offensive billboard?

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I am much more offended by the Casinos and their signs that I find on the Reservations.
Too much Political correctness will be the death of America. If our native ancestors were alive, I'm sure they would defend this billboard. The same people who say this is offensive are the same ones who want us to forget about atrocities like what happened to the Native Americans to further their agenda.
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I am much more offended by the Casinos and their signs that I find on the Reservations.

Umm...stay off the Res then?

Would you be outraged if the families making a living from those casino's were collecting government assistance instead? :rolleyes:

I work for a tribe that does NOT have a casino, and I work with tribes that DO have casino's. Guess which tribes are better off in every way? Housing, health care, tribal facilities, tribal employee's pay rates, etc.... It is a HUGE difference.
Those casino's do a lot for those tribes. I guarantee you that a tribal casino does a lot more for that tribal community than a Vegas casino does for the citizens of Las Vegas. At least around here, Tribal casino's are not privately owned by single people, they are collectively owned by the tribe, and the whole tribe benefits.'

Sorry for the hijack, just wanted to get that out there.
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I see I touched a nerve.
I have just a little more than a few drops of Indian blood and yes I don't like the casinos and their promises of prosperity anymore than I believe state lotteries will help the outdoors or our public schools.
My mother is a product of the old res and she got off and never went back so yes I to stay off the reservation.
This billboard exists in my town. I assure you, the native american community is not particularly upset about it. This community had a vaguely similar newsmaking event several years ago when a student team made up of native americans called their team the mighty whities in a nod towards teams like the braves, redskins and locally, the eaton reds. What happened there is that everyone had a good laugh, they sold a ton of tshirts, and the point was made. No one was outraged, except for activists who couldn't or wouldn't understand that it was intentionally light hearted.

This is different in a number of ways obviously, but mainly the response has been "thats right" and the majority is not all that offended. For the most part, The people that are offended are activists trying to promote politically correct agendas, not people who are offended on a cultural level.

sent from my Galaxy Note II.
I like it and it makes a very valid point. If some people are offended, well, gee whiz, lots of that going around these days.

Yep. Some have become experts at finding new ways to be offended. What really seems to irritate those people is when they find out that no one cares that they're offended.
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