One Liberals argument why guns should be banned.

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Nov 1, 2006

"America's fascination with guns is well-known throughout the more civilized world. Our enlightened brothers and sisters in Europe have already banned handguns in their countries and may wonder why we have not done the same in the US, especially with the rising crime rate and handgun violence statistics.

Now with terrorism, the threat of gun violence is even more real. Why do USians persist in their love affair with guns?


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It all goes back to an obscure centuries-old document called the "Constitution of the United States of America." Specifically, there is a part of this document (a late addition, not part of the original text) known as the "Second Amendment." It goes something like this:

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

It seems obvious that the authors of this document intended this amendment to be used to supply guns to the Army. At no point does it suggest that the average man off the street with no military training should be permitted to own a gun!

Nevertheless, many right-wing members of today's United States have interpreted this amendment to mean that every citizen has the right to "keep and bear arms." Absurd? Perhaps. But uneducated people in our society (such as members of Congress) can still be fooled into believing this absurdity.

Let's examine some of the other ways right-wingers try to justify their ownership of deadly weapons:

* Self-defense

Perhaps the most common justification is that of "self-defense." Rather than relying on our highly trained police force, these people believe in some sort of vigilante justice, not unlike cowboys and robbers in the old west. Books such as More Guns, Less Crime argue for this.

Suppose a person breaks into your house at night and attacks you with a knife. Now, according to the right-wing point of view, you would be justified in shooting him with the gun you keep hidden under your pillow.

However, it is impossible to truly understand the circumstances leading up to this person's breaking into your house. Perhaps he is a minority. Maybe he was made fun of in school for being a homosexual. He is probably poor. Knowing these facts, how can you, an upper middle class exploiter, be justified in ending this man's life? The answer is: you can't.

In fact this man is homeless and was merely looking for some food to feed his starving family. By killing him in so-called self-defense you are no better than a common murderer.

* Hunting

The white-tailed deer. The antlered god, Cernunnos. What could be a stronger symbol of nature's might and virtue?

Unsuprisingly, the deer is one of the hunters' primary targets. Man has been subjugating nature since the Biblical Genesis, and hunting is a symbol of this endless terrorism against nature.

Don't believe me? Imagine the typical day of the white male hunter:

The hunter gets up early, before daybreak. While shaving, he cuts his face. He tastes the blood and it is good. His desire for the prey has become sexual.

Later that morning, the hunter enters the forest with his phallic firearm, and stalks the great horned beast. He sees one innocently drinking water from a stream, and raises his phallus-gun to his shoulder. Pulling the trigger he releases his sperm-bullet into the innocent mammal. But rather than life, his sperm-bullet spreads death. The deer grunts in surprise, and falls to the ground, dead.

Death and devastation, the eternal relationship of man versus nature.

* Recreation

We have all heard of the Eric S. Raymond-type who shoots at targets for fun. Some also shoot at "clay pigeons" or perhaps even bags of groceries. They argue that we have no right to deprive them of their "hobby." "Who could oppose such harmless fun? Only liberals." they argue.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing "harmless" about firing a deadly weapon in even the safest of environments. It is just too risky. A stray bullet could richochet and hit someone. A poorly-maintained weapon could explode in the owner's hands. A child could accidently swallow a shotgun shell. Are these risks you are willing to take in the naive pursuit of "fun?" I certainly hope not.

* Revolution

The one thing a right-winger fears even more than God is the government. It is a common belief among them that the government is run by a Zionist UFO Cult. By owning guns, they will be able to fight off the alien baby-stealers.

Oddly enough, evidence for this is lacking, and perhaps a mental examination is needed for anyone who argues for this point.


This has just been a short overview of the right-wing's arguments. As you can see, any reasonable person would support the banning of all guns. It is time we put these gun-toting extremists in jail where they belong! "

Thats the most flawless argument I've ever read:rolleyes:
This is my favorite part:

Suppose a person breaks into your house at night and attacks you with a knife. Now, according to the right-wing point of view, you would be justified in shooting him with the gun you keep hidden under your pillow.

However, it is impossible to truly understand the circumstances leading up to this person's breaking into your house. Perhaps he is a minority. Maybe he was made fun of in school for being a homosexual. He is probably poor. Knowing these facts, how can you, an upper middle class exploiter, be justified in ending this man's life? The answer is: you can't.

:banghead: :fire: :banghead: :what: :cuss: :banghead: :fire:
uppose a person breaks into your house at night and attacks you with a knife. Now, according to the right-wing point of view, you would be justified in shooting him with the gun you keep hidden under your pillow.

However, it is impossible to truly understand the circumstances leading up to this person's breaking into your house. Perhaps he is a minority. Maybe he was made fun of in school for being a homosexual. He is probably poor. Knowing these facts, how can you, an upper middle class exploiter, be justified in ending this man's life? The answer is: you can't.

In fact this man is homeless and was merely looking for some food to feed his starving family. By killing him in so-called self-defense you are no better than a common murderer.

Okay, let him stab you.
This must be a joke...some one should break into hes house so we can all see how fast he runs to get hes shot gun
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

I could've sworn it had the phrase "the people" in there somewhere. he seems to have forgotten that particular part in his article.

Edit: This is a joke isn't it?
However, it is impossible to truly understand the circumstances leading up to this person's breaking into your house. Perhaps he is a minority. Maybe he was made fun of in school for being a homosexual. He is probably poor. Knowing these facts, how can you, an upper middle class exploiter, be justified in ending this man's life? The answer is: you can't.
Wanna bet??!!
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