Non-USA members

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As La Pistoletta said, we dont have any national pro gun organisation. Unlike La Pistoletta i believe that a Pro Gun organisation could do much good in Sweden. A Pro Gun organisation could put guns on the agenda, getting guns on the agenda today would be bad, because today all Spin regarding guns is made by our enemies. With a strong Pro Gun lobby we could get Guns on the Agenda in a positive way.
I also believe that we are at a point in oour history were we must choose between liberty and tyranny, because we have a highly segregated society in the three biggest cities, a situation were the firefighters are afraid of entering certain neighbourhoods.
If we can use this situation to get a country were citizens can own guns for selfdefense it will be much better than the alternative, a state were subjects are monitored by CC-tv wherever they walk, and were all their comunications are monitored by the FRA
Sweden stands on a Crossroads, and i really hope that we despite every indication to the contrary will take the road less travelled (the road of liberty).

A Swedish NRA would be a Blessing, but unfortunately i dont really think we will manage to establish one, i am doing some things to fight this battle, i have started a WebForum to try and get the fight coordinated, i also write some letters to our members of parliament, and try to raise gunrights awareness among people i interact with. It is a losing if not already lost battle, but i will keep on fighting it.
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