Norco, CA house fire; "Evil" ammo cache found

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Jan 28, 2006
West Texas
The LA media made a huge deal about this guy having over a million rounds and over 100 guns in his house. The reporter mentioned that they were "machine gun bullets" numerous times within his report, he must be an expert in ammo identification from afar. Notice the owners reloading equipment and his subsequent arrest. I would also be on a 72 hour watch if my "cache" went up in smoke.,0,3065900.story?coll=ktla-newsspecial3-1
I don't have quite that much stockpiled, but I'd imagine if the guy just cooperated with the officers, he wouldn't be in a psych ward right now.

edit; I'd imagine if everything checks out, they'll be required to relinquish all the ammunition and weaponry back to the owner.
Excuse me while i wipe the drool from my chin here... Thats better.

Imagine the fun you could have with 1,000,000 plus rounds? Seems like alot i guess, but heck, maybe he just likes reloading more than shooting, who knows.

Oh, and, What the heck is a "Machine gun bullet". I mean, alot of our more puplular rounds (9mm, .223, .308, i'm sure theres more) have been used in full-auto guns of one type or other.
.30-06 made a decent machine gun bullet. You can still get the delinked ammo from CMP.

Wow, a million rounds though. I wonder what the street value of that is? But you know If I had to sit there with a reloader and make a million friggin bullets I would probably be in the rubber room as well.

Clearly no sporting purpose.
There are laws that apply to the storage of large quantities of ammunition and powder/ primers. I think the limit for a residence is 50 lbs of powder, and you need a magazine to store that much (1 hour burst resistant walls and such).

I don't know what the rules for ammunition are, but a million rounds probably requires secial precautions.

If the ammo boxes were marked 50 BMG than it's a good guess it was machine gun ammunition. Even an M-16 or M-4 is considered a machine gun, so pretty much any green ammo box can be "machine gun ammunition".

The guy was arrested after he fought off the police - I'd say they did the right thing. If the guy was in the yard with a garden hose doing his best to fight the fire it would be a different matter. Also, if you have that much ammo in your house you have a moral obligation to inform the fire fighters when they arrive.

The really funny part is the stupid neighbors sitting with a 20 gallon tank of gas 3' from their lazy butts worrying about some "bullets". Gasoline is an expolisive and is more dangerous than smokless powder!
I'm jealous! If the guy had 100 guns and that much ammo he may have had some MGs and linked ammo so I could see where they (the media, not knowledgable people) could draw that conclusion. If it wasn't linked, well, if you have some .22lr that could be considered machine gun ammo even if you don't own an American 180.

In the garage, firefighters also found a tunnel leading under the house, Norco Fire Department Battalion Chief Ron Knueven said.

"We haven't gone down into it," he said. "What we've been told so far is that it goes under the house. According to a family member, it goes under the garage, then makes a 90-degree turn to the right and goes under the rest of the house."
Is this a good solution to avoiding the wife seeing you bring home yet ANOTHER gun?! :neener:
Not exactly the most secure of locations for guns and ammo.
I once heard something about "stockpiling laws" referring to weapons or ammunition one time, but never got a definite idea of what that was.
One million rounds

at one shot every 10 seconds, 12 hours a day, would take a little over 6 years. With no time off for good behavior.
And in a minigun firing 6000rpm with no breaks for reloading or failures it would be 2 hours, 47 minutes of continuous firing :evil:
Jeez, gimme a break. 1,000,000 rounds for 100 guns means he only had 10,000 rounds for each weapon.

10,000 rounds as a stockpile against market fluctuations doesn't sound so excessive to me.
I suspect when the smoke clears ( literally ) the final count will be well below One Million.

That's a nice sounding number for television I suspect.
Some people hord animals. It would appear that his fellow horded ammo and firearms. Or perhaps he is/was a small time gun dealer, one of those "Kitchen Table" FFL holders. Tunnel under the house? Maybe a planned escape route in progress should the home come under siege from whomever.

Or perhaps he had aspirations of becoming a Hobbit?

As for the news report, rather sloppy in my opinion, but then it IS Los Angeles. Home of image & glitz with little substance behind it.
I'm guessing the tunnel was used to hide his purchases from his wife.

In fact...hmm, a tunnel. I never really considered that...

gotta go.
I dunno .. Seem's a little bit much for me to relate to .. over 20 loaded rifles? Something is not right if you live your life in that much paranoia IMHO.. I don't care what anyone says .. if he indeed DID have explosives .. TAKE THAT STUFF AWAY FROM HIM .. He obviously isn't in the right state of mind to have all that stuff ..
'Or perhaps he had aspirations of becoming a Hobbit?'

I don't think he was at all worried about Sauron. He could have taken on half the dark army.

I wonder why the police would search the tunnels? Probable cause for what?
I read "attic fire" and thought, "Wow, he trucked a million rounds up into the attic? That's gotta be some strong rafters." Then I read that most of it was in the garage. That's for the best. The attic is too hot for long term storage, anyway.
Wait a minute - 1 million rounds???? I doubt it - who counted them, and do you realize how much money a million rounds would cost, even if they were mostly .22?
Oh come on tnieto2004, paranoia is defined as an IRRATIONAL fear.

The poor guy lived in CALIFORNIA!

20 loaded rifles seems little light.
A dollar says he won't be found to be so deranged that the state needs to spend any money on him, but just enough to refuse to return his property...
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