Pet peeve...

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Mar 27, 2006
Why do all the reference books and articles include New Jersey as a state that allows concealed carry?!?! :fire: It does not in any shape or form allow it. We will be leaving as soon as we are able, and a large part of the equation is this issue...don't even get me started on the tax and corruption issues :mad:
With rare exceptions, politics is corrupt. You'll find it in every state. I believe the more the state is a nanny state, the more sheeple. And of course they still thinkd they are doinf their patriotic duty to vote, even if willfully uninformed Good luck on a new home and what ever it is you are seeking.
I feel for you. If I lived in a state that didn't allow it, I would do my best to fight for my rights. Apply for a permit and demand a written rejection. Write your congressman. Bring a case to court. Put up a web site to raise funds to push a case through the courts: I bet a lot of like-minded folks would be glad to contribute.

I would consider a place without concealed carry a place that I couldn't live.
Technically speaking, NJ is a "May Issue" state. However, they who decide who "may" carry are arbitrary, and typically will say NO to just about everyone except LEO.
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