people at photo lab gave my mom a hard time

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Yes, get a digital camera ... and while you're at it make sure all the gun magazines you subscribe to come in plain brown wrappers.

Also be sure to burn any gun or NRA related clothing you have and scrape off any offensive bumper stickers from your car.

You should hide the fact that you're a gun owner because we should all be ashamed that we're so fascinated with these evil death machines!

Seriously, just let it go. If your mom wasn't an employee there you'd have never known how this schmuck feels about you and gun owners in general. Only thing I'd do is make sure the manager you work under knows the whole story (since you both work for the same company).

If you do anything, just keep shooting pics of guns and shooting at the range and stuff like that and keep getting them developed there to rub his nose in it.
I wouldn't suggest getting a digital camera because you live in fear.

I'd suggest it so you don't give these idiots another penny. Every dollar you don't spend there is a dollar towards them going out of business.
Sandy, there is a person I know who isn't against guns, but was surprised that I owned them. He honestly asked if I was planning on shooting him. I looked at him and in total seriousness said, "If I was going to shoot you, Dan, I would have already done it."

I get the same thing here at work. I usually just give them the psycho laugh and walk off.
The shift manager is an idiot. He equates having an interest in guns with being mentally unstable and likely to have a "plan," a la VT.

People like that are just ignorant. They need to be told exactly how ignorant they are, but, of course you can't do that if said idiot is a superior (in title only, obviously).

Switching to a digital camera is worth every penny.

Try this one on. I bet almost every single person here had parents who took a picture of them in the tub, streaking, or otherwise naked when they were babies or small children. I know mine did. In this day an age, real problems (and media sensationalism) can make people overly sensitive to certain things. Would you want some photo jerk calling the cops because his machine developed your pictures of child pornography?
The sissification of America is in full swing. I, too, have pictures that would cause that pantywaist to befoul himself. Take more pictures, and go to that store yourself for the "One Hour" processing. Just hang out while they're doing them, and watch the fun.

I disagree that the shift manager is an "idiot" or any of the other non-highroad verbage used to describe him. He is only as smart as the information he is given...and when the only information he has been presented with is news reports of VT style killings and he has no experience with firearms and no association with gun culture as we do, it is not unreasonable for him to be cautious about seeing the pics at issue. By analogy, one person might think pictures of kids in the bath tub full of bubbles taking a bath is cute; whereas, another person might be concerned that some pervert on the other side of the camera is taking the pictures and abusing the kids. My only comment on his reaction is the way he handled it with your mother. Obviously, he could have been more tactful. Don't go with the knee jerk, immature reaction some of the subscribers have "advised" you to do. You and your mom probably need your jobs and, quite frankly, not everyone has to force fed a tolerance education on 2nd Amendment rights, whether actual or aspirational.
After rereading the post, the real problem comes from the fact that they both work there. They are being knee-jerk CYAers over workplace violence.
Several friends at my old workplace, an FAA facility, knew I had guns and even shot with me. One of them was very much a socialist, but did like guns. He teased me as a redneck Bush lover, and once put an NRA hat in my locker. Some supervisor saw this, and I was counsled and asked questions about my intentions. I did the Honorable thing and accused the counseling supervisor of being in the Communist party :neener:
Take your gun pics elsewhere. As long as you're engaged in legitmate fireams uses, you probably won't be hassled.
To # 57

Have you ever noticed that in Hollywood and our MSM, strong dominant females are always cast in a positive light, while a man acting this way is almost certainly portrayed as bad, evil, bigoted etc (As a trend, of course there are exceptions). Think of a role like Fonzie today on TV? Unimaginable; instead today we have the media full of fat, screaming, lesbian, college drop outs, dispensing advice on prime time TV, like Rosie.
People like that are just ignorant. They need to be told exactly how ignorant they are...
Of course the instant you confront such an idiot, regardless how polite and calm you are, you can expect a visit from the po-po and probably lose your 2A rights when said idiot gets a judge to sign a restraining order against you because "The unstable man with the guns is all mad at me and I's afraid!".

Best thing to do is just laugh at the idiot and leave him be.
I wouldn't suggest getting a digital camera because you live in fear.

I'd suggest it so you don't give these idiots another penny. Every dollar you don't spend there is a dollar towards them going out of business.


And also they are just WAY more convenient.
why don't you tell us what chain and what store. We can call and ask why the managment is choosing to look through personal photos and make moral judgements on them. Ask if besides being anti gay is he anti homosexual? anti muslim? anti nascar?
I would go to the store and discuss the issue with the manager in a nice and polite manner. Explain to him you are not a nut, that the great majority of gun owners are not nuts, and invite him to the range to learn about the world of shooting sports.
Here's how I would handle it. Find out the next time your mom and this manager are working the same shift. Buy mom flowers. Surprise mom at work with flowers. Politely introduce yourself to the manager (smile and firm handshake). You'd be amazed at how people act differently once they've met you in person. Whether it's out of respect or intimidation I find most people don't make rude statements about me after they've met me in person. Atleast none that get back to me. I'm not a big guy, I don't look scary, I make it a point to be very polite during such meetings. I really don't know why this works but I've used it time and time again with my fiancee. She's a college student, runs track, and is very attractive. Even the football players are on their best behavior around her :)
1. Gather friends
2. Gather all fireams
3. gather all 35mm camera's with 1 roll per
4. go shooting and take lots of pics of guns ( no faces )
5. have friends bring to said store , all in one day.
6. everybody show up at the same time to get film .

The high road only goes so far .
Inform the manager that harassment in the workplace is illegal and this chain store probably doesn't want to get sued because of his actions. And he probably doesn't want to be fired for said harassment either. The latter part being the most likely outcome. A lawsuit would be a real stretch, if not impossilbe in this case, but mentioning legal action always makes people reconsider their future statements carefully before they blurt out this tripe.

The police my not take it seriously, but you can bet the chain store worried about it's corporate image will.
Thank everyone for the ideas. Looking back to this incident and I think the problem is not just Assisstant manager being ignorant but because he probably have no idea about 2nd amendment at all (he is mid eastern or Southern Asian ). Most of my coworker came from oversea and they don't gasp the concept of all this amendment and rights as U.S. citizens until the time to take the citizenship test. I work with people from Fiji, the Philipine , Kenya, India, Iran, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Mexico and majority of them only see the guns in the hand of criminal and police/soldiers and they are all equally bad .
I attempt to invite a few of my coworker to the range with me and so far one Philipino guy planning to buy a .45 pistol but he keep losing money on the gambling bet , I told him to pick the right team and get the cash so he can get the Kimber or Springfield and we can go to the range together .
The world has become so anti gun it really scares the crap out of me. I live in Illinois and it is worst here than I ever thought it would get. A high school kid took some rifles to school to sell to another boy who had a FOID for long arms and another kid saw them in the trunk of the first boys car and they locked down the school and arrested the first boy. Now I know that guns in school are now a problem ( Hell in the old days we took rifles to school and left them in the pricipals office so we could shoot rabbits on the way home) But this kids car was NOT ON SCHOOL GROUNDS and the rifles were in cases. Good lord I guess it will just get worse until we have no firearms at all. My daughter feels NO ONE incuding LEO'S need guns I really thought I raised my kids better but the nazi media has put it into are minds guns are bad:banghead: There are days when I wish I lived in the mountains and had no one to tell me anything. Then I wake up in my air conditioned house and smell the coffee and hide yet another few thousand rounds of ammo and a few more guns.
Funny how a picture of gun can scare the wits out of a lot of people,...but a category 5 hurricane that is only 72 hours away doesn't scare people enough to run away as fast as they can.
You have two choices on this. Forget about real harm was done. Just a woosy whos afraid of guns had to look at pictures that scared him. Or you can attempt to educate this person. You might just get lucky and enlighten someone so they become a better citizen. Then again maybe not. Its your time however so if you want to try and educate this person thats ok.
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