Open Carry Day

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OK i just wanted to post here just to remind people that it's coming up! Please even if you carry concealed everyday and are against open carry. At least do it on July 4th to show your firm support of our second amendment right. Make sure you check for open carry laws near you.

Also if you don't live in a goldstar state, call your sheriff to see if it's legal. NC isn't a goldstar state but our Currituck sheriff let's us OC anywhere that guns are legal.

If it's illegal by you, please wear an empty holster just to show your support. After the heller decision i believe this will be a big step. If the media gets involved it could be even better.

Also please post this on any other forums you belong to.

PLEASE, show your support!
i only recently learned that OC was perfectly legal in my state. i've made a decision to OC for as long as the weather permits; partly because it's less of a hassle to find an appropriate wardrobe to CC, and partly in protest over what happened to me and the rest of the "Dickson Dozen." so, yes, i'll most definitely take part in OC Day. i've received mixed reactions, from extremely positive (even from LEOs), to extremely negative.
I want to keep this thread to the top so i'm going to post every once in a while. After the weekend i don't really care but i'd like to keep this thread to the top for now to be sure everyone takes a look. Make sure you tell your friends because not everyone in the US that's a gunowner is a member of gun forums.

I can't wait until tomorrow! If we get enough people to do it the media will get involved. They will have to do a story on it. I believe this is the "next step" after the Heller decision.
Sounds good. I see absolutely nothing wrong with responsible adults openly carrying firearms any time, but near the 4th, there are parties and drinking at parties, just my thoughts on the subject, don't drink and carry. (O:
Funny this should come up, I was planning to OC on Independence Day in celebration of DC v. Heller, as well as in general celebration of our Constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms and our Constitutionally(Arizona) guaranteed right to carry openly.

I will in fact OC at least on the fourth and fifth, and I will post this to the Weapons of Mass Destruction forum also.
One last thought before I retire for the night...

I have an inkling feeling that if I open carry in Cleveland (Ohio) that the same police department that had to be sued by the state Attorney General to comply with the SHALL-issue aspect of the then newly passed Ohio CCW law, would probably arrest me and "find" some charges.

And yes folks, that is true, what I said, when Ohio first passed CCW laws, Cleveland's police force had to be sued (I believe the mayor was also sued, but that's okay, he has an extensive record of contempt of court on other matters relating to union and payroll corruption/scams) by the Ohio State Attorney General so that they would issue the permits.

The way things wound up being conducted, most people who wanted a permit in Cuyahoga County (the county wherein lies Cleveland) were just told to go to neighboring counties (which were more than happy to do the permit work) to get their permit applications processed.

Cleveland is a peculiar city, in that when a man (black) used a lawfully owned gun with a lawful concealed carry permit to shoot (and kill) one of his two attackers (a 15 year old black youth who stuck a gun in his face and said something along the lines of "your wallet or I kill you") the local residents trashed his house, broke all the windows, called him a racist, and tried to push for him to be charged with murder. People demanded to know why he had to shoot the young innocent boy (who I believe had an extensive criminal record), rather than asking why a 15 year old boy stuck a gun in a man's face and threatened to kill him.

There have been a number of cases in Cleveland of people being in clear-cut self-defense shootings, having to spend big bucks to fend off murder charges. Likewise a few people who were victims of home invasion, have been slammed by ruthless prosecutors and brought to answer bogus charges. As of right now, if memory serves me, none of them have been convicted, but they sure spent a lot of money to maintain their freedom.
I have an inkling feeling that if I open carry in Cleveland (Ohio) that the same police department that had to be sued by the state Attorney General to comply with the SHALL-issue aspect of the then newly passed Ohio CCW law, would probably arrest me and "find" some charges.

Then would you mind wearing an empty holster to show your support? I'm pretty sure they can't chrage you for that.
Just know your facts and be prepared to answer questions. Don't get into arguments with fools -as the old saying goes. It's good to get people to notice that this concealed carry thing is happening everyday here, too. Not just back in the hollers and out on the ranches. Make people think and there's a chance that they might think for themselves.
I'd rather not be hassled all weekend, nor give up a tactical advantage should I find myself in a situation where I may rightfully need to use my firearm.
As much as I understand and support those who want to do this to go ahead and do so, I will not be one of the participants.
Use it or lose it. I applaud all you guys that open carry. I personally have an aversion to it being a retired LEO (a really sour retired LEO at that). Good for the rest of you though!
I O.C. almost everywhere. This year we will be watching fireworks from a high rise hotel, will probably conceal through the lobby. I don't want to have a problem carrying in the hotel. I don't want to have to say, "If you are anti-gun, we won't..." I will exercise my right to conceal.
It will be interesting to start a new thread after the weekend with responses that people recieved or how people were treated. I often open carry and often only get a raised eyebrow by tourists in the state of Wyoming.

The only problem I will have is that we have a gun show tomorrow here in Jackson Hole and of course they don't allow guns which is absolutely absurd to me.
Open Carry Day Responses.

I like that idea, I will look for it.

The festivities are lame here in I.F. The fireworks are great, but that is it. Maybe I should come over to Jackson to check out the gun show.
I've never carried openly before, but I am considering doing it if I go out and about over the weekend. One thing that makes me a little hesitant, though, is that I don't have a holster with any kind of retention system... and even though I know the chances are quite slim, I'm a little wary of someone potentially being able to grab my weapon.

Any thoughts from you folks that OC regularly?
what kind of holster do you have and what firearm?

if it's a tension holster, then just watch your surroundings, don't get surprised
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