can't be everywhere at once.


I would say the person you were talking with has neither been a victim themselves and may have issues feeling empathy for their victimized friends (if they actually exsist).
Not much you can say in the way of reason, logic or common sense in the face of attitudes like that.
I puked a little in my mouth. she continues on to say things like: "People can get over rape, ive had many friends raped, they got over it."
That's doubly amazing coming from a woman. Rape isn't so bad? :what:

I guess that's why it's a good thing I'm married and don't get out to parties. I don't think I could've resisted arching an eyebrow and saying, "Really? Would you like to see my Ferrari? It's parked right out back in a dark alley!" How the heck would I explain that on a form 4473? "Reason for restraining order: teachable moment gone horribly awry."


Was at a party, met a cute chick that was half French/half German.


does she ever feel conflicted?:scrutiny:
...half French/half German.
She invades, she surrenders, she gets her boot kicked, then resents the one who did the boot kicking...

Sounds about right to me. :p

She could as easily been a US anti or a Guatemalen anti or... you get the drift...

It's true there are passive people who will easily surrender to evil. Criminals and tyrants (same thing maybe?) know this and bank on it. Some do so quite well.

Did you even try to invite her to go out shooting an evil .22? She'd have a couple of options but the look on her face either way would be worth the price of admission (or admonition). :D

I've taken newbie people out shooting who had a blast yet told me later that they could never ever take a life, even in self defense or to save a family member. That's their reality. Their life. Their decision. And that's fine by moi.

I've found as I get older and my kids have grown up and moved out, my "killer instinct" based on protecting my family is not as strong when it comes to simple self preservation at this point in my life. I still enjoy shooting, I still enjoy hunting, yet as I get closer to the end of an expected lifetime with maybe 20 years to go, I seem to cherish each day, each life, a little more.

Slowing down perhaps, maybe becoming a little wiser. Maybe a bit more stupid... I dunno. Should evil confront me now, I plan on confronting it face to face knowing that I at least have the tools and the mindset, but it's not the same sense of immediate urgency as I used to feel when my kids were young and helpless.

Ya know?

But our culture is different than the one from which the young lady you described came. Not better, not worse, just... different. Yet should her native land(s) find themselves under attack once again, I do not doubt for a second that young armed Americans would move forward to deal with the matter at hand. I think that may be part of our nation's destiny for awhile, since that land and those people are part and parcel of many Americans ancestral heritage. Should that ever come to pass, I'm certain that once again, we'd be scorned or ridiculed after the fact.

C'est la vie.

But boredelmo, you should have invited her to go out shooting!! ;)
...she continues on to say things like: "People can get over rape, ive had many friends raped, they got over it."

1 out of 1000 women may indeed 'get over it', but it haunts them for the remainder of their lives. As does the molestation of a child, or the victimization of anyone. She is absolutely wrong in her 'assessment'
I suspect she was just "justifying" her preconceived notions when you pressed her --irrational "justifications" or not.

I've seen this phenomenon (not only with respect to firearms) many times, and it sometimes takes a while for people to mull it over in order to see the absurdity.

Try this one: "Is putting on mascara (or texting, or cell-phoning) while driving dangerous?"

It's very informative to get the reactions --that is, the irrational "justifications." As in, "Oh it's not that dangerous," for one thing. But trying to balance even the slightest risk of having an accident against the "risk" of not putting on makeup, or not texting right then and there, or not cell-phoning right then and there is, in a word, irrational.

It sometimes takes a while for this to sink in.

Sometimes years.
baba louie said:
I've taken newbie people out shooting who had a blast yet told me later that they could never ever take a life, even in self defense or to save a family member. That's their reality. Their life. Their decision. And that's fine by moi.

I am sure it is not your intention, but this paragraph comes very close to sounding like something that justifies the "Guns turn people into killers." BS that anti's like to spew.

You took them shooting and they STILL didn't think think they could kill somebody. . . GOSH!

Please don't take this the wrong way.
This "chick's" reluctance to prevent the murder of her own mother doesn't surprise me. I once asked an anti if she would shoot someone to prevent the murder of her own children. She replied that she wouldn't.
Mindsets such as these are indicative of how severely the anti propaganda has degenerated our collective sensibilities and destroyed even the most basic survival instincts. I fear that the damage done to our society as a whole may as of now be irreversible ...
Would someone please tell me again why we sacrificed so many American lives to save Europe from itself not once, but twice? They're just uncivilized barbarians without a concept of individual worth.
It's people like her, with that mindset, who allowed the Holocaust and the Great Purges to occur.

"Evil men cannot be corrected by laws, but they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Her answer: "OH NOOO OF COURSE NOT. My mom would have died happy knowing i didnt kill anyone."

I puked a little in my mouth. she continues on to say things like: "People can get over rape, ive had many friends raped, they got over it."

Okay then, what's your mom's address?
Make it more personal - she's apparently fine with other people being raped/mugged/etc, so find out what she would prefer you to do if she were the victim.
That's sad. But, there is a reason that Europeans are dying off the face of the Earth as a people and being replaced by Muslims. Say what you will, but there isn't a Muslim alive that wouldn't shoot.

The only problem is that most of them would miss.

Nevertheless, they got a fighting spirit about them.
Originally Posted by baba louie
I've taken newbie people out shooting who had a blast yet told me later that they could never ever take a life, even in self defense or to save a family member. That's their reality. Their life. Their decision. And that's fine by moi.

I am sure it is not your intention, but this paragraph comes very close to sounding like something that justifies the "Guns turn people into killers." BS that anti's like to spew.

You took them shooting and they STILL didn't think think they could kill somebody. . . GOSH!

Please don't take this the wrong way.
Never thought of it in the way you mention CNYC. We were sitting around the office (small architectural design firm) talking, they all knew I CCW'd and two of them who hadn't really been anti, but had never been exposed to firearms, being raised in California (Simi Valley and San Luis Obispo) just came out and told me that. I had to laugh, because I told them I had taken them shooting because it was a fun and challenging sport to me and that I doubted they'd ever need to "shoot someone or something" unless they decided to take up hunting. Even then, taking the life of a deer, fowl or fur, tends to bring out a pretty strong emotion in some. That while I've taken classes to better prepare for the "worst case scenario" (self defense) I certainly hoped it was an exercise that I'd never need to use in real life. But, as my Dad used to say and we all tend to realize, "It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."

I have had young men who worked for/with me tell me that they couldn't own a firearm because they just KNEW they'd probably use it to harm due to their anger issues... to which I agree'd, Some people should not own firearms until they had their impulse/self control down pat.

But never once has anyone so exposed to a range session or two walked away thinking "Guns are Evil". They soon realize it's just an inanimate object and with adequate, calm, reflective discussion, they usually come to their own conclusion that "some people are evil and/or have impulsive self control issues" and probably should not own weapons.

[Thus endeth discourse]

But a hot female at a party... and no offer to go out plinking cans with a .22??? How many chances like that in a lifetime does one get? Far too few I say.

I've been in "The GunStore" in Las Vegas maybe 6 or 7 times this past year (it's on my way home from the office) and each time, I've witnessed literally "scores" of people from all over the world (well, Asia and Europe at any rate) who've come there to rent and shoot submachine guns. I mean the place was packed, Cabbies dropping people off and picking up people out front. Young, old, male, female. Nervous smiles beforehand, upon coming off the range HUGE smiles, photos taken with targets, photos taken while they're shooting, etc. Doing something they'd never ever be able to do back home.

And that makes me glad. Not only for living in this country, but that there's still that spirit in some people from all over the world.
Her answer: "OH NOOO OF COURSE NOT. My mom would have died happy knowing i didnt kill anyone."

I puked a little in my mouth. she continues on to say things like: "People can get over rape, ive had many friends raped, they got over it."

And I thought I was nuts.
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