Never been so POed after a movie!!!

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Jul 12, 2003
Never been so pissed off after a movie!!!

Bowling for Columbine.:cuss: :cuss:

I don't understand how someone can take the truth and twist and distort it so bad that it is absolutley ridiculous. it's sad. because it's the guns fault that columbine happened it's the guns fault that people kill each other. get a clue it's the person behind the gun.

then yes the white man is so awful because we went to africa and "kidnapped" the blacks for slaves. Not the case try their families saw them as a fair trade for a sack of sugar.

wah wah wah america is such a terrible place to live because people lock their doors, because people own guns. because people feel a need to protect themselves from the bastards that live around us.

there are some scenes in the movie that brought tears to my eyes. the cafeteria scene from columbine being the worst. seeing those boys doing the evil things that they did. and i am being fed that it's the Tec 9's fault because it's not a gun made for deer hunting . i'd like to own a tec 9 but would never ever think of doing things those boys did.

I love how America forces poor black mothers to work to jobs and ride a city bus. this movie is all over the board.

if america is such an awful place why doesn't micheal moore move else where.

sorry for the rant just extremely pissed off:fire: :cuss: :banghead:
That walking pile of rancid Moose piddle. Will never get a dime of my money.:mad:
"have you seen bowling for columbine?"

I am so tired of hearing that question.
Alot of people believe his lies and propaganda.
They do not seem to mind all the $$$ he made from the blood
of innocent children.
It is so easy to prove his lies,yet people take the easy way.
They see it on the screen, it must be true.
We have to keep on letting folks know that his movie
is fiction,propaganda & disinformation.
That walking pile of rancid Moose piddle. Will never get a dime of my money

I'd suggest seeing it somehowl. you gotta know your enemy and this is a big one. granted everything in this film is easy to refute, but still need to be ready.
The whole reason regular law abiding citizens need tec-9's is to protect them from drug dealers, rapists, and murderers who have them not for plinking, but for violence.
if america is such an awful place why doesn't micheal moore move else where.

If America is such a terrible place, why aren't millions upon millions of Americans sneaking into other countries?

Leftists are moral and intellectual parasites who are doing their best to destroy the only nation on earth that tolerates their stupidity, arrogance, and tendencies toward wanton mayhem.
I hope you rented it for a buck or so and had a bunch of friends over to critque it. Minimize the profits for Der Dicke (the fat one).

His movie cannot be approached with the perspective of learning. It has to be viewed with a critical eye towards propaganda and propaganda technique. Therein lies the true value of his film. It's the delivery, not the message.

yes lame attempt at humor....and not my chop anyway :D

"We" did kidnap many black men for the slave trade. "sack of sugar"????? I don't mind your picking on Comrade Misha, but part of your post seems to be trying to justify the slave trade that is part of our countries brief history.

"We" did kidnap many black men for the slave trade. "sack of sugar"????? I don't mind your picking on Comrade Misha, but part of your post seems to be trying to justify the slave trade that is part of our countries brief history.

Not trying to justify the slave trade, but the slaves were bought in Africa by the European slave traders, not captured. So it's not fair to characterize it as "kidnapping", since the Europeans were only buying slaves that were already being captured and sold.

You do know that slavery is still alive and kicking in Africa, right? Even hundreds of years after the triangle trade routes ended?

The sack of sugar thing is inaccurate. Most slaves were war prisoners; they weren't sold by their families.

Now, back to trashing Michael Moore....
The issue of kidnapped is probably a moot point or a bad word choice. You come up with a better one.

In Africa, a "slave" had rights. They might marry; own property; own a "slave", act as a witness, and become an heir to their "master". They were comparable to feudal serfs. Bad! But it was not the equivalent of what slavery was here.

IMO, they were "kidnapped" because neither they nor their masters knew what would happen to them here. They were taken under false pretence. If you entice a person into your car saying you'll give them a ride home for work, then lock them in your basement and force them to work for you with no chance of leaving, you kidnapped them. Kidnapping doesn't require that you wack them on the head with a bat and throw them in your trunk.

Now back to the Moore bashing :D

The vast majority of blacks bought by the Europeans and shipped to the Americas were indeed slaves. Large tribes defeated smaller tribes in war and sold the prisoners to the slave traders on the coast. They were housed in prisons (some still standing today) till they were re-sold and shipped out. There were very few who knew nothing of the fact that they were going to be made slaves.
It is not a pretty episode in history, but we should at least admit to the facts.
This months National Geographic has an article concerning the modern slave trade.

Interesting reading.

At least you're pissed off over something openly anti-gun.

I just saw Lethal Weapon 3 for the first time about a month ago. That really pissed me off. If any of you have seen it and can recognize propaganda, you know what I'm talking about.

:fire: :cuss: :banghead: :cuss: :banghead: :fire:

If you are going to discuss slavery in the US, you need to read the book The South was Right! by James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy. It is not a book that attempts to justify slavery in any way. It does provide information that is not normally known or taught in American history classes.

For example, the white Europeans didn't need to kidnap anyone. The black Africans sold other blacks into slavery. The African slave trade started in the 9th Century by the Arabs and Berbers in the Mediterranean Sea and lasted until the 15th century. European slave trade began in around 1460. Slavery did not end legally until 1962, when it was finally outlawed on the Arabian peninsula. Only 6% of all Africans taken from Africa were brought to the US. 90% of all African slaves were taken to the Caribbean and South America.

Slaves in the South had far more rights than even slaves in the North, much less slaves in Africa. Slaves in the South actually considered poor white southerners to be worse off than themselves. There are documented cases of slaves loaning money to their owners to help them through rough times. Slaves and free blacks voluntarily enlisted and fought in the Confederate Army, unlike the ones in the Union Army, most of which were conscripted and forced to fight.

Now, back to Moore...

Remember, "Tis better to be pissed off than pissed on." :)
Add to that the fact that slavery has been practiced by every major civilization throughout history from American Indians, Greeks, ancient China and yes Africa of course. There were plenty of white slaves too - captured the many Arab and North African raids and incursions into Europe.
'Leftists are moral and intellectual parasites who are doing their best to destroy the only nation on earth that tolerates their stupidity, arrogance, and tendencies toward wanton mayhem.'

SW, hear, hear! I lived in Russia for three years. It changed my world view pretty dramatically. This is the best country on earth because of traditional American values, not because of government programs and cradle-to-grave high tax, no-responsibility nanny-statism that some in our midst are striving for.

It always amazes me when I run into people who have lived in Third World-type countries who STILL believe in their looney left wing socialist agendas. How could you believe in that piffle after seeing what it actually does in reality? I guess some people have the statist gene and there's nothing that can be done about it.
Yeah, Lethal Weapon III is ridiculous - every other scene in the police station, there's a "Down with NRA" type poster on the wall in the background, not to mention the unbelievably insulting opening scene - "must be spokesman for the NRA". Grrrr. I did not watch Bowling for Columbine, but I've heard it's worth seeing, if for no other reason than know thy enemy. The maddest I've ever been after a movie was "Jakob the Liar", where Robin Williams played Jakob in the Warsaw Ghetto - good movie until the end when you think they're going to show the uprising, to start with the revolver Jakob has hidden away (about which gun much fuss is made), but then Jakob refuses to use the revolver, becomes a martyr, there is no uprising, and the Jews are only rescued by the Russians while on a train heading out of Warsaw. :cuss: :banghead: Absolute, total anti-gun hit piece trash movie.
You know the scene I REALLY hate in that movie? The one with Charlton Heston. It is so cheap how Michael Moore puts the picture of the little girl on Charlton Heston's doorstep! Charlton Heston didn't kill that girl!
Micheal Moore is a leftist POS........Bowling for Columbine was basically an open hate letter to America.

Why would Michael Moore leave, the Country he has no respect for has made him rich.

Did you see the Euro cover for BFC? You want to know why the Europeans think the U.S. is crazy.

Real nice right.

Verry Fitting!
ROFL! I like it!:D
Magazine cover:
So haben Sie Amerika noch nicht gesehen!
Roughly Translates to: You haven't seen America Yet!

If they actualy beleve this pile of bile, here is my message to them.

"Sagt ein Land, das zu den Weisen des Nazi Beteiligten zurückgeht!"

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