Pray for peace but prepare for war

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North Dakota is a long way from California in alot of ways. You may find you actually like it there. I lived there for several years in Minot, ND (family is there, not Air Force)

Good thing about skipping town is the availability of wild game and other staple foods. In an SHTF scenario, cities will be killing fields.
The problem I have with this is not the prepare for war part....but the pray for peace part.....w/out getting inot a big theological debate....I believe things will get worse, not better(I'm a Bible believer)....I pray for personal peace...but the whole "world peace" thing...not gonna happen.
again,you may believe differently,if so...pray away....I'll see you on the other side.;)
but the whole "world peace" thing...not gonna happen


But "peace" isn't the absence of conflict. Peace is the ability to remain calm in conflict's midst. Being prepared goes a long way towards attaining that sense of calm.
I am from the government I am here to help you....

No really. Over my many years I have assisted with disaster relief in more than one country including this one, fought forest fires and protected the nation and our national interests as deemed by whoever was president at the time.

When I focus on preparation it is mostly so that I can get beter at my job, and take care of my family just in case things really go South. For those of us who have been places where the government is no longer functioning you quickly note how very few services are available or how unreliable everything becomes.

So far as things getting worse rather than better, well I don't see it. On average we live longer, have a higher quality of life and work less than at any time previous in human history. It is quite telling that most of our health problems no longer center around malnutrition and diseases but around having too much (ie food and vice). When people have to drive somewhere to exercise and cut back on consumption just to stay healthy we are truly rich.

For this there has been a demand to sacrifice some freedoms, in most cases needlessly. If you are an independent minded person that does not suffer from a mindless need to consume and has different ideas about what quality of life means than this will rankle you. However it is hard to argue with how successful as a species we have become.
I dont worry about Islamo-fascism half way across the globe........I worry about
our very own Federal Govt with its ABC agency arms alway reaching.....
That will crush liberty here faster than any Islamo could.
Preparing for significant events on the order of natural disasters and catastrophic terrorist attacks requires that the "survivor" be well armed and prepared. How long do you think your stock of food and fuel supplies is going to last unless you can defend it? You may be in the fortunate position of having well prepared and honest neighbors but for most people in the US it is going to be a matter of the unprepared becoming desparate enough to rob the prepared.

This is going to lead to some tough choices. What are you going to do when the local authorities try to confiscate your firearms to "keep the peace" when this will leave you vulnerable to the mobs they cannot control?

This is not me being alarmist - consider these scenarios. What level of national problems would result in chaos in our society?

a. A reduction in 10% of our oil imports because of war or another nations foreign policy. Basic transportation fails, the goods you are used to buying in a supermarket are not there anymore. People can't get to work so there is no family pay check. Prices climb through the roof.

b. A severe draught in southern California where so much of our produce is grown. A large chunk of the nation's food supply disappears.

c. Terrorism in the south western states with a mexican based liberation front emerging. What if they frightened off the immigrant agricultural workers?

d. Foreign nations calling in our national debt. The dollar falls and because of that our imports dry up. We could always fall back on our own resources, except that we sent those overseas years ago.

The line between our present plenty and national disaster is frighteningly thin. Prepare for a problem and be prepared to defend your preparations.
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