The 1st Amend here on THR.

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Aug 19, 2006
Kalispell MT
Ive been a member for about a year now and have learnd alot from the
great and Knowlegable members here at THR and I would Like to say Thanks

I feel a new member will get board quick with THR, When he or she cant ask
a question in their own words and get the responses from the members of THR
because its a topic that has been discused before, I for one only have
a hour maybe, to get on THR and post on a couple threads that i think is interesting, Or even Post a Thread to ask a ? Why would I go to the arcives to post on a discution that no one will ever see again.

If a topic gets a little off track, How about posting "Were getting a little off track here fellas" Instead of Locking it after three posts.
Ive seen threads locked when it could have easly been moved.
I once wrote a lengthy thread that took more than my hour of time
that didnt even post cuz the title was qustionable, I didnt get a chance to fix it, instead the Moderator totaly vaporized it.

I have Taken The High Road and not used abusive language or inuendums to get my thoughts out, and I feel other members should be able to post after me and voice their thoughts and opinions.

I invite members and moderators alike to Take The High Road with me and discus this topic,

sincerly LBF
Specifics, please.

I once wrote a lengthy thread that took more than my hour of time
that didnt even post cuz the title was qustionable, I didnt get a chance to fix it, instead the Moderator totaly vaporized it.

I'd like a little help here.

Could you give me a hint about what you were writing about and more specifically, what was in your heading/title that got your thread 'vaporized'?

In defense of the moderators, I've read some pretty off-the-wall ideas that didn't get banished..... at least not until there got to be some name-calling and individual bashing going on. I'm certainly not saying any of that is why your thread got zapped so please be more forthcoming.
There are forum rules at the top of the page. There is a great library at the top of the page. There is even a handy search button. That said, most folks really will talk about something that has been done to death in the past because there is always some new perspective. Many members will give a link to what they consider to be the definitive thread on the subject.

Now as far as the 1st amendment, we all love it, but it doesn't apply here. No government flunky is hiding on THR and oppressing you by locking threads. This is someone's, as in Oleg Volk, private domain with clearly defined rules and standards. It's not about freedom of speech, it is about being courteous enough to respect someone else's rules when you are in their home.
I feel a new member will get board quick with THR, When he or she cant ask a question in their own words and get the responses from the members of THR because its a topic that has been discused before

They almost always can. There are special circumstances (45 vs 9mm, 1911 vs Glock) where this doesn't hold true, but nearly every question has been asked and answered and the membership will gladly answer it again.

Mods and members try to keep threads on track, but sometimes there isn't much to work with and sometimes it's easy to tell when a thread has no potential. I can't blame the mods for not spending their time cleaning up threads that have gotten out of hand, they have lives and obligations outside of THR. Presumably :p.

And others will tell you this, and you may already know, but this isn't a first ammendment issue at all. This is private property.
I've read some pretty off-the-wall ideas that didn't get banished..... at least not until there got to be some name-calling and individual bashing going on.

Yeah if any forum is great for the 1st Amendment it would be THR. . . My comments are a little ... well flamed (yeah its true haha) and they havent been deleted. I think the moderators are pretty decent and as always Grandma's Rule is always in effect (sometimes it even gets reminded to some of us) haha.

And from what I have seen from these old THR vets is that they will talk about any subject and humor ideas no matter how many times they have been brought up before. There is always new light and new ideas to be added into an idea no matter how old it is or previously discussed.

Take the High Road!
Threads are locked for a reason. The general rule is to contact the moderator directly by PM to discuss why a thread was locked. If you make a convincing case, the mod may unlock the thread and let it continue.

Its been awile,.. but it was about buying guns that happen to break and the buyer getting all excited about how its crap instead of calling manufacture and trying to resolve gun issue, the title I cant remember. When I title I try to make it jump out so members will be intreged Like the title of this thread.
Based on your chosen title for this thread, you proceed from a false assumption.

You do know that the protections in the Constitution only restrain the government in actions against the people, and don't apply on private property, right? THR is private property.
Well, I do have an advantage in that I can see "vaporized" threads and posts.

Your title was "S(tuff) HAPPENS", except that "stuff" was misspelled and only contained 4 letters. ;)

Looking at the moderator notes for that thread, the mod actually made an attempt to change the title before "vaporizing" it, but couldn't for some reason. It is possible that if a title gets filtered automatically, it isn't retrievable, I really don't know for sure.

The content of your thread was on topic. If you hadn't tried to make the title of it "jump out", I feel certain it would have remained to this day.
Typically threads on subjects that have been discussed ad naseum or more frequently that aren't gun related are locked. I have no problems with this whatsoever because A: The search function will usually give you the information you want, and if it doesn't thats when i tend to make threads (generally if a subject hasn't been discussed in forever or if its not precisely what i'm asking i'll start a thread) B: The moderators on this board are by far the best i've ever seen on a message board. Not only do they keep the threads and posts on topic, but they typically will warn you if its going too far off topic and if it just dissolves into petty bickering... which in spite of it being the high road does tend to happen every so often ... they put it to rest. C: The moderators are the ones paying for the site, so it makes sense to keep it as small as possible. As i'm sure you know there are quite a few members on this site. Just looking at the boards you'll often find a few hundred people viewing each thread. This of course eats up bandwidth and i'm sure you've noticed that this site is absolutely 100 percent free. Derek actually offhandedly mentioned that the moderators are the ones who cough up the cash when its needed and we basically had to beg them to even allow us to donate money if we want to. This gives no one any extra privileges or anything like that, its just a if you want to do it sort of thing with nothing whatsoever attached. I've seen a couple of threads lately that have mentioned the fact that there aren't any forums open for just generally non gun chatter, but quiet frankly there are a million different sites on the web for that sort of thing. When i want to talk about guns, this is where i come. When i want to talk about Howard Stern, i go to a forum just for that purpose. If it makes you feel better, there are actually a couple of forums associated with this one, like armed polite society (i don't know if thats the exact url or not... i've gone there maybe twice) that will allow you to go quite a bit off topic. This board however is quite specifically dedicated to firearm talk, and thats how i like it.
Funny, I asked a Mod today about why were posts about “SHTF guns” or batteries closed, didn’t see any harm there.
I mean, talking about guns, even if its’ something talked about before dozens of times, is something we all enjoy and that’s why we are here.
The mod answered a well written response, took his time ( much appreciated) but I can’t say I agreed with most of it.
As long as it’s within context ( something related to guns and in the proper forum) and does not contain offensive language or issues of questionable legality, I don’t see why people can’t talk about it as much as they want.
How many “First gun?” “What should I buy” “The minimum battery/ SHTF arsenal” “If you could only have one” how many of those have we seen?
Yet, I admit to click on most of them when I see them. It’s fun, certainly harmless, and I do like knowing what others think, even learn something out of these “dead horse” subject posts, you never know what others may come up with.
What’s the harm? It’s not as if we should spend every second of our spare time figuring out Einstein’s unsolved Equations of unified gravidity, electro magnetic fields…who has the right to say “Your post is to silly to be worth discussing”? You can always choose to read about something else if you don’t like it, or if you are tired of going over it again, that’s the beauty of variety.
I hope this post is taken as good nature constructive criticism, that’s certainly my intention. There’s a nice group of people here, courteous and knowledgeable folks.:)

Has a closed thread ever actually been re-opened? I don't think I remember ever seeing that.

Yes, I've definitely seen it happen. In fact I'm quite sure that at least once I've seen one Mod disagree with another and reopen a locked thread.

To the original poster here, given Mal's explanation it does make perfect sense why your thread would be nix'd. For future reference though, if you plan on making a particularly long and detailed post, you may want to do it in a text editor first, save it as a backup, and then copy/paste. I find that to be useful, just in case something doesn't go right in the posting process.
In your case obviously if you had a backup, you could have just re-posted with a different header.
Is it just me or has anyone else noted a huge influx of new members to THR? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it seems like they all joined up after the "Bash-Bush" thread opened. 1/3 were from Democratic Underground and just signed up to bash, another 1/3 seemed to be libertarians who resurrected themselves to bash anyone who wasn't libertarian, and the other 1/3 I think were legit NEW members who got caught up in the storm and didn't seem to have a clue what this forum was about and probably thought it was some sort of free-for-all.
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either.

Mark Twain
Just a few of the many, many threads closed by Art Eatman. You might expect that there has to be something terrible occuring on these threads such as personal insults, outrageously libelous statements, etc. Well, take a look for yourself to see if you can find such stuff on these threads.

San Berdoo Ca Mayor says "Guns a cancer to society"

Unusual gun control theory: Clintons are "witches"

"Tresspassers will be shot"

Wealthy anti-capitalists.

Nat. Guard smugglers

A way to get our guns?

Studies Show: Felons Smarter Than Liberals

the illegal immigration problem and our gun rights

If you want to see more threads closed by Art Eatman, search for his name as an author, and look at the column for "Last Post" to see where he was the person who got in the last word:
Most of the above thread closures looked reasonable to me. Locking a thread doesn't necessarily imply that something terrible is going on. Sometimes a discussion is just finished and it is time to move on. If moderators didn't do this, THR would become a rather dull place as the discussions that are on topic and present new questions and answers would be overwhelmed by discussions that have long since run their course, are not relevant to my interests, or are at odds with the purpose of the forum.
44Brent: You don't seem to understand. A thread doesn't need to be contain "personal insults, outrageously libelous statements, etc." to get closed. Since you recommend it though, I will go through the threads you posted and see what I think.

1: San Berdoo Ca Mayor says "Guns a cancer to society"
This one is sort of a toss up. I could see this one being left open , but it wasn't going anywhere good.

2: Unusual gun control theory: Clintons are "witches"
Are you kidding ? And you are the OP on this one. Um.. just not appropriate.

3: "Tresspassers will be shot"
This one shouldn't have even been there in the first place. Any responsible gun owner should realize that threatening signs of that type only perpetuate bad stereotypes of gun owners. And some suggestions went from bad to worse.

4: Wealthy anti-capitalists.
Art said "Good topic for APS, but, unfortunately, off-topic for THR."
What more can you say, it's not on the topic of guns. That's what APS is for.

5: Nat. Guard smugglers
Art said "This should have begun at It's off-topic for THR." Gee that seems familiar.. NOT ON TOPIC.

6: A way to get our guns?
Could have stayed open , but as ART said, it wasn't going anywhere. A post of the OPs frustration and nothing more, with no possible useful responses.

7: Studies Show: Felons Smarter Than Liberals
Well well, here we are again. Art:"APS material; not THR. It's not rescued by the reference to the 2nd Amendment..." NOT ON TOPIC

8: the illegal immigration problem and our gun rights
Art: "Still not on topic, no matter how hard it's stretched--it won't reach."
How many times do posters need to see NOT ON TOPIC before they understand ?

So 44Brent, your complaint just doesn't hold water in any of your examples.
So 44Brent, your complaint just doesn't hold water in any of your examples.

If you have anymore rebuttals, get them in now because Art will be here shortly to close this thread also.
The title of this thread is bizarre.

THR is privately owned. 1st Amendment does not apply here.

Tolerance for free discussion is pretty good over here. Try getting out of line over at and see what happens.

I've found that 99% of threads that have been locked deserved it. Actually, a whole lot more should be locked or better yet, deleted as they are an eye sore. This place becomes a cess pool of the same old non-gun related political BS. Even some of the gun politics threads are a stretch. Not so much that they are blatantly off-topic, but that they MISS THE POINT when it comes to properly understanding the RKBA issue. Some are almost counter-productive and lead to division and or anti-gun conclusions.

A lot of people for some reason like to believe that THR is a place full of like-minded people, particularly on politics outside of guns.


Like minded in support of guns/RKBA? Yes. In politics and other issues? No. As a result there are so many people who insist on constantly bringing up immigration. I've found such threads to be counter productive. In 2006, this place was almost as bad as for being a GOP bashing fest. By all means, believe what you want and vote for whomever. I just know that gun control has passed, and the worst is yet to come - and we were not united in any way shape or form. If this forum's mission were better served, the discussion on various parties or candidates would have been RKBA based, not immigration based. Not that it would have made a difference, but at least stick to goal here.

I've cut back on checking this section because of all the junk posts. If we want to talk about politicians, let's keep it on their RKBA record only. I'm not interested in getting a better understanding about their economic philosophy from here, there are better sites for that. No offense intended. I come here for GUN and RKBA info/news. Not immigration, not generic politics, not economics....Not to mention, that there are a number of very clever anti-gun saboteurs here on THR. Many folks on THR think they are so slick by getting accounts on DU and acting like liberals with pro-gun stances (apologies to the genuine liberals who love the RKBA). They do the same thing. Except some of them are more subtle. I make no public accusations. No need. TRUTH will prevail. Anti-gun nonsense is defeated in the arena of ideas and discussion.

Anyhow, I've found that THR is a very, very diverse bunch. Some folks don't see it yet. This isn't the place to evangelize about the GOP or the DNC. It is counter productive to alienate someone who, for example, might be a super-liberal on everything but is coming over to the RKBA side by bombarding them with negative posts.

I've found (from posting on some extremely diverse sites not-DU though) that some of the more "different" types out there can be made to see the value in ARMED SELF DEFENSE. Which is the goal.

A huge, huge, huge mental and emotional barrier is cross when someone accepts the fact that it is OK to own a gun and to defend themselves with it. After that huge step, other ideas start trickling in....other pro-liberty ideas.

I'm all for the mods locking more threads. Lower the noise and increase the signal!!!
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