Replica Guns Seized in UK ...Neighbors turned him in!

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The funny thing is the crown gave the people the right to defend themselfs and own firearms and the polititions take it away from everyone,......


That is one significant difference in our thinking.

No Crown and No Government ever "gave anyone the right to defend themselves." The right to defend yourself is a human right.

I don't need permission from anyone in order to have that right.

Saying the crown gave you the right to defend yourself is like saying that the crown gave you the right to breath. Uhm... thanks. But I already had that.

And remember....

Self-Defense is Nature's Eldest Law.

This was said by John Dryden-- an Englishman who died in 1700.

-- John
Airstrip One. Brits should get out while you can still legally leave, or retake your government. Is it too late for Magna Carta II?

But we have always been at war with Eurasia!

My homeland is pretty much a lost cause, due to the complete apathy of the public. Until it interrupts their supply of chips, pilsner and moronic television, they're content to be cattle at the whim of their increasingly oppressive government. I could see the tide turn for the -much- worse when they started installing CCTV cameras on residential streets with no crime problems (the one I was born on and lived all my life).

It should be interesting when the next rise of Fascism (albeit of the genteel kind at first) comes out of the UK in the guise of security and order.

When you consider things such as the ASBO (court mandated modifications to behaviour necessary only due to a collapse of the criminal justice system and it's total inability to punish criminals rather than arrest the populace at large), the immense amount of casual and pervasive surveillance and the goodthink style social engineering it's not entirely unfounded to extrapolate that to an Orwellian or V for Vendetta (original comic, not the pallid movie) style system of governance, which is apparently to the taste of the masses back home as they consistently swallow each inch of oppression they are given.

It's funny, but all the things Thatcher was accused of in the 80's have come true, under the leadership of the very people who had cried foul back in the day.

I await my mandatory mailing of the latest IngSoc Dictionary with trepidation but no surprise.

England Prevails.
1984 was a prophetic warning about the evils of communism and creeping socialism; evils that Britain managed to dodge for 50 years with the help of Churchill and Thatcher and like-minded allies.

Now, consider the Britain of today as our warning of what might come in 5-20 years (depending on where you are in America). The political battles we fight today do matter. Keep up the good work.
From the article it looks like they are all blank firers, so quite likely they were forward ejecting and therefore illegal, as opposed to legal airsoft replicas or side ejecting blank firers.
One forgets that a large percentage of the British population now is not Anglo-Saxon but made up of people from former colonies and commonwealth countries. As one poster hinted to racial intolerance by the police may be a factor.
Well the problem is this the media want to get rid of guns so they are allways portaid in a negative light, the scottish sun today was calling for a outright ban on airguns calling them the poormans shooter. But if you ask most people about loosing there rights daily they just comply and think its ok not much hope left tbh. Bout that airship save me a seat anyone fancy a trainie chef as a lodger willing to reaload as lon as i get to shoot some:evil: Think ill go order a copy of 1984 now. Irwin
This is sad.

Even the die hard shooters in England have maybe a few rifles, and then only in .22LR and people think they're nuts. Poor guys, they can't really move to another country (I know I couldn't), and really don't have the numbers to do much of anything about their situation.

They could revolt, but a .22lr bolt-action isn't going to get anyone very far in that situation.

I guarantee that if my personal gun collection was found in Britain, they'd call it an arm cache and actually believe that it was!

They used to say "HEIL!"

Now it's "Cheerio"
Even the die hard shooters in England have maybe a few rifles, and then only in .22LR

Fullbore rifles are legal in any caliber.

but a .22lr bolt-action isn't going to get anyone very far in that situation.

Semi-auto rifles in .22 LR are legal, but not in anything but a .22 rimfire caliber.
Those neighbours are totally moronic to say the least.I never and I mean never talk about what I've got to anyone,except fellow gun enthusiasts,at my clubs(Airsoft and firearm),because it can scare people and result in moronic,over-zealous police officers raiding my house or scumbags,trying to break in and steal them from my safe.

Blank guns that are 20 years old,do not comply with the regulations after 2004,and therefore need to be re-submitted to the Home Office,to be re-modified.There was an option,I believe,to re-modify them,instead of destroying them,completely.All blank guns that are on sale here,have to be modified to meet regulations and they are no exception,to this.Metropolitan Police,moronic department and a bloody disgrace,to boot.

There was always an option to re-modify them and this guy should have fought to keep them,but because he probably isn't a re-enactor or an authorised person,under the VCR Bill,then he has no chance.They could have opted to colour them in bright colours and return them,to him.But in saying this,he bought them before October 1st 2007,so he is at least entitled,to legally keep them.

Personally I would throw a couple of flashbangs into the tattlers dwellings for fun and storm it SWAT style.What a bunch of idiots,I mean come on,look at his age,he is a middle-aged,silly man.If they are blank guns,then there's no chance of killing anyone on a grand scale,like how Thomas Hamilton and Micheal Ryan did,is there?
Thats nuts.

I really like the so called " logic " about taking the fake guns away to prevent any harm that might come to some one, uh maybe uh in some unknow fake guns that don't actually fire bullets.

WOW what a load of horse ****!! :banghead:
I saw in the movie "The Queen" where the royal family has guns, even kids with guns. Are these the "wrong hands"? There must be a lot of violence in the royal family since they own guns.

"...and could be converted to fire."

I guess the Brits will be confiscating metal pipe soon since it "could be converted to fire." What a bunch of brain dead nanny state morons.
Seig Heil!
I guess the Brits will be confiscating metal pipe soon since it "could be converted to fire." What a bunch of brain dead nanny state morons.

Unfortunately, you're right. I despair of my country sometimes.

It is funny. They used to have stories about how the soviets taught the children in school to tattle even on thier parents if they did something contrary to the will of thier rulers. Now you see it done in the same nations that helped to spread such stories in order to show how ironfisted the soviets were.
The Irony is great.

Now neighbors and children will be indocrinated to believe anyone with a working and appearantly even a non working firearm are just a murdering rampage waiting to happen.
Quick, turn them in, it will save lives!
Hmmm in the UK the general population do not have as much experience with firearms as they do in the USA. There is no real legal way of owning handguns so when some neighbours see someone with a pistol they do what I hope any decent member of the public would do and call the police.

What would you rather they do? Assume it's a legal replica and ignore it?

In reply to Mr Keenan's post
Their armed police are a joke, a bunch of untrained, trigger happy goons, running around pointing guns at people for the fun of it and likely as not shooting innocent people when they do open fire

Armed police in the UK recieve a lot more training than those in the USA, and out specialist firearms units are trained to a much higher standard than the officer on patrol in the USA.

With regard to shooting the wrong person, yes that has happened on occasion. Are you telling me Law Enforcement in your country has never shot the wrong person, never arrested a person with a legal CCW, never tasered someone because they failed to complay with their illegal request?

With refernce to this:
And when the cops somehow do blunder into actually solving a crime, the crooks get off with light sentences and go right back to work. If the cops find stolen property, the chances of the rightful owner getting it back are nil. If it has any value, the cops steal it; if it doesn't, they trash it. Many times, police officers have been caught committing crimes, burglary being a favorite. No arrests, no trials, just back to work keeping the public safe

Yes sometimes people get off with a light sentance, do you think that pleases the police? The fact that we have just spend an age finding someone who has commited a robbery, arresting them, interviewing, charging, completing all the paperwork and taking them to court. Of course it doesn't. I wish that we had a more effective judicial system with regards to banging up scrotes but at the moment in some areas it is a bit lax.

So we steal and trash things that have been handed in? Is this in your personal experience, is it something you have read in the news or something you can't actually prove? Also with regards to officers commiting crimes, again in my opinion that is more waffle on your part. If I come across an officer commiting a crime then they will get dealth with just like anyone else.

I can show you countless new stories of officers who have been dealt with by the justice system and of couse have lost their jobs as a result. Nothing annoys a copper more than the idea of a bent copper.

What a lot of you don't seem to realise is that the UK is a very different place to the USA, yes we have some things in common but with regards to the vast majority of things we differ greatly.

People suggest we should all abandon the UK? Erm no, I love my country and I really don't want to move and become a citizen of another country. I hate the fact that while I am on duty I will have at leat 1 firearm about my person yet off duty I can't even carry my handcuffs, yet I am required by law to act as a police officer if I see a crime happen in front of me.

Yes my country has problems, every country does. Half of the threads on any gun board are by people with negative experiences with law enforcement, be it officers detaining and wanting details like name and ssn from someone while open carrying, or a state trooper disarming people during a traffic stop.

I'm sorry my first post is so heated, and please belive me I have a lot in common with you guys. I just do not like to see people posting their own opinion as some kind of fact/
I've been traveling to Britain and Ireland for years and I really love the people and the places over there and its nice to spend a few weeks a year visiting.

That said I would never in a million years move there, this is yet another reason why.

Its funny, I think every time I've returned home from a trip to Britain within a few days I purchase a new gun:rolleyes: This could be a mental condition brought on by the abrupt lack of 2nd Amendment rights:uhoh:

It is a shame because like I said I really love it over there and I do feel sorry for anyone who lives over there that wants to own guns but can't.
There is no real legal way of owning handguns so when some neighbours see someone with a pistol they do what I hope any decent member of the public would do and call the police.

Why? There's nothing wrong with owning a pistol. Those who break the law and own them illegally should be congratulated, not turned in.
Britain is getting more and more statist even as the economy has chugged along for the past several years. In addition to their lack of any tolerance for firearms, they have cameras set up on almost every corner in every town to nail people for traffic violations without warning and bill them the huge fines; governments rack in obscene revenue this way and there is almost nothing Britons can do about it. And yes, London has security cameras all over the place.

All of this, and London's crime rate still continues to rise. Hmmm.....
+1 uw. Nice post.

Hey, there are still bright spots in the UK.

I had a really good gun conversation last week in Scotland.

Saw a sporting goods shop displaying Eley Tenex subsonic in the window - a good rabbit round, so as not to annoy the neighbors. People there do varmint shooting on rabbits.

This was in the Orkneys where much of the population is undiluted Viking....

It's fun to take the piss out of the English but don't judge 'em by a news article.

How do you think we come across to them?

I've been all over the world and be very very very very thankful for English common law.
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