No more THR at work for me !

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Oct 16, 2005
Northeast USA
Well, the IT police finally caught up with me. They've blocked The High Road from my work computer. They took out gunbroker and gunandgame last year, but I thought THR was safe. No more lunchtime posts for me, guys.

Anyone else have this problem? Maybe there's a solution . . . . I'm thinking bribery.
Not yet. There for awhile I could not go to places like Midway and gun company sites,:banghead: but that changed. They are not blocked now. So far so good. :)
Shhhhh! :scrutiny: They don't really mind, they just ask we limit internet surfing during biz hours so that the system doesn't get so bogged down....sounds fair to me :)
My wife is a branch manager of a credit union. An early 20s girl used a proxy, and was on myspace. The girl got canned on the spot when it was discovered. It ain't worth it, if you like your job.
My wife is a branch manager of a credit union. An early 20s girl used a proxy, and was on myspace. The girl got canned on the spot when it was discovered. It ain't worth it, if you like your job.

The easy answer is to say that one should only visit work related sites when at work. However, in most cases that's not what happens. It all depends on policy and management decisions as to what one can get away with.

I simply offer an option should one want to continue their surfing after a particular site has been blocked. That doesn't mean the IT Dept. won't find out if they are so inclined...but it does take care of the immediate problem of not being able to surf the website.

Standing Wolf

I work in a gun shop. I don't have time to noodle around the internet.

Posts: 21,069

Jerk. ~ :neener: ~

I'll trade you jobs. You can sit at my desk and write code.

I'll clean and test the guns.

A tunnel to somebody else's Windows server isn't going to do him much good, and whatever passes for network security at his workplace would be quite in the right to clamp down on it.
I have a box at home . . .

. . . inside my router/firewall, running PcAnywhere.

Also running TightVNC.

Anytime I'm worried that some site may raise a red flag, or if I'm not interested in leaving breadcrumbs (at least until I know what the site is about), I remote into my home box and do the deed from there.

I sacrifice a little speed, but I don't risk compromising a work box and then having to 'splain to IT why my box is fubar.

Some conservative content sites are blocked by IT, though they insist they're not. For those, I bounce off the home box.

If the question arises what that IP address is (with no HTTP server on it), I just tell them it's my home box. I've been asked a couple of times why I connect there. I explain that I don't do personal mail or related stuff on the work box, so I connect there to do it, in the interests of corp security.

They respect that. They also have no rational justification for blocking my home box, since I also work from home after hours.
It's not an option where *I* work, despite the fact that there are more than half a dozen computers in my "office."

We CAN get online, but only go to a VERY short list of "approved" sites. Works out fine 99% of the time as we have all that we need to do the job....

But that 1% of the time it would REALLY be nice to be able to access something "outside the box" to actually HELP our flippin' CUSTOMERS!

Glad this came up, that reminds me, I need to see if our outside vendor is on-line now that I'm home. A doctor wants us to keep "oral rehydration salts" in stock, and they're not listed in the catalog. And the jerks apparently have laid off about 3/4 of their customer service staff. Before you could get through by phone in about 3 minutes max. Now, it's at least THIRTY minutes on hold before you get someone! :cuss: :banghead:
Call me old fashioned but I do work when I'm at work. I don't do non-work related computer stuff on the company's equipment.

Call me paranoid, but I don't think you can hide or justify personal computer use at the work. And someone can easily check!

Call work, where some others aren't anymore because they were doing personal business on company time with company equipment.
You're visiting sites like this from work without a proxy? :scrutiny:

Get TOR or something NOW. Geez. It's 2007. Anyone who does ANYTHING on the web that can be tracked and traced, especially from work, without an anonymous proxy is asking for it.
Lost a job myself for misusing the net at work, among other things just one of the Items on my seperation letter. Currently it is a non issue.
ctd, midway, ar15 got banned at work under cat 'weapon' along other gun forums. so are porn sites, free software download.
I just vpn home. not as fast as connecting directly, but it would have to do.
Anyone else have this problem? Maybe there's a solution . . . . I'm thinking bribery.
Instead of typing the domain name into the address bar of your browser...try using this instead:

Some web filtering packages only filter on the domain name and don't do such a good job on the IP addresses. They could also be filtering on content such as 'gun' or 'weapons' sites.
Call me old fashioned but I do work when I'm at work. I don't do non-work related computer stuff on the company's equipment.

Call me paranoid, but I don't think you can hide or justify personal computer use at the work. And someone can easily check!

Call work, where some others aren't anymore because they were doing personal business on company time with company equipment.

Agreed 100 percent. IMO, work is work, not time to be playing around on the company's dime.

And you're right, with all the sophisticated spyware, keyloggers, screenshot grabbers, etc a company can identify improper online behavior. Just IMO, YMMV
This is timely because I am in the process of blocking a number of sites at work. I have to decide what to block. The current focus is on things that waste time and bandwidth. As THR is never a waste, it should not be blocked...

- Sig
I am a owner of my own clinic along with 7 other physicians. We blocked porn sites cause someone was on them during work. TheHighRoad got blocked cause apparently it was conidered to have something to do with illicit drugs. You know "High". I told my office manager to get this web site back on ASAP.
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