Paul Vs. Thompson

Paul Vs. Thompson

  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 204 40.0%
  • Fred Thompson

    Votes: 306 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I am voting for Ron Paul. And if he is not on the ballot I will write him in.

And he'll still lose.

Now here's a question you really need to contemplate, and consider all of the ramifications of; who'd you rather him lose to, Hillary Clinton or Fred Thompson.

Think about it.

And I mean really think about it.

Might not make much difference, in the end, but still... why risk it? Why not do the best you can with what you've got (or at least what's offered )?

"Angry and vindictive" has never been proven to accomplish much, as far as I've ever seen...

Jamie C,
Honestly, I wouldn't care who won between (insert random Democrat) and (insert random Republican). They're both just as bad.
It's not a matter of "angry and vindictive", it's a matter of casting my vote for the candidate who deserves it.

As I said earlier, Paul is the only Republican that has a shot in the general election. Taking that into account, any vote for a Republican is a wasted vote.
I may as well waste mine on the candidate I actually want.
To win a election you need ALL of your party votes, and a few of the other guy's votes. Thompson can do this, Paul couldn't. He is a bit............out there, for the swing vote.
Face it:

If he runs in November 2008, Ron Paul will get all Libertarian votes.:)

Now as for the rest, he might get half the Republican votes, and half the Independent votes. The Democrats will have their candidate, who will get nearly 100% of the D voters.
I don't see how Paul could get half the repub votes in a 3 way election. The right wing media is well and fully against him.

However it matters not. Paul already said he will not run 3rd party. So he is either the repub candidate or he retires to Galveston. I am figuring he will retire. I certanly would not vote for him if he ran 3rd party after saying he would not.

However he is still a threat to the entrenched GOP and therefore we see all the attacks. Not a threat because he has a good chance of winning but a threat because he exposes all the hypocrisy in the party.
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Armed bear,
Your premise seems sound for the situation where Paul's running as a third party candidate, but doesn't apply where he's the Republican candidate.
Pretty much all the Republicans will vote for him even if they don't like him because he's 1) he's a Republican and 2) he's preferable to Hillary.
So he gets all the libertarians (many of whom are registered Dems), half the independents, and all the Republicans, thus winning the election by a comfortable margin.

Contrast this to Thompson, who will get all the conservatives, lose all the liberals, the libertarians will vote third party, and Hillary gets most of the independents.

Conclusion: Thompson will lose the general election regardless of whether Paul runs third party.
Undecided, especially this far out from the election and given that one of the poll choices isn't in the race (yet).
Pretty much all the Republicans will vote for him even if they don't like him because he's 1) he's a Republican and 2) he's preferable to Hillary.

Remember 2006? I don't think that's a given.

Contrast this to Thompson, who will get all the conservatives, lose all the liberals, the libertarians will vote third party, and Hillary gets most of the independents.

More than half of poll respondents say they "won't vote for Hillary ever," or something of the sort. Also not a given.

And Thompson has a much, much better ability to communicate in written and spoken form, and on TV, than any other candidate in the field, bar none. That won elections and hero/hated status for JFK, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Not Hillary, Bill. Hillary doesn't have "it", and Obama doesn't either, "clean" though he may be.

Libertarians may or may not vote Lib. Paul didn't get many votes in '88, and Badnarik got a smaller percentage than that in '04 AFAIK. Again, not a given. The Libertarian Party lost a LOT of members in 2002, and many of them have been part of the blog revolution since then. Many left over Badnarik and his anti-war dogmatic stance.

Hence, we read and hear from a lot of independent libertarians, not Libertarians, and the LP lost its only real remaining voice when Harry Browne died, may he rest in peace. Miss him.

Tech Central Station probably has more regular readers than there are LP-registered voters in the US, for example. Ditto for Instapundit and Reason.

If Paul runs, it will probably be as a third-party candidate (with 10 current GOP candidates, and at least 9, maybe all 10 of them have to lose). Of course, that worked for Joe Lieberman, but he's sure not on the libertarian right!

Anyway, I don't see any "givens" other than that each candidate has different qualities, and that some of them will be found to lack those that get someone elected. Exactly what and whom, we won't know until after the fact, and then we won't always REALLY know more than what professional guessers write.

Thompson has speaking abilities not seen since Reagan, and he has more of them than Reagan. He can write, too.

In many ways, he's the Conservative standard-bearer that Bush has failed to be. Liberals and committed Democrats hated Bush from day 1. Bush's drop in approval has more to do with those who DID approve of him at first: conservative-leaners and Republicans.

But this much is fair to guess: Paul won't get one bit of the liberal vote. The whole liberal thrust right now is towards domestic policy of raising taxes, spending more and regulating more. If he makes it to the General Election, he'll be debating about THAT, not the war, and it won't get him a single liberal vote.

So I don't think that there are too many "givens". I suppose that's good, since the current "front runners" on each side all suck IMO.
All these candidates could be stalking horses

All presidents since JFK have been Govenors

Eisenhour was the last from the House of Reps to win SCOTUS? correct me if I'm wrong


Put all of that aside

Despite the huge advances in the election process due to McCain Feingold, Whomever get's their parties nod will need a warchest equal to Great Britains GDP.

Examine this in microcosm
Ken Blackwell whipped his Ohio repub competition in the primaries........and received little support from RNC or the state Repub comittee. Color me a skeptic, but I could see the RNC having a little snit if other than McLame, GoolyAnny or Rhombus gets the nod.

All these candidates could be stalking horses

All presidents since JFK have been Govenors

Astute observation.

And Eisenhower won by virtue of his having been Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, WWII, and then supreme commander of NATO. His political experience had little importance in the years following WW II and as the Cold War began.

So who? Bill Richardson?
I guess i have to research paul a bit . Nothing i have seen from him makes the least bit of sense to me as of yet , but many here like him so i must be missing something . IMHO tho its still too early to get real excited on who might be a canadate and who might not .
A candidate is not going to win the Red States taking the views on foreign policy that Paul is taking. Without the Red States, he or any Republican candidate is sunk.
A candidate is not going to win the Red States taking the views on foreign policy that Paul is taking. Without the Red States, he or any Republican candidate is sunk.

That's true.

And the Blues have plenty of Blue candidates to choose from, most of whom fall all over themselves to condemn the Iraq War. Why would they vote for Paul, unless they suddenly love his libertarian domestic policy?

I mean, I sure do. But does he promise free stuff at others' expense? That's what Democrat candidates do, and evidently the Blue States like it. They have so far, anyway.
in a way, this is an odd POTUS election because it's the first time in a long time that you don't have a president or vice president in the mix, unless Gore inserts himself back into the left ring.

Richardson? I'll have to do some research

I agree. Republicrats won't like him because he doesn't support carpet-bombing uppity desert darkies; Demublicans won't like him because he isn't handing out barrow-loads of free drugs. He's nothing more than a voice in the wilderness.

Nevertheless, he's a voice worth hearing. Too often, nobody questions either the carpet-bombing of camel-jockies or the handing out of free stolen loot. There's nobody else out there worthy of presiding over the republic that was born in 1776, so we might as well support RP for as long as we can, and then let the country resume its journey in a handbasket.

Ok, if Richardson got the dem nomination, and one of the unholy three mentioned above got the repub, I would vote dem or CP or Libertarian....

Is it me, or do the POTUS choices get worse every 4-8 years
I'm just saying that, AFAIK, Richardson is the only Governor in the mix.

And Romney. But for all the push he got from the likes of Hugh Hewitt, who wrote a book about him, it seems the Republicans are giving him a collective yawn. I predict a slow spiral downward for Romney, unless something really strange and unexpected happens. He's just not interesting in any way. Haven't heard any spontaneous "I want Romney!" from anywhere in the GOP world.

Richardson could still climb. A lot. Once Obama has burned his lantern out completely (he's working on it), it could be Richardson against Hillary. It's pretty easy to look like the sane, moderate, good guy next to her, if it's one-on-one.

The other factor is that people have done other things. Guiliani has been Mayor of our largest city. That's probably more "leadership experience" than New Mexico's Governor gets. It's just that nobody with the slightest libertarian leanings seems to want to go near him. I don't.

Hillary has been First Lady. Some people think she's been "in the White House," though what "leadership" she attempted while there, crashed and burned.

It's a strange one, that's true. No "givens" that I can see.

And even if Arnold were native-born, I don't think that California Republicans would vote for him, even, any more.:)
So basically, folks are saying that the Republican party is in such a tight spot, that all of Ron Paul's supporters need to vote who whomever you think can win instead of him because we should vote for anyone that runs against the Democrats...but if Ron Paul gets the nod, all of the sudden the good Republicans that ask us to do that won't vote for Ron Paul, even though not voting for him would be in effect, throwing away your vote and voting for Hillary/Obama?

As I've often said, most of this "he can't win, vote for someone who can so that Hillary won't" is fear-mongering pressure coming largely from people that WANT a Republican religious/police/state/Bush 2.0 Patriot Act government.

It's not even in the primaries, what does it hurt for everyone to get behind Ron Paul and SEE if he's elevated into a better position for a little bit? If it doesn't work, there's still plenty of time to get behind the candidate that's strong enough to win after Paul bows out from a lack of support. People are acting as if supporting Ron Paul today means their vote gets tallied for Hillary in 2008.

When Thompson runs, if he's your guy, by all means support him, but this crap about not supporting Paul even though you believe in his message in the meantime just doesn't ring right.
When Thompson runs, if he's your guy, by all means support him, but this crap about not supporting Paul even though you believe in his message in the meantime just doesn't ring right.

I understand. If that was the ONLY reason I was not going to vote for RP, it might have merit to me. Maybe?
Rombus, McLame, and GoolyAnny have the type of dirty laundry that sinks a republican POTUS candidate, although the media seems to hype them.

Those opposed to action in the big sandbox may not like it but the only way I see a candidate pulling it off onthe Repub side
1. Pro War on Terror
2. Strong on 2A
3. Tax Reformer ie the Fair Tax or a Flat Tax
4. Anti Illegal immigrant, Strong on border Security

Rombus and GoolyAnny haven't yet sunk to the John Carry in the Walmart Camo Bird Hunting photo op yet. But there is time.......
Ambrose, it's the same old "good cop/bad cop" game they've been playing for an eternity. Another name for it is voting for the lesser of two evils. Kind of funny, since voting for evils is what got us in this mess in the first place. The only reason anyone should vote for anybody is because their conscience tells them to. At this point our republic is so far down the tubes that it really doesn't make a difference it a Democrat or neo-con wins. What is it they say? The one hope of the doomed is to stop hoping for safety.
^ what he said.
It is a given that the faithful (80% of the electorate) will vote for the two big party candidates regardless of who those candidates happen to be or what they stand for.
It's that other 20% that decide elections and the way I see it none of the Republicans stand a chance other than Paul. That 20% *wants* to vote for Paul.

The deck is already stacked against Republicans this cycle. The only way a Republican can win is with support from the left base and the moderates. And Rudy McRomney ain't gonna have that.

Neither is Fred Thompson.

Mind you, I'm not supporting Paul because of this. I'm supporting this because he's the best candidate out there IMO.
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