NRA is for the 2A infringement of those on any 'terror watch list'. What? Really?

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Interesting today that I heard of the "alternate" proposal being floated by some Republicans in the Senate, wherein only folks who are on the super-naughty secret lists (No-fly and secondary screening lists) would be denied due process.

You know there's always a risk here when trying to assure your faithful that they won't be affected by the legislation you're laying down, that you'll come off as either racist or condescending.

Fortunately we have Senator Lindsey Graham to speak for us. As he put it today referencing the "no fly, advanced secondary screening" list proposal he's helping push, (paraphrased from memory as I can't find the quote I heard him deliver on the radio) "You aren't going to get on this list for attending a TEA Party rally or being critical of the government. Or for being a liberal. There are no 'Bubbas' on this list. Ha ha!"

I mean, sure, if you're a red-blooded 'Mercan we promise we won't put you on our list, cross mah heart, y'all! But (wink wink) if you're name's Mohammad, you best watch'cher ass!

Oy. So you don't have to worry that we're either racist OR condescending. No! We can be racist AND condescending in the same paragraph! Yaaay.
In what category would he place Edward M. Kennedy?

After all, HE was on the "no-fly" list.
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