Powder manufacturers and shortages

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The same applies to me. When they started passing laws that I could no longer enforce with a clear conscience, it was time for me to leave the profession. Fortunately, I hit 50 years old at the same time and was able to leave with about half of my retirement, which was enough to get by on, after some major adjustments to lifestyle. Was it worth it to get out when I did? Absolutely! My honor was worth much more than the dollars they were paying me to enforce the draconian laws the state was passing, which has continued unabated. It felt even better to see that state in my rear view mirror as I left with all my belongings.

I'm guessing, Fred, that I reside in that state you left. And inertia being the greatest force in nature, i'm not leaving any time soon. The alienation caused by the broad bland acceptance of fundamental lawlessness is completely apart from my life experience, has completely changed my outlook on things - but for now the only healthy way to stay sane for me is to go get on that project I've been planning to build an electronic bore cleaner to use on my 4 Mosins ..... and thus the thread is yanked violently back on-topic by he who dragged it off to start ....
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