No _legal_ guns allowed

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Man oh man! I'd love to make a sign that says "Malls are barrels, and while inside please consider yourself a fish!"
Stick em next to all no gun zone stickers

I swear.

Or one that says "Disarming the law abiding gun owners, leaves no consequence for criminals with guns" or something like that.
I'd put em on every mall door I could find
That's a great one, Oleg. One suggestion - I'd maybe put a colon or period after the text at the top. Other than that minor quibble, it's simple, visually striking, and makes a couple of important points very forcefully.
Now THAT is some serious "fiber for thought." It's perfect to plaster all over a mall in a "propaganda assault," and IMO, would really make the average condition-white person think.

Very nice. And you used a USP C too. My personal defense pistol.

I don't care what any anti-CC sign says. I refuse to be a victim. And I'm not going to become some freak or hermit and withdrawl myself from normal society and holiday shopping because of the policy of anti-gun shopping malls.

A lot of people say 'private property' this and that. Or when it is work related like the much debated having a gun in your car at work. Well folks. Someday there won't be anywhere left to carry. You will be able to carry on public sidewalks and streets and that's it. No shops. No jobs. No anywhere you go if we carry down with this line of thinking.

I think, when making signs like this, the simpler the better...That's why this might be my favorite.

Can I use this? As in post this around certain places, ie my university?
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Hey Oleg, can I print some of these out for distribution on campus? I just wanted to check in case you were picky with your intellectual property rights.
Oleg, I have been following your work for several years. This is one of the simplest but best you have ever done. Can you link to a high-res image suitable for wallpaper?
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